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Page O' Poetry

I will post a few cool poems of mine every so often (which translates into "whenever the hell I feel like it") Please feel free to comment on them, praise me, cut me down, whatever need be.

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My Western Haiku Page

Click on any of these links to take you to the corresponding poem.
god / whisper on the shore / zen / song of self / until the day we die / complaint to a big brother /they / ode to the voices of angels / untitled 1 / -----God-----

i have seen the many faces
applied to your name
but never once have you showed me
proof of your rise to fame

i have read about your perfect deeds
and your acts of awesome love
but i have also read about your acts of grief
sent down from heaven above

i have seen the miracles that you perform
in the lives of the followers of your word
but these things can be explained
and are nothing short of absurd

i have pondered your possibilities
and questioned your very existance
and all your followers say to me
is that they despise my resitance

i adore the pursuit of happiness
and i love all wisdom and truth
but you detest all of these things
and combat me nail and tooth

i now declare unto your invisible face
though, if i am right, you will not hear it,
that i abhore your claim to grace
and i will not tolerate your or your followers


when you walk though this desert,
when you talk to these cacti,
when you long for a drop of water
to soothe your aching throat,
when the only thing you want is to see
the end of a sea of heat and sand,
when you cry your last tear drop,
knowing that it is the only water for miles,
when every mirage you see is a mirage
of the one power keeping you alive.

everywhere you turn you see this love.
every time you think, the thought is of despair.
every breath you breathe feels like it might be the last,
and the only thing that matters is joy.
each step you take,
right, in front of
left, in front of
right, in front of
draws you nearer to your destination.
every thought you make brings joy into your forsaken life.
every move you make reminds you of butterflies. if you dont walk fast enough, you are sure to die.

keep up the pace, and
aim towards the place
that can harbor your life,
your love, and
your mortality,
and your one true desire might just meet you there.

-----Whisper on the Shore-----

Deterioration of the society we live in-
Looking into the sun, I lose my way
and I fall into a crowd
of bees humming in their hive
but I of all people
crawl through their labrynth
using obscure passageways
and even lees recalled tactics
to sibillantly beat my way through.
All around me the world is dying
Out of the hell of this world
I walk, corporeal, as though I were there,
but changed, everything has changed
No more treacherous hives of demons
No more chattering wings
Only pity, self pity, and empathy
for the unknowing hordes
who die every day, never knowing
how to live. No celebration of life,
No smile. Just an end to something useles,
and a beginning to the end


the world is as you comprehend.
the river doesn't talk,
the trees never bend.

you must accept things as they are,
don't ask questions,
don't look too far.
you're in a swift serene babbling brook;
towards your grave,
does this stream look.

you must follow the path-
though hidden it may be-
be sure to examine every

and although you may stray
from this ever
keep to your mind
that your life is frail.

-----song of self-----

the color of the love i see
shines down on me magnificently
and turns my head from horrible things
and faces me towards heaven!

if i were able to leap unto the skies above
and kiss the Lunar man on the cheek
i would still never be able to leave my home,
without return; this beautiful land called earth
i choose to live upon, is the heart and soul of my everyday life;

the force inside of me
to keep me alive exists also in the rocks,
the fish, the leaves of grass, and indeed
the whole universe, and i find it
beautiful beyond beauty,
beautiful beyond life!
beautiful beyond me and you, and beautiful beyond any god,
or any conception of after life, or after death.

beautiful in me, is what i see to be
the existance of life and death.

-----until the day we die-----

look around, it's a conspiracy
my life's a big game
looking for people to point at
but there is no one to blame

i think i'm going crazy
i believe that i'm insane
i'm looking in the mirror
but the person there doesn't know my name

my car is going faster
down the railroad track
i see the train light coming
on the dashboard, my skull will crack

no one's with me at my funeral, but
some dead chick dancing on my casket
a dead kid crying at the steps, and
a dying minister holding a flower basket

staring at the inside of my casket
i can hear no one mourning
next to me, i feel the kid crying
i hold his hand, and like this we start rotting

-----complaint to a big brother-----

sit down and listen to what i have to say,
break the rules; i make you pay
for all the shit laid at my feet,
i must now refuse defeat.

Turning, Looking, Speaking
Leaking, Spewing all over everyone,
Ideology oozing from your bald spot
and it drips, it drips, it drips...

My brother, by color, you speak of reality,
power and greed; while all i do is
sit here and think about glaciers in idaho,
I am harassed for knowledge of dripping

-----ode to the voices of angels-----

the voices of angels in my tears
they are sometimes all that i can hear
a chorus of intensity and heartfelt chords
singing in my ears of love for the lord
they lead me astray from my course
of destination, which is remorse
hosts of harps, and hordes of larks
to my soul do they embark
let me feel the sound of love
beat down from above
and open my window to the outside cold.
this slip of paper i now enfold


They command your actions, and
command they do.
They lie to cover their asses, and
they laugh while they lie.
They control your soul, and
they know nothing of religion.
They tell you that you are free, and
I say to them:

Look down the barrel of my gun,
Laugh while you bleed to death,
Smile exuberantly while I write your eulogy.

All they can reply is with metallic bars,
Men in uniforms, and Hypodermic Hypocrisy.

-----The End-----

please, Love, turn your head.
all is now done and said.
i don't understand what your desire may be,
that you would be with me rather than be free.

i beg of you, my Beauty, to look away.
depart, and come back another day.
why exactly is it that you remain?
there is nothing left for you to gain.

now, Darling, i must proceed,
with this my final gratuitous deed.
if you demand to watch the show,
please forgive me for what you must know.


we must all wait in line
our turns will come
some want it more than others
all want it
i need it
my turn will come
and when it does, i won't be ready
whether to be consumed by the shadows
or overcome by the light
that is the question
