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In the cheats department, I only have 2 cheats. If you really want them, here they are:

Secret characters

To access evil Ryu, Evil Hokuto, and the two cycloids, highlight practice mode, and press select, up, right, down, right, select. You should hear a sound and on the bottom it should say : here comes a new challenger. To see the effects, go to vs mode. There should be 4 characters that are enabled.(this can also be saved on the memory card. )

Secret Bonus Game

To access a secret bonus game, highlight practice mode, and press select, up, up, right, up, right, up, select. You should hear a sound and on the bottom it will say : here comes a new game mode. Go into practice mode and there should be a new bonus game option. This cannot be saved on the memory card. (if you have played street fighter II, 5 seconds and you'll know what it is)


To access everything the codes enables, do the expert practice mode. As you complete more tests, the bar on the side goes up. when a face is higlighted, the person is enabled. If you're having trouble, just do the completed tests over again until all faces are highlighted.(I suggest using rank C, B, A tests) When all the people are enabled, the bonus game bar pops up. It goes down as you complete more tests. In this case, you must complete ALL the tests given to access it. (I can't do it so somebody e-mail me if they do)

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Aluminum Bat for Crackerjack

Select Cracker Jack then immediately press and hold Up, Square, Circle, R1, and R2 until the fight starts. When the fight begins you will have the bat! I am not sure if this has an effect on the damage given with the bat or not.

The SFEX Dexdrive save!

Download the dexdrive save !here!