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One Person Can Make A Difference




Kevin and Jack are talking as music is playing. Music fades as we hear the conversation…


Jack: Man, How long have we been friends?


Kevin: Since we were in 5th grade…about 6 years I guess that makes it.


Jack: You’ve seen all the stuff I did...i mean you were there! You also remember how depressed I was all the time. Now you see a difference in me. Man, I am happier than I ever been in my life! I tell you, it’s the best decision you can make!


Kevin: <shakes head> I see you all happy and stuff, and yea I think I would like it too, but it just seems so…


Before Kevin can finish the bell rings


Jack: Well, we can finish this later. Class time.


The two stand and trot to class




Jack stands at the bus stop. After a few moments Kevin walks up.


Jack: <looks at Kevin> Hey man. Didn’t see ya after school yesterday. Where were ya?


Kevin: <Acts defensive> None of you business.


Jack: <looks shocked and puts hands up> OK! Never mind then. Have you thought any about what I said?


Kevin: <Shrugs> a little but then Jim and Fred came to talk to me and <pauses and clears throat> um, we talked about other stuff.


Jack: Ah, I see. You were with them yesterday. <looks worried> I hope you don’t get mixed up in anything. Seems they are just angry and hate everybody.


Kevin: Yea, well. <looks pensive considering telling Jack what is goin on> Look, you have got to promise not to tell ANYONE. OK?


Jack: OK


Kevin: Jim and Fred are planning on planting a bomb in the school.


Jack: I thought they were not allowed on school property since they were caught with the gun and knife during a fight.


Kevin: That’s where I come in. They want me to do it.


Jack: You’re not going to are you?


Kevin: <suddenly defensive again> And why not? No one there has ever done anything good for me!


Just before Jack can answer the bus pulls up but Kevin doesn’t get on.


Jack: Kevin? You getting on?


Kevin: No. I got business to take care of.


Jack get on Bus




Jack has gone to the bathroom and as he comes out he sees Kevin and notices something in his hand.


Jack: Kevin?  Whats that?


Kevin: What do you think?


Jack: <noticing Kevin is trembling> you don’t really want to do this.


Kevin: And what makes you think that!


Jack: <looks at him with concern> Because you know better. Remember what I was talking about? Once you decide to accept forgiveness and…


Kevin: Why should I forgive anyone?


Jack: Because SomeOne is willing to forgive you.


Kevin: For what? What have I ever done wrong?


Jack: You know what I’m talking about


Kevin: OK So? How do I get forgiven?


Jack: Just ask Him.


Kevin: <looking up> God…I know there are things I’ve done that were wrong and I want to be forgiven now please. Please be my Lord and help me live Your will.<looks down at Jack smiling> Wow.


Jack: Now you know the rest.


Kevin: <smiling> Yea,  I still got that Bible you gave me for Christmas. I’ll get it out from under the coffee table tonight. It’s really that easy to talk to God?


Jack: <chuckles> yup. <Looks down the bomb> So what are ya gonna do with that?


Kevin: <shrugs> Dunno. Do you know how to dismantle a bomb?