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This is my character profiles page. Take a look around if you don't know what's going on in street fighter. Pictures will be included soon!


A student of the Shotokan school of karate, Ryu has devoted his entire life to perfecting the true way of the warrior through mastery of the fireball. It is this devotion that makes Ryu the eternal enemy of Sagat. Now Ryu must stand tall against revitalized rivals.


Secretly pursuing the movements of Shadowloo, the international smuggling operation, Chun-Li fights bravely, unmindful of personal danger. The memory of her father burns brightly in her life.


An ex-member of an elite Special Forces team, Guile and his co-pilot Charlie were captured during a mission in Thailand six years ago. After many months of imprisonment, he and Charlie managed to escape from their jungle prison. During the perilous trek to civilization, Charlie died and Guile has been consumed with vengeance ever since.


A monk sits at the bank of the Ganges River, calmly meditating in preparation for tomorrow's challenge. His village suffers from disease and cannot receive medicine because the people are poor. The monk decides he will raise money for medicine by entering the street fight tournament.As Dhalsim searches his inner self at the bank of the river, his wife Sally approaches him from behind. She knows it was a tough decision for Dhalsim since he only lives to help people not hurt them. Suddenly Dhalsim's body erupts in flames. Sally is stunned -- what had she done? Dhalsim rises to face her. "Do not worry. This is the miracle of Yoga. It is not real flame. It is part of my aura. If I use this power, I can win the battle without seriously hurting my opponent." Sally is relieved. "What you believe is the only way to go, Dhalsim." His decision is made without hesitation.


Zangief's great physique and fighting sense make him the talk of the Russian wrestling world. But recently Zangief has not been himself. He feels his piledriver has been limited. He cannot find a way to improve it. Any pro wrestler cowers before Zangief's piledriver, but it is not good enough for his own standards. One stormy night Zangief trains outdoors. As he practices, a giant typhoon rips through Russia. Zangief does not notice. As he performs another piledriver, a cyclone sucks Zangief into its flume. He spins around and around inside the cyclone. He works his way toward the bottom to get out and is suddenly flipped upside down. He drops to the ground with a great thud. The cyclone continues down the countryside. A few seconds later, great laughter breaks out across the mountains and rivers. "This is it!" shouts Zangief. "I can use this!" Zangief continued to train, and shortly thereafter his Spinning Piledriver developed into the Final Atomic Buster.


A disciple of the Shotokan school of karate, and past training partner of Ryu, Ken has an amazing fighting spirit but an even larger ego. Convinced he is the best fighter, and can defeat anyone, Ken seeks a confrontation with his long-time rival.


Hokuto left home at 17 to look for her brother, who disappeared and is now feared to be lost in state of dark confusion. She grew up learning traditional martial arts from her father, and she has developed these teachings into her own distinct style. She is forced to fight an unknown enemy to find the true location of her brother.


Kairi lost his memory a few decades ago and does not know what started his quest to fight. All he recalls is this - you must challenge your limits. He is a lonely wolf in chaos. . . driven to the fight by amnesia.


His superiors were not pleased with his results as a salesman. Down on his luck and constantly under pressure for results, he volunteered to dress up and perform like a superhero at a carnival thrown for a top customer in their department store. He had hoped it would be chance to prove his value as a salesman. When he grabbed the attention of all in attendance, something clicked in him. Skull-o-mania now realized his fate to be a superhero.

Pullum Purna

Pullum Purna was wandering through the halls of her millionaire father's mansion and noticed an odd silence from her grandfather's room. Normally an active and verbal student of Hinduism, Pullum Purna's grandfather sat quietly and had a distant look in his eyes. He held a book in his hands that had one word printed on it: "Shadowloo." Pullum Purna vowed to seek out the leader of "Shadowloo" and make them pay for brainwashing her grandfather.


Sakura Kasugano and her good friend Kei Chitose travel to their high school in a nearby town one day. Kei does not understand Sakura's behavior lately. Whenever Sakura sees a strong-looking man, she wants to pick a fight with him. Kei does not see why street fighting interests her so much. As they walk to school, three men from the college approach. They ask for dates, but the girls feel threatened. They try to run, but the boys detain them. As Kei tries to escape, she is grabbed and held. Sakura shouts "Hey! 3 men against 1 woman is not a fair street fight." Sakura stretches out and spins around like a top. The men begin to laugh hysterically. Sakura does a spinning kick right into the guy holding Kei. He falls to the ground and instantly faints. Kei cries for help as the other two men flee. "That was very dangerous. . .Don't do that ever again," Kei said to Sakura. Sakura looks disgusted. "That kick was supposed to hit that guy over and over again. What did I do wrong?" As they hurry to school, Kei wishes Sakura would find another hobby.

Blair Dame

After growing up in a somewhat sheltered European family, Blair jumped at the chance to travel when her friend presented the opportunity. Even though she had an education that included martial arts, Blair felt reassured of their safety with a bodyguard there to protect them.

Allen Snider

Long admired as the strongest karate fighter in America, Allen lost in the first fight of a recent tournament. The challenger was Ken. After the fight Ken assured him that he was still a big fish in a little pond - he must battle on. Allen now travels the world with Ken to become even stronger.

Doctrine Dark

Once served Lt. Guile with his own special unit. During his duty the unit got into a scuffle with another unit led by Rolento. The scuffle escalated into a full-on battle and he was the only member of his unit to escape. The battle scarred him emotionally and physically. He escaped from the hospital and went into hiding, only to re-emerge as Doctrine Dark.

Cracker Jack

This guard for Shadowloo prefers to work alone. And when the organization assigned many young, inexperienced grunts to work for him and to learn how to intimidate, Crackerjack took offense. He proceeded to teach the grunts their first lesson -- how to deal with pain and recover from severe injuries.

Darun Mister

Darun had no freedom to fight. As the champion of a private wrestling organization sponsored by a group of influential millionaires, Darun lived a lucrative lifestyle yet could not choose his own opponents. Then Darun's fortunes changed. He is hired as a bodyguard for one of the millionaire's daughters during her travels and Darun is able to fight the best champions throughout the world.


Not nearly human, not nearly demon. His lethal brain waves have mesmerized some, usually leading to their violent death. Not much else is known about this deadly creature.

M. Bison

It has been a week since Bison hid in his fortress. He has been performing experiments to increase his Psycho Power. Martial arts experts have been fighting to the death for Bison's amusement and power. During each battle, Bison has drawn from each fighter's anger and converted it to Psycho Power. Yet Bison is frustrated. He cannot increase his power any further. Most of the experts were cowards so he could not draw much hatred from them -- only fear. He needs more true warriors. Bison hears of a warrior named Ryu who defeated Sagat in Thailand. "This is an interesting development," Bison thought. "I will enjoy fighting Ryu for power. Hurry to me, Ryu. My most powerful move is waiting!" Suddenly Bison's body glows into a blue flash and he soars through the air. The pillars holding up the lab crumble under Bison's power. The lab falls into a pile of rubble. Psycho Crusher!


Shun-goku-satsu. . .Raging Demon! Akuma learned this from his master Gotetsu. He was told this move was so extremely powerful it could kill the person who uses it. Gotetsu's ancestors feared it was too powerful so they sealed the move, never to be seen again. But Akuma believed his ancestors were fools so he released the move. In his opinion a true warrior will do everything he can to win the fight.

"It is cowardly to avoid a technique because you fear it. A life of fear is not much of a life."

Akuma is confident he can perform the move without dying. It is his dream to be stronger than anyone else. Akuma chooses his own master, Gotetsu, to test this move on. During their fight, Akuma sees the chance. He feels like all the cells in his body will explode. After a second, he watches his dead master's body spray blood. Akuma's evil fate was set. It is his destiny, and there is no turning back.