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                   SHINING IN THE DARKNESS

                                                                             Done by ENTRAX


The Kingdom Of Thornwood

"Please, Father, don't deny me. It's been one year to the day since i last visited the Shrine.
I wish to meditate to honor the soul of my mother. You must let me go! I beg you!"

King Drake found it difficult to deny his lovely daughter anything. "Very well - but you will not go alone!"

The King summoned Mortred, his bravest and most loyal knight, to the Throne room. "Mortred, i'd be grateful
if you'd agree to escort Princess Jessa. She wishes to go to the Shrine in the village. I anticipate no danger, but i must
be cautious. Will you do me this favor, y most trusted servant?""

"I'll guard the Princess with my life. Fear not, my liege. She is safe in my company."

They walked to the Shrine, and Mortred waited outside while Jessa meditated. She stepped out into the warm light of the afternoon, looked around and said "Mortred, it's such a lovely day. Why don't we take a walk? I don't want to spend a day as pleasant as this cooped up in that dreary old castle. Please?"

Against his better judgment, Mortred agreed. They headed away from the village, into the wild country beyond.

"For some reason, Father has never told me about this area. I've always longed to know its history. Would you tell me, Mortred?"

"Many legends are told about this wilderness. For as long as anyone can remember, it has serves as a training ground for knights. Any knight who passes the many grueling tests here becomes a Shining Knight."

The Princess was delighted. "Tell me more..."

Now, over 24 hours have passed, without a sign of Mortred and princess Jessa. the King is beside himself with worry. You, as Mortred's son (and a fine knight in your own right) volunteer to find your father and the Princess. King Drake and his aides are at  the castle, awaiting your arrival...


1) Directional Button (D-button)

* Highlights Status window, Command boxes and other selections.
* Moves you through corridors.

2) Start button

* Starts the game.

3), 5) Buttons A and C

* Bring up Status windows, Command boxes and other selections.
* Choose highlighted windows, boxes and other selections.

4) Button B

* Backs up to the previous screen, Status window, Command box or other selection.
* Cancels a selection.

Reset Button (on the Genesis console)

* Restarts the game from the beginning.

Getting Started

An old sage has come to help you on your way. He's been napping, so you must give him a second to rub the sleep from his eyes and stand up. He asks if there's anything he can do.

Press the D-button to move from one selection to another. Then press Button A or C.

1) Start: Begins a new game. (This selection is only available if there are fewer than three saved games.)

2) Cont: Continues a previously saved game. On the next screen, choose the game you want to play. (You can have three saved games in all.)

3) Del: Deletes a saved game. On the next screen, choose the game you want to delete.

4) Copy: Copies a saved game. On the next screen, choose a game to copy. (This selection is only available if there are fewer than three saved games.)

You must next choose the record where your adventures will be saved. Press the D-button to reveal one of the three numbers, and press Button A or C to enter your choice. (If a record already contains a saved game, its number will not be available.)

Your character (the son of Mortred) needs a name. Press Button A or C and the Name Entry screen appears. Press the D-button up, down, left or right to move the selection box to the letter you want. Then press Button A or C to enter it. Pressing Button B cancels selection. The characters you enter appear above the letter grid.

Three commands appear at the bottom of the screen. To highlight one of them, move the selection box down, and then move it left or right. Press Button A or C to use a highlighted command.

FWD: Lets you leave a blank space (or spaces) in your name.

DEL: Lets you erase previous selections.

END: Advances to the next screen. (If your name uses all five characters, choosing the last character automatically moves the selection box to "END.")

You can select the speed at which the messages are displayed. There are four settings: "FAST," "2," "3," and "SLOW." Select a speed using the D-button and press Button A or C to continue.

The old sage gives you important information to get you started on your adventure. When he's finished, he sends you to the Throne Room where King Drake and his aides and counselors wait. Follow their conversation carefully. When you see a blinking arrow at the bottom of the screen, press Button A, B or C to continue.

The Minister gives you 200 gold pieces which you should use to equip yourself. Press Button A, B or C and the Thornwood Map appears. There are three locations on the map. The one you're presently at is flashing. Use the D-Button to move to a new location. When you're starting a new game, you should press down to go to the village. Then press Button A or C.

Status Windows/Command Boxes

Press Button A or C to display the three Status window sat the top of the screen. The window on the left shows your status (you'll pick up two companions later in the game). Your Hit Points, Magic Points and current level are displayed. You are not able to use magic, but both of your future companions are.

Four Command boxes appear at the bottom. Press the D-Button to highlight one of the boxes, and notice that is function appears to the right. Press Button A or C to use the command. To close the windows and boxes,press Button B. You cannot use the windows and boxes while you're in the castle.

Enter: Use this command when you want to enter a building in the village, or leave the village through the Exit gate. Press the D-Button left or right, and make sure that the name of the building you want to enter appears. Then press Button A or C to bring up the Command boxes, highlight "Enter," and press Button A or C again.

Status: Highlight the Status box using the D-Button and press Button A or C. At the bottom of the next screen, "Whose Status?" appears. Press the D-Button up or down to highlight one of the three boxes and press Button A or C. (When you first start the game, you can only check your own status.)

Your character begins with a certain number of points in each of five categories. As you move through the game and your level increases, you gain points in each category. Your companions will also gain the ability to perform various new magic Spells. Press Button A or C. (1)

(1) Screen Expl.
                                    IQ                    33
                                    SPEED            25
                                    LUCK             19
                                    ATTACK        45
                                    DEFENSE      14

This screen (2) shows the items that you currently have. Each character can carry as many as eight items. Weapons, Armor, Shields and Helms that are "Equipped" are indicated. Press Button A or C.

(2) Screen Expl.

                                    Wool Robe                Bronze Saber
                                    Gauntlet                    Herb

After you pick up your companions, this screen (3) will become very important. It shows the Magic Spells that each companion can perform. The spells are broken into four groups: Attack, Secondary, Healing, and Auxiliary. Press Button A or C to close the Status boxes. Pressing Button B at any time lets you review the previous box.

(3) Screen Expl.

                            Attack                            Others
            SLOW                                VIEW

USE: This lets you use one of the items you're carrying. First, select the character who wants to use an item by highlighting his/her Status window. Then press Button A or C. Next, highlight one of the items that character has. The name of the item appears at the bottom right. Press Button A or C to use it.

EQUIP: After purchasing of finding a new weapon, suit of Armor, Shield, or Helm, you must equip it or it won't help you at all. Highlight the Equip box and press Button A or C. (To begin the game, you are given a Bronze Knife and a Woven Robe, and they are both equipped.) Highlight the box on the left for the character who wants to equip something. Press Button A or C.

(1) From the left, the icons represent Weapon, Armor, Shield, and Helm. The one you're equipping (or removing) is highlighted.

(2) The list of items that character currently has. Items presently equipped are indicated.

(3) Your current Weapon/Armor Factor is displayed on the left. The new figure on the right may be higher or lower depending on whether you equip a better quality item, remove an item or add one of inferior quality. Check this as you decide which item to equip.

(4) The icon flashes when an item's status is undecided.

(1), (2), (3), (4) Screen Expl.

                            ----------------- (1)                            WOOL ROBE
                                                                                        BRONZE SABER            (2)

                            WPN FACTOR      (3)
                            AMR FACTOR      (3)

                                       UNARM   (4)

The Bronze Knife and the Woven Robe with which you begin the game are already equipped. You should upgrade them as soon as possible. To equip an item, make sure the corresponding icon in #1 above is highlighted. Then highlight the item you want to equip in the list (#2), and press Button A or C. Press Button A or C until the final icon in #1 is highlighted, then press once more to close the boxes. Only one item can be equipped for each icon.

NOTE: You don't need to equip the items you buy in the Alkemist's shop.

GIVE: Use this command to transfer an item from one character to another. During one of the many furious battles that you'll encounter, one character may want to transfer a Weapon or some Armor to another character to use.

Or, one of your characters may be killed. If he/she is holding an important item, the only way it can be used is to place it in possession of one of the living characters. First, highlight the status window of the character who possesses the item. Then press Button A or C and his/her item list appears. Highlight the item to be given away and press Button A or C. That character's Status window begins flashing. Press the D-Button until the Status window of the character who is to receive the item is flashing, and press Button A or C once more. The item has been transferred, and can now be used.

DROP: During your travels you will occasionally come across an item that you'll want to pick up. If you're already carrying eight items, you have to get rid of one before you can pick the new one up. Highlight this box and press Button A or C. Highlight the Status window of the character who will drop an item and press Button A or C. Then highlight the item to be dropped and press Button A or C again.

SPELL: Milo Brax and Pyro Myst, the two friends who will soon join you, can both cast Magic Spells. Their powers are not very strong in the beginning, but as they gain experience they'll be able to cast a wide variety of spells (See Magic further on).

Highlight the Spell box and press Button A or C. Then highlight the Status window of the character who wants to cast a spell and press A or C again. The spells that character is capable of casting appear to the left. The name of the highlighted spell and the number of Magic Points required to cast it are displayed at the bottom left. Highlight the icon representing the spell to be cast and press Button A or C. Now, if the character has achieved a higher level of power for that particular spell, you can select the strength of the spell. Press the D-Button left to decrease the power; and right to increase it. The number of Magic points required changes as you set  the power. Press Button A or C to cast the spell.

In battle, enemies appear either one at a time or in groups. You'll often be faced with more than one type of monster. After selecting the spell (and it's strength), you must decide which of the monsters you want the spell to affect. An arrow appears above the monster(s). Press the D-Button to place the arrow over the intended target(s) and press Button A or C.

NOTE: Some spells will affect all the monsters on screen.

In the case of a Secondary or Healing spell, you need to decide which member of your party will receive its benefits. After you've chosen the spell (and its strength), press the D-Button  until Status window of the afflicted character is flashing, and press Button A or C. The results of the spell are displayed in the message window.

NOTE: Some spells will affect all the members of your group, so you don't need to select an individual character.

Some of the monsters can use magic, and can cast a spell that blocks the magic powers of one or both of your companions. Make sure all members have Weapons and other necessary items equipped at all times!


The village consists of several shops, a Tavern, and a Shrine. Press and hold the D-Button left or right to see the various buildings. When you can see the building you want, and you can read the sign, release the D-Button. Then use the Enter command to go inside.


In one visit to the shrine, you can:

* Save your adventure.
* Cure any or all members of your party of the effects of poison or paralysis.
* Revive any or all members who have expired in battle.
* Remove a curse.

Visit the Shrine each time you return to the village. The holy man will comment on the condition of your party and tell you how many Experience Points each character needs to reach the next level. If you expire in battle while you're still alone, or if all members of your party are downed, the remains will be brought to the  Shrine and each member will be revived.

NOTE: Before performing a depoisoning or revival on any member of your group, the Priest will ask for a nominal contribution. You can refuse, but early in the game there's no other way to be brought back to life!


You'll find an assortment of characters here, some of whom have information that may help you and your companions. To talk to someone, press the D-Button left or right until that character's name appears, then press Button A or C. To get a room for the night, ring the bell on the counter. It'll cost you 10 gold pieces per person to get a good night's sleep, while restoring your Hit Points and Magic Points to their maximum levels.

Make sure you talk to everyone, and scan the entire room to see who's there. Different characters pop in and out. don't go to your room before you talk to them, though, because they won't be there the next morning. Press Button B to leave the tavern.

NOTE: After leaving the Tavern in the morning, you can return to look for anyone you missed the night before.


When you enter a shop, the clerk greets you and four Command boxes appear at the bottom of the screen. Use the D-Button to highlight your choice and press Button A or C to continue.

BUY: Pressing Button A or C lets you see the items available for purchase. the name of each item will appear beneath its icon as you press the D-Button left or right.

Once you've found what you want, press Button A or C. The clerk announces the price of the item and you have one more chance to get out of it. To purchase the item, make sure the Yes box at the top of the screen is highlighted, and press Button A or C. To back out, either highlight the No box and press Button A or C, or press Button B. Press Button A or C to continue.

SELL: When you want to get some extra gold pieces for an item you currently own, highlight this box and press Button A or C. Check the Status window at the top of the main screen. Press the D-Button until the window for the character with goods to sell is flashing, then press A or C. Use the D-Button to highlight the item for sale and press A or C again. The clerk tells you what the item is worth. If the offer seems fair, select the Yes box and press A or C. Select the No box and press A or C, or just press Button B, if you think the shopkeeper's taking you for a fool.

DEALS: The shopkeepers will often have specials that they want to sell you about. Choose the Deals box and press Button A or C to see what's available.

EXIT: If nothing you see interests you, select this icon, press Button A or C and bid the clerk a good day. (You can also leave a shop by pressing button B.)


Here is a list of the Weapons available at the Weapons shop from the beginning of the game. Each character is restricted regarding the Weapon he/she can use.

NOTE: Prices are in gold pieces, the currency of Thornwood.







Bronze Knife






Wooden Club






Short Sword






Bronze Saber






Short Axe



















Here you buy a suit of Armor, a Shield, a Helm or even a Weapon.







Cotton Robe






Woven Robe






Straw Robe






Fur Robe






Hemp Robe






Leather Armor























Leather Shield






Bronze Shield











Cloth Hood






Leather Helm






Woven Hood






Fur Hood






Bronze Helm






Iron Helm











Main Gauche



















Any member of your party can use any of these items. They are all very useful in helping you continue your quest:

1) HERB: Restores a limited amount of lost Hit Points. (12 gold pieces)

2) DEPOISON: Cures any member of your party from the effects of poison. (15 gold pieces)

3) ANGEL FEATHER: Use this to return to the village if you lose your way. (24 gold pieces)

4) WISDOM SEED: Shows you a map of all the paths in your current location that you've already traveled. (8 gold pieces)

5) HEALER FRUIT: Restores a large number of lost Hit Points. (100 gold pieces)

6) SMELLING SALTS: Negates the effects of paralysis. (30 gold pieces)


Throughout your quest, you'll encounter monsters, evil wizards and oozy creatures. They appear with no warning, so be ready for them. If they launch a surprise attack, you'll take a few blows before you can retaliate. Invest in a good Shield, a hefty suit of Armor and a Helm to reduce the number of Hit Points you may lose.

When it's your turn to attack, four Command boxes appear at the bottom of the screen. In a battle; every member of the party must decide whether to attack, cast a spell, use an item, or run for safety. When all decisions have been made, the members act one at a time. The order of movement is random, and is determined by the speed of each character.

1) ATTACK: Highlight the Attack box and press Button A or C. Now you must decide which monster (or group of monsters) you want to hit. An arrow and the name of the particular type of monster appear. Press the D-Button (if there's more than one monster/group) to select your target and press Button A or C to attack.

2) ITEM: Highlight the Item box and press Button A or C. That character's item list appears on the right side of the screen. Use the D-Button to highlight the item you want to use and press Button A or C once more. The result appear in the message window.

3) SPELL: Use the same procedures for selecting and casting a spell as explained earlier.

4) RUN: You will probably find yourself decidedly outnumbered, or low on energy and supplies, at some point in the game. To turn tail and flee from attacking monsters, highlight the Run box and press Button A or C. You won't escape every time...

5) SEARCH: At times, you'll come across chests that contain various items such as Weapons, gold pieces and occasionally, a surprise! Move directly in front of the chest, highlight the Search box and press Button A or C. The results of your check appear in the message window.


Milo Brax and Pyra Myst are both very capable users of magic, and learn many new spells as the game progresses. They can only use the Magic that they acquire through experience. they cannot give or trade spells.


BLAZE: Fire Magic burns enemies to a crisp!
FREEZE: A vicious blast of frosty air!
BOLT: Controls one of nature's most powerful forces - lightning!
BLAST: Creates a deadly vacuum!
BURST: Fiery explosions are sure to inflict major damage!


QUICK: Increases Speed and defense Factors of members of your party.
SLOW: reduces Speed and Defense Factors of enemies.
MUDDLE: Leaves enemies in a daze!
BOOST: Increases attack power of members of your party.
SLEEP: A lethal lullaby that turns enemies into sitting ducks!
DISPEL: Blocks enemies ability to use magic.
DESOUL: Drains the very life out of enemies!


HEAL: Recovers lost Hit Points for selected member of your party.
REVIVE: Brings a deceased member of your party back to life.
DETOX: Negates the effects of poison. As the magic user's power increases, it can also ward off the effects of a paralysis.


VIEW: Shows you a map of all the paths in your current location that you've already traveled.
PEACE: Gives you a brief respite, as weaker enemies won't appear for a short time.
EGRESS: Jets your party out of any location you might feel trapped.
VISION: Gives you information regarding the items you're carrying.


The son of Mortred may not leave the castle until given permission by King Drake. To continue your search for your father Mortred and Princess Jessa, you must first pass the Trials of the Ancients, Strength, Courage, Wisdom and Truth - these make you a worthy knight.

You must find a special item and take it to the king before your friends can join you. The fates of Princess Jessa, your father, and possibly the entire Kingdom of Thronwood rest on your shoulders. Go forth, son of Mortred. Conquer the Darkness and return as a Shining Knight. May the Strength and Courage of the Ancients be with you!

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