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Welcome to Noah's page. 
I've had a lot of fun creating this page and I hope you have
as much fun viewing it.
May God bless you in everything you do in His name,
day by day.

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And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Genesis 7:10

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And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Genesis 7:12

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      How willing are you to do as God commands?;  If you thought people would laugh at you for building a large boat on dry land, would you do it for God?   Well, there is one such person who did just that. 

      Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  (Gen 6:8)  God saw evil in everyone, except Noah and his family.  (Gen 6:10,11)  So God wanted to end all the evil by destroying the Earth.  (Gen 6:13)

      God spoke to Noah and told him to build an ark (Gen 6:14).  (God gave Noah the directions on how to build it.)  Then God told Noah His plan to flood the Earth.  (Gen 6:17)
God wanted Noah to build the boat big enough for Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives.  (Gen 6:18)  God also wanted it to be big enough for all kinds of animals and birds, and all kinds of  things that crawl.   (Gen 6:20) 

             Noah did exactly as God commanded him to do.  So, when God sent the rains for forty days and forty nights, Noah and his family were prepared.  Are you prepared for what God has planned in your life?  If Jesus were to come and rapture His church today,  would you be left behind? 


This page is dedicated to Noah, for his dedication to the Lord.
We can have the same dedication...
It's our choice.

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Catch the waves!


Noah's Profile

1.   Favorite Food.......................Sea Food
2.   Favorite Drink.......................Water
3.   Favorite Color......................Psychedelic ( i.e. Rainbow)
4.   Favorite Song........................Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head
5.   Favorite Vacation................Cruise

6.   Favorite Transportation.....Boat
7.   Favorite  Scent......................Ocean Breeze
8.    Favorite  Number...................Two

9.    Favorite Passtime..................Deep Sea Fishing
10. Favorite Person.....................The Lord

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What is life?
Life is a gift...accept it.
Life is an adventure...dare it
Life is a mystery...unfold it
Life is a game...play it
Life is a struggle...face it
Life is beauty...praise it
Life is a puzzle...solve it
Life is opportunity...take it
Life is sorrowful...experience it
Life is a song...sing it
Life is a goal...achieve it
Life is a mission...fulfill it
-Taken from "Even Eagles Need a Push"
by Author David McNally

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Created By His Hand

He said "A flood of waters I will bring
to destroy all living flesh
And when the floods have gone away,
We will begin a fresh."

The wickedness and corruption
Of man upon this land
Is what decided the floods
Created by His hand.

They were to build a boat
For the rains that He would send
To flood the wondrous earth
Created by His hand.

They heard the rains begin to pour
And each one felt relief
As they settled in the ark
They were thankful they had belief.

They looked around about them
And knew that it was grand
To float upon the waters,
Created by His hand.

In the end Noah sent a dove
to find the safe dry land
It flew back with an olive branch
Created by His hand.

As a symbol of God’s promise
For no flood to destroy all land
Was a bow of colors in the clouds
Created by His hand.
Dana Butler Dunlap
August, 1999


God, Are You Real?

The little child whispered "God, speak to me”.
And a meadowlark sang. But the child did not hear.

So the child yelled “God, speak to me!”
And the thunder rolled across the sky. But the child did not listen.

The child looked around and said "God let me see you"
And a star shone brightly. But the child did not notice.

And the child shouted "God show me a miracle!"
And a life was born. But the child did not know.

So the child cried out in despair,
"Touch me God, and let me know you are here!"
Where upon, God reached down and touched the child.
But the child brushed the butterfly away.
And walked away unknowingly.

Often times, the things we seek are right underneath our noses.
Don't miss out on your blessing because it isn't packaged the way that you expect.


To view other Noah's Ark sites, just click on the button below.
But remember, *PLEASE* come back and sign my guestbook!

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If you would like your site added, just leave a message in my guestbook
along with your site's URL, and I will be more than happy to add it. :-)

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The border on this page was created from a wooden ark that my son,David Justice
colored at our church camp.  It is being used with his permission
(Thanks, son, I love you, Mama.)



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Last Update
February 17, 2000.

All animated graphics on this page are courtesy of
You must go see their work ...
It is absolutely amazing!


"> Background Music is
"Standing On The Promises"
It was found at
Partners in Rhyme.