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Grumpies Area

The Grumpies Are:

This is the Grumpies Area. The Grumpies are from Starkville, Mississippi. They are on Recess Records. They do not have an official album out yet, although you can get a 7" on Shredder Records or a demo tape that they made themselves from the address at the bottom of this page. I hope to have band biography up soon on this site, but that depends on how fast Amy writes me back. The Grumpies are a really good unknown punk band. They are one of the most under-rated punk bands in the world today! They are one of the few bands that make me jump around the whole time they play. They have the catchiest songs I ever heard. Songs like "Dime" and "Tomorrow" have choruses that will dance through your head for days after you hear them. They'll play your house if ya want em to. They recently had an article in Thrasher Skateboard Magazine about em (Jan. '98 issue). You can order all kinds of shit in addition to the demo and 7" by simply sendin some cash to the address. I promise you that you won't be disappointed with this band if you like fast, funny, and serious punk rock. Oh yeah, they practice in a barn too.


You read it right...according to Todd Conge (big daddy Recess), the Grumpies are back in action just in time for the new album's release. Expected is a summer tour so check back often cause I'll have the dates posted as soon as I get them. Todd said that they have picked up the CDs for the new Grumpies CD titled "Who Ate Stinky" and says it's great. I would expect no less from my favorite barnhouse punk rock act from Mississippi. The album's official release date is set for May 11th. Also, on Recess Records, the sampler Hot Curly Weenie Vol. 2 includes two Grumpies tunes, "Amy's Song" and "Sunday Night," and plus it's only 3 bucks....get it! Also, the Grumpies are supposed to be on a compilation called "Workers Comp" check back, I'll post more information as I get it. Over and out...thanks. Can I get a BIG YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Social Researcher Names the Grumpies the official band of Generation X!


BROOKINGS, South Dakota (Wireless Flash) -- The members of Generation X are no longer slackers -- now they're "Grumpies."
The new label comes from social researcher Norman Gambill who says "Grumpie" is an acronym for a Gen X Rural Upwardly Mobile Professional.
In real terms, that means a twentysomething adult who wants lots of money but without the hassles of dressing for success.
Gambill -- who teaches American art history at South Dakota State University -- says Grumpies would rather live close to nature than next to trendy coffee bars.
He also says that while Grumpies usually graduate from the same fancy schools as Yuppies, they have a different set of priorities and prefer hanging out with family and friends in the great outdoors over getting schnockered in a singles bar.
Taken from the Daily Globe

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Grumpies Stuff:
