


Warning,you will need to have internet Explorer 4.0 + to see the next page

Attention,vous aurez besoin d'internet explorer pour voir la prochaine page.

you need to delete all roms and emulator after 24h
Attention,vous etes oubligé de deleteter chaque roms apres 24 hrs.

Play MP3 { set %mp3.toune set %mp3.toune $File="Lequal tu veux jouer?" D:\mp3\ if (%mp3.player == $null) { set %mp3.player $file="Ou-est ce qu'yé ton mp3 player?" } if (%mp3.toune == $null) { Halt } run %mp3.player " $+ %mp3.toune $+ " me 15,1Ch14U E15n T14r0a14i15N D'14É0c14ou15teR 14[0 $+ $nopath(%mp3.toune) $+ 14 - 012815K14b0p15s 14- 04414K0h14z -0 Joint Stereo 14-0 $round($calc($calc($file(%mp3.toune).size / 1024) / 1024),2) 14M0e14G15] %logo }