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Phantasy Star IV Manual typed by Jeremy Ciavarra aka DragynWind

Phantasy Star IV

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The Hunter's Quest

Two thousand years ago, in the Algo solar system, there was a war fit to end all wars. The civilization that emerged from the wreckage flourished and prospered, until the fateful day when Mother Brain -- the central computer system on the planet of Palma -- exploded. Palma was destroyed, initiating the slow destruction of the same worlds that Mother Brain was built to protect. The ancient maintenance Bio-systems, which were built with the last great technological knowledge not lost in the war, began to break down. Their malfunctions released terrible monsters upon the worlds the systems were built to maintain and protect.
A caste of warriors known as Hunters emerged. They were mercenaries who specialized in exterminating the Bio-monsters the plagued the simple cities and villages.
Our story begins on the world of Motavia, over two thousand years after the Great War. A young Hunter named Chaz is about to embark on his first assignment. He doesn't know it yet, but his adventure will take him beyond Motavia, and beyond history itself.

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Take Control!

Directional Pad (D-Pad)
+ Moves your party around their surroundings
+ Highlights selections in menus

Start Button (Start)
+ Starts the game
+ Brings up System menu (see page 8)
+ Closes System menu and Camp menus

Button A
+ Makes selections in menus
+ Brings up Camp menu (see page 9)
+ Continues conversations*

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Button B
+ Cancels selections in menu screens and windows
+ Continues conversations*

Button C
+ Investigates area in front of lead character
+ Opens containers and doors
+ Initiates and continues conversations (when facing someone)*
+ Makes selections in menus

* Press and hold to speed up conversation text.

Notes: Buttons X, Y and Z on the 6-Button Control Pad have no function in this game. The functions of Buttons A, B and C can be changed in the System menu (see page 8).


Getting Started

Following the Sega logo is the game introduction. At any time during the intro, press Start until the Game menu appears. The first time you play, only START will be available. Press Button A, C or Start to begin.
Once you save a game, two more selections appear in the Game menu: CONTINUE and ERASE DATA.

Continuing a Game

You can store up to three games in the memory. Too continue one of the games you've saved, select CONTINUE from the Game menu and press Button A, C or Start.

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Three windows appear. Each window displays the characters taking part in the game, the current level and the amount of Mesetas (money) on hand. Press the D-Pad left or right to highlight the desired window, and press Button A, C or Start to begin gameplay.
For information on saving a game, see page 8.


Erasing a Game

From the Game menu, select ERASE DATA and press Button A, C or Start. As in CONTINUE mode, three windows appear, showing characters, level and money on hand. Use the D-Pad to highlight the game you want to erase, and press Button A, C or Start.
A window appears confirming your choice. Select YES and press Button A or C to confirm. If you change your mind, either press Button B, or select NO and press Button A, C or Start.
If you want to return to the Game menu from CONTINUE or ERASE DATA mode, press Button B.


Your Mission

You begin the game as Chaz, an aspiring Hunter straight out of training. Your partner, Alys, is a crafty veteran whose good looks and prowess with the blade have earned her an awesome reputation. Your first assignment, a monster hunt deep in the basement of Motavia Academy, leads to a quest to save Motavia from destruction.

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Talk to people, and listen carefully to what they have to say. Follow their advice and your own intuition. On this quest you'll need all of your resources, and as a Hunter, you'll have quite a few.


System Menu

Any time you're not in a labyrinth or a combat or dialogue situation, press Start to call up the System menu and alter certain aspects of game play. Use the D-Pad to highlight the desired option and press Button A or C. Press Button b at any time to cancel your choices. To exit the System menu, press Button B or Start.

SAVE: Select this feature to save the game. A window appears with three spaces in which to save your game, and you are asked which space you'd like to use. Saving a game in a space erases all the data previously in that space.
MESSAGE: Choose the speed at which messages appear on screen. Number 1 is the fastest, and 5 is the slowest.
BTL SPD (Battle Speed): Choose how fast the battle action takes place. Number 1 is the fastest, and 5 is the slowest.
BUTTONS: Configure the buttons on your Control Pad. Use the D-Pad to highlight the desired configuration, and press Button A or C.

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Camping Out

You can press Button A to Camp any time you're not in combat or watching dialogue. Use Camp mode to check character status, heal injuries, or equip your characters for the next battle. Press Button B to cancel your choices. To return to the action, press Button B or Start.


ITEM: Check or use your items.
+ Select this option and press Button A or C.
+ A list of Items appears. If you see an arrow on the top right side of your list, you have more Items to look at. Press the D-Pad RIGHT to open the next Item list, and press LEFT to go back to the previous list.
+ Highlight the desired item by pressing the D-Pad UP or DOWN, and press Button A or C. A new option window appears.
Select use and Press Button A or C to use the Item. You'll be asked who you want to use it on. Select the desired character and press Button A or C. Press Button B to cancel your selections.

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Select Look and press Button A or C to see a description of the selected Item.
Select Discard and press Button A or C to discard the selected Item. A window appears confirming your choice. Select YES or NO and press Button A or C. You can cancel a discard by pressing Button B.


TECH (Technique): Use Camp Techniques (for a list of Techniques, see page 33). Press Button A or C and a list of your characters appears.
+ Select the character whose Technique you want to use, and press Button A or C.
+ A list of Techniques appears. Press Button A or C to use the Technique, or press Button B to cancel the selection.
+ If the technique is to be used on a single member of your party, you'll be asked who is to receive the Technique. Select the desired character and press Button A or C.


SKILL: Use special Skills (for a list of Skills, see page 35.) The procedure is the same as for using Techniques.

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EQUIP: Equip a character with weapons, shields, and/or armor.
+ Select the character you want to equip and press Button A or C to see the weapons display. The Character window contains all the weapons with which the character is currently equipped. The Equip window contains all the weapons the character can equip. Press the D-Pad LEFT or RIGHT to move from the Character window to the Equip window, and press UP or DOWN to highlight weapons or armor within a window.
+ Notice that the character's status changes -- the number on the left shows the current status, and the number on the right shows what the character's status would be if the selected weapon or armor is equipped. When an item in the Character window is selected, the number on the right shows what the character's status would be if that item was not equipped. Notice that certain objects might offer advantages in some areas (such as defense) while hampering in some areas (such as agility). Also, if a character is using a two-handed weapon such as a sword or axe, that weapon takes up two spaces in the Character window and leaves no room for a shield or second weapon.

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+ An icon appears in the space where the equipment will appear in the Character window. If there is already something in that space, that object will be replaced. Move the icon, if possible, by pressing the D-Pad UP or DOWN.
+ To equip the character, press Button A or C. The weapon or armor appears in the Character window and is equipped.
+ To remove an object, select the object in the Character window and press Button A or C. The object moves to the Equip window.


STATE: Check a character's status or change marching order. Press Button A or C.
Status displays all available information about a selected character. Select this option and press Button A or C to display a list of characters. Select the character and press Button A or C to see the following display.

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1. Name, occupation, level and age.
2. HP (Hit Points) represent your character's life force. When damaged by an enemy, the character loses HP, and when the HP drops to 0, the character loses the ability to fight. The number on the left is the number of HP your character has remaining. The number on the right shows the character's maximum HP. HP can be restored through certain items, restorative Techniques or Skills, or by spending the night at an inn.
3. TP (Technique Points) are used up each time a character uses a Technique. When the TP drops below the number required for a Technique, the character cannot use that Technique. As with character HP, the number on the left is the TP remaining, and the number on the right shows the character's maximum TP. Technique points are restored by spending the night at an inn.
4. Character Points show how strong your character is in certain areas. Points can be altered by equipping weapons and armor, or by gaining experience points.
5. Equipped Weapons and Armor.
6. Mesetas on hand for entire party.
7. EX (Experience) shows the number of Experience Points your character has acquired. NX (Needed Experience) shows the number of Experience Points needed to reach the next level. Experience Points are picked up by defeating enemies.

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+ Press Button A or C to see a list of available Techniques. Press again for a list of available Skills. The number on the left shows the number of Skills remaining, while the number on the right shows the maximum number possible. Both Techniques and Skills are divided into two types: those that can be used in battle, and those that can be used in camp.
+ Press Button A or C again to close all character information windows, or press Button B to close individual windows.


Use Order to change the order in which the characters march and fight. The character in the lead is the main target for all enemy attacks and usually takes the most damage.
+ Select the character you want to appear first, and press Button A or C. Once selected, the character's name appears in the window to the right.
+ Follow this procedure for the other characters. You can reverse this process at any time by pressing Button B.


TALK: To see what the characters have to say about their current situation, select this feature and press Button A or C.

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MACRO: Create customized programs of battle moves in combat (for more on Combat Mode, see page 16).
+ Press Button A or C. Two windows appear. The center window shows the spaces available for macros, and the window on the right shows the type of macro. When you start the game, all the spaces are blank, except for (A), which contains a default macro to get you started.
+ Select a space to put your mew macro, and press Button A or C. The characters' names appear, and you can choose the first character to make an attack.
+ Press Button A or C, and the Combat window appears. Select your commands as you would during Combat Mode (see page 17).
+ When you enter the move for the last character, a window appears confirming your choice. Select YES or NO and press Button A or C, or press Button B to cancel the choice.
To erase a macro, select an existing macro and press Button A or C. A window will confirm that you want to erase the macro. Confirm your choice as above.

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Once in the field, you run the risk of attack by all manner of machines and monsters. When an attack occurs, the Combat screen appears.
You make your first move with the Response Window. Highlight the desired option and press Button A or C.


COMD (Command): This option lets you choose to use weapons, Techniques, Skills, or Items, or to defend for one round of Combat.
MACR (Macro): Use a pre-set attack pattern, as programmed in the Camp menu. (In the beginning, there is only one macro set.) Select one of the eight macros available.
A description of the macro appears to the right. Press Button A or C to start the macro.
RUN: Select this option to make a strategic withdrawal. However, escape is not always possible, and you run the risk of leaving your entire party open to attack.

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If you selected COMD, press Button A or C to see the resources of the character who appears on screen. Characters receive Commands in the order set in Camp (see page 14).

Attack lets the character attack with the weapon currently equipped.
Technique opens the Technique window. The names of Techniques are displayed along with the Technique Points (TP) required for each. Techniques requiring more TP than your character has appear in red and can't be used. Select the desired Technique and press Button A or C. In the case of a helping Technique, such as an antidote or boost, an arrow appears in the Status windows indicating which character is to receive the benefits of the Technique. Press the D-Pad left or right to indicate the desired character and press Button A or C.
Skill opens the Skill window. The names of Skills are displayed along with the number of times each Skill can be used. Skills that appear in red are depleted. The procedure is the same as selecting a Technique.

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Item lets the character use Items such as restoratives or antidotes. The procedure is the same as selecting a Technique or Skill.
Defense puts the character in a defensive position that makes it less likely for him or her to be hit.

As you select a command for each character, the symbol for that command appears in the character's window. If you selected a tactic that is effective on one enemy only, an arrow appears above one of the enemies. Choose your foe by pressing the D-Pad LEFT or RIGHT, then pressing Button A or C. You can cancel a command by pressing Button B until the symbol disappears. Then select a new command. When all commands are set, the round of battle starts.
After each attack, the amount of damage is displayed for each enemy or character. The enemy vanishes when its HP is depleted. If a character's HP reaches 0, the character is Near Death. A flatline icon appears in that character's window, and the character is out of action until a suitable remedy is used, or he or she is taken to in Inn to recuperate.
The battle ends when all enemies are defeated. A display tells you how many experience points, Mesetas, Skills and Techniques your characters have picked up as a result of the battle.

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Combination Attacks

Two or more characters can join Techniques and Skills to form powerful Combination Attacks. For example, Rune's Wat Technique can be combined with Chaz's Zan Technique to form a Blizzard Attack. A three-way combination results in the Triblaster, shown here.
In order to combine the moves, the attacks must occur in succession (i.e. for the Blizzard Attack, Chaz's Zan must immediately follow Rune's Wat). Since characters attack in a descending order of power (most powerful attacks come first), you must assign the other characters less powerful attacks. As soon as you discover a Combination Attack, write it down! You can even put it into a macro later.
There are a total of 15 Combination Attacks. Can you find them all?



When two or more adversaries are hurling weapons and spells at each other, someone is bound to get hurt. Unfortunately, it isn't always an enemy. Some of your characters' injuries can be healed in battle if you use the appropriate Item, Skill or Technique.

Unconscious: When the letters turn blue and a "sleep" icon appears, the character is out cold and can't fight until he or she regains consciousness.

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Poisoned: When all the letters in the character window turn yellow, the character has been poisoned. The character can still fight, but as the character moves, his or her HP drops steadily until the poison is cured.
Paralyzed: When the letters turn blue and a lightning icon appears, the character has been paralyzed and can't fight.
Near Death: A flatline icon appears when the character's HP reaches 0. This character is completely out of action unless a special remedy is used or the party spends the night at an Inn. In the case of an android, movement, HP and Technique Points are gradually replaced.


Game Over

The game ends when all your characters are Near Death. The Sega Logo appears. When you restart the game, your characters will appear where you last saved the game.



In the course if your adventures you will find vehicles that allow you to travel quickly across hostile terrain. To use a vehicle, access it through the Items menu the same way you would a regular Item. Use the D-Pad to move the vehicle around the screen. To leave a vehicle, simply enter a town or installation, or press Button A, B or C.

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However, even a fast-moving, armored vehicle won't keep you safe from attack. The vibrations from the ancient mechanics tend to irritate some of Motavia's bigger and nastier monsters. Fortunately, you have some heavy firepower to counter their attacks.
When a battle begins, the vehicle's control panel appears. Use the D-Pad to select a command, and press Button A or C. Pressing Button B cancels the command.

Combat Window: This window is similar to the Battle Commands on page 16. ATTAC lets your fire a single attack at one enemy. OPTIN lets you select a special ray, missile, or bomb. RUN lets you retreat.
Special Points: These are similar to Hit Points, and diminish whenever an enemy attacks successfully. If your Special Points drop to 0, the game ends. Special Points are completely restored after each battle. Weapons are restored when you spend the night at an Inn (see page 24).

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Space Travel

Later in the game, you will gain the means to travel to other planets. To access your spaceship, find and enter a spaceport. Select a destination, press Button A or C, then sit back and enjoy the ride.


In the City

Between bouts of exploring and combat you'll want to stop at the nearest town to rest and heal, replenish supplies, and catch up on the latest news. Talk to everyone you see -- he or she may have information valuable to your quest.

Shops: There are three kinds of shops: weapon shops, armor shops and tool shops. Most of these shops have signs out front -- a sword for weapon or armor shop and a bag for a tool store. In addition, you might find some bargains at the local market stalls.

Making Purchases: Check out the shops in all the towns you visit, as you might be able to upgrade your equipment.
+ Step right up to the person behind the counter and press Button A or C to talk. The salesperson asks you if you want to buy or sell. Select BUY and press Button A or C to see a list of available goods. The price of each item is listed on the right.

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+ Use the D-Pad to select an item, and the salesperson will give you information about that item. In the case of weapons or armor, the EQUIP window to the left tells you which character can use that weapon or armor. Press Button A or C to make the purchase. The salesperson will ask you to confirm your purchase. Select YES or NO and press Button A or C.
+ Cancel selections and close your sales transaction by repeatedly pressing Button B.

Selling Extra Supplies: Weapons and items are in short supply on Motavia, and can be sold for a reduced price.
+ To sell an item or weapon, start a conversation with the person behind the counter, select SELL and press Button C.
+ The salesperson will ask you what you want to sell, and your item list appears. Use the D-Pad to highlight the object you want to sell, and press Button A or C to see the offered price.
+ Press Button A or C again to make the sale. You can cancel selections and close your transaction by repeatedly pressing Button B.

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If you want to replenish your Technique Points, Skills and Hit Points, restock your vehicle, or simply want to relax, nothing beats a night at the Inn. Unless you have certain Items, Skills or Techniques on hand, this is the only way to revive a character who's Near Death. Prices vary, and overnight stays don't always come cheap, so watch your money reserves.
To purchase your night at the Inn, follow the same procedure as for making purchases.


Home Sweet Home

Well, one thing beats spending the night at an Inn. Spend the night at Alys's home in Aiedo and you get all the benefits of a stay at an Inn... for free.


The Hunter's Guild

Located in Alys's hometown, the Hunter's Guild provides weapons and armor at reasonable rates, offers interesting entertainment, and has a bulletin board of jobs you can take for extra cash and experience.

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Here are some of the characters you'll encounter along the course of your journey. Listed here are only a few of their Techniques and Skills. See pp. 33-36 for full descriptions of Techniques and Skills.



Age: 16
Status: Hunter
Techniques: Res, Tsu
Skills: Earth, Crosscut

Chaz was a child of the streets, headed for a rough future until the Hunter Alys Brangwin took him under her wing. Chaz is a first rate swordsman with a quick temper and a keen eye.

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Age: ??
Status: Hunter
Techniques: Foi, Shift, Saner
Skills: Vortex

Alys's prowess as a Hunter has made her famous throughout Motavia. Not much is known about her past, but bits of it seem to keep popping up at odd moments... much to her embarrassment. She is most proficient with thrown weapons such as boomerangs and slicers.



Age: 24
Status: Scholar
Techniques: Res, Gelun
Skills: Vision

Hahn hails from the village of Krup and is the son of an armorer. Bored with the monotonous work of forging weapons and determined to make his mark in the world, he greatly upset his father by going off to study at the Motavia Academy. While physical fighting is not one of his specialties, Hahn has a wide range of Techniques to rely on in battle.

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Age: 1
Status: Numan
Techniques: Res, Saner, Deban
Skills: Illusion, Double Slash, Eliminate, Disrupt

Rika is a biological construct created by one of the last functioning computers on Motavia. Though she may be a little naive (a lifetime spent inside an underground computer complex doesn't offer much by way of life experience), she's a good warrior to have on your side in a scrap. Her favorite weapon is the Claw.



Age: ??
Status: Wizard
Techniques: Foi, Wat, Gra, Arows, Hinas, Ryuka
Skills: Flaeli, Hewn

Rune is an old friend of Alys, though how they first met remains a mystery. How Alys managed to put up with him is a bigger mystery still. He's powerful and arrogant, and wields a type of power rarely seen on Motavia anymore: true magic.

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Age: 998
Status: Android
Techniques: None
Skills: Recover, Flare, Spark, Barrier

Wren offers a cool, objective counterpoint to some of the hotter tempers blazing within the group. He'll provide information and insight into your quest.



Age: 324
Status: Android
Techniques: None
Skills: Recover, Stasis Beam, Spark, Barrier, Medic Power

Like Wren, this small, powerful android will provide direction for your quest.

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Age: 19
Status: Motavian Soldier
Techniques: Brose
Skills: Crash

Gryz lives to avenge his parents, who were killed when the dark wizard Zio destroyed the village of Molcum. The only other surviving member of his family is his little sister, who remains in the village of Tonoe. Gryz relies on brute strength and his skill with the axe.



Age: 85
Status: Priest
Techniques: Res, Anti, Rimpa, Sar
Skills: Blessing, Holyword, Miracle, Ataraxia

Raja is a sarcastic old priest who protected the Temple of Ryuon until someone had the nerve to land a large spaceship on it. His healing skills will be handy to have around when the fighting gets intense.

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Age: 18
Status: Esper
Techniques: ?
Skills: ?

Kyra is a very powerful psychic who befriends your group. It's up to you to discover her capabilities...


Tools of the Trade

Items, weapons and armor can be purchased at shops and stalls, or picked up from defeated enemies.

Monomate, Dimate, Trimate restore character HP. The more powerful the restorative, the higher the price.
Antidote cures one poisoned character.
Anti-Paralyze cures one character of paralysis.

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Telepipe transports the entire party to any town or village visited previously.
Escapipe transports the entire party out of a dangerous situation -- such as a maze or dungeon -- to a relatively safe place.

Weapons: Weapons are made from various materials and technologies. Try each kind out to see which suits a character best.
Dagger is a small, short knife carried by almost everyone on Motavia. Good for very close fighting.
Knife is a larger, more capable weapon favored by Hunters. It leaves one hand free for a protective shield.
Boomerang functions best at a distance. If thrown properly, the boomerang can inflict damage on several enemies at a time.
Slicer features long, sharp blades that make it deadlier than the boomerang. The blades can be folded for easy carrying.
Claw is as effective as a sword, but only at very close range. Only a skilled wielder who is light and agile can use the claw.
Sword is a powerful weapon, but its length requires the use of both hands and some degree of skill to be used effectively.

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Axe is also very powerful and effective. However, wielding an axe takes powerful muscles and the use of both hands.

Leather Cloth is made from sandworm hide. It is one of the most common and versatile resources on Motavia. Leather items are light and offer freedom of movement, though not much protection.
Armor and Mail exist in various forms: ceramics, steel, titanium, and others. Try them on your characters to see which is best.
Shields are made from materials that range from hardened leather to ceramics, steel and titanium. Strength and weight vary.
Helmet offers hear protection, and is worn by men.
Crown is the equivalent head protection worn by women.
Circlet offers little protection, but increases mental powers.

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Following are some of the Techniques your characters will learn. Some are reserved for battle only, while others can be used in Camp. All Techniques take up a character's TP, and the more powerful the Technique, the more TP is used. A Technique might not work in battle against a certain type of enemy or defense, but the TP is used up anyway.


Battle Techniques:

Affect one enemy on screen:
Foi, Gifoi, Nafoi blast the enemy with a bolt of flame.
Wat, Giwat, Nawat freeze the enemy by dropping the temperature of the surrounding area.
Vol kills the enemy by destroying its nervous system.
Tsu, Githu, Nathu fires an arrow of light at the enemy.

Affect all enemies on screen:
Zan, Gizan, Nazan suffocate enemies by turning the surrounding area into a vacuum.
Gra, Gigra, Nagra crushes enemies with a powerful gravity well.
Megid disintegrates the molecular structure of all enemies on screen.

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Bolt kills enemies by destroying their nervous systems.
Gelun causes enemies to age quickly and reduces attack strength.
Doran slows down enemy reaction speed.
Brose suddenly expands enemy body mass to twice the normal size, resulting in damage.
Rimit interferes with enemy nervous systems, resulting in unconsciousness.

Boost Techniques: Use these Techniques to boost the abilities of your characters while they are in battle. These Techniques do not boost character HP.
Shift increases the physical attack strength of one active character.
Saner increases the reaction speed of all active characters.
Deban creates a shield before all active characters, increasing their defensive strength.

Healing/Restorative Techniques:
Sar restores some HP to all active humanoid characters.
Res, Gires, Nares restore some HP to one active humanoid character.
Anti cures one active character of poisoning, but does not raise HP.
Rimpa cures one active character of paralysis, but does not raise HP.

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Arows revives one active character who has been knocked unconscious, but does not raise HP.
Rever revives one flatlined character and restores 1/4 of total HP.
Regen cures poisoning, unconsciousness or paralysis, or restores all HP to one flatlined character.

Travelling Techniques:
Ryuka teleports all characters to any city previously visited.
Hinas teleports all characters out of dangerous areas such as dungeons or labyrinths.



Each character has an allotted number of special Skills he or she can use. Skills can be replenished by spending the night at an Inn.


Affect one enemy on screen:
Crosscut is a fast, powerful sword slash that does double damage.
Ray Blade emits a blast of light that causes damage.
Explode a burst of light from the attacker's body pulverizes the opponent.
Earth knocks the enemy unconscious using energy drawn up from the ground.
Flaeli assaults the enemy with a rain of magical fire.
Diem is a magic spell that causes an enemy's body to cease all function.

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Vortex surrounds the enemy with a whirlwind of slashing blades.
Death kills the enemy with an unimpaired blade cut to the vitals.
Astral blasts enemy with power collected from the astral realm.
Eliminate allows unimpaired access to the enemy's vital organs; results in death.

Affect all enemies on screen:
Airslash suffocates enemies inside a pocket of vacuum.
Hewn hurls a cyclone of magical energy at enemies.
Tandle blasts enemies with lightning.
Efess calls on creatures from inner planes to attack.
Legeon generates a great burst of energy that damages all enemies within range.
Negatis strangles enemies inside a pocket of vacuum.
Moonshade reflects light that mesmerizes and damages enemies.


Affect all active characters:
Vision gives characters the ability to predict and compensate for enemy moves; increases Dexterity.

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Happy Hunting

+ Not all of the buildings of a town or village are located within the village walls. You can travel around and explore the outskirts of a village by staying close to the outside of the wall.
+ Your characters aren't the only ones who can command a Combination Attack -- some of your enemies can join and fire deadly combinations at you as well. If you come across an enemy you know can join together and attack, try to eliminate the weaker link as soon as possible.



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