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Float the Buffalo

 The sun had not risen yet as we, a group of five drove down the road.  Three girls and two boys.  Well, more like young men and woman.  We were all over 15.  Not that we ever act like it, but that’s part of our charm.  I sat in the backseat with Billy and Calley.  Billy had thick dark hair and dark blue eyes.  He fell asleep within an hour after we left Amber’s house.  I was throwing paper wads at him.  I couldn’t help it.  It was just too tempting.  Calley had short blonde hair.  She and Amber were best friends.  Amber sat up front talking with Raylen.  Amber had curly long red hair and green eyes.  Raylen had dark hair less than a centimeter long.  I myself have dark medium length hair and blue eyes.

 We had to make a little pitstop.   I looked over to Billy.  “Billy!”  Dude didn’t move.  I pushed his knee with my foot, “Wake up man!”  He moved his head a little.  “We stopped.  Come on!”  He finally stretched and got out with the rest of us. 

 Inside the store was pretty empty.  It was still real early.  It was one of those places with only one bathroom.  Calley went first and Amber and I looked at those stupid hic joke things.    Raylen looked at Billy and said in his best beast voice, “Want to go in together?” 

 Billy put his arm around him, “We don’t have time.  Maybe when we get home.”  He went in alone, leaving Raylen with us.

 Calley came out after about three minutes and Amber went in.  Billy was still in there.  I wouldn’t have been surprised if he fell asleep on the toilet.  Finally we all got a turn.  We got back in the car and drove off.  We got to the Buffalo and waited for the shuttle thingie.  We got to the spot and had the canoes ready.  Amber and Raylen got in one and Calley, Billy and I got in one.

 We paddled a ways.  I kept watching Billy, praying he wouldn’t do anything.  He did.  He got his oar and started splashing us with water.  Well that seemed to get him kinda over the edge.  The canoe started to turn, so Calley and I leaned the opposite way.  Billy fell in anyway.  Calley picked the oar up and when his face came out of the water, we laughed.  He looked kinda embarrassed.  I think his cheeks were even flushed.  Amber and Raylen stopped rowing, but the river was moving so they couldn’t stop.  Billy tried getting back in, but it started to turn again.  “Billy don’t!” I yelled.  Amber and Raylen started to laugh.  Billy got that dangerous look.  I was very frightened.  Suddenly I was in the water next to Calley.  The canoe was upside down.  I looked at Billy and dived after him.

 We finally got back in the canoe and caught up with Amber and Raylen.  We parked the canoes, I guess you could say.  We snacked a little.  The napkins were sitting on the ground, and it was windy.  Well next thing we know there is paper towels all over the place.  We got back in the water and I went underwater, my favorite thing.  Raylen grabbed me when I came up and dunked me.  Billy was going after Calley.  Well between the two of them they dunked us all.  I tried to grab Raylen’s and Billy’s legs dunking them. 

 Amber got on Raylen’s shoulders ready to play chicken.  Calley got on Billy’s shoulder.  I felt mischievous and dove under attacking Billy’s and Raylen’s legs.  I was pushing on Raylen’s leg when I felt a splash above me.   Calley fell.  I came back up and we all laughed.  I wanted to play so I asked Raylen if I could get on his shoulders.  Amber got on Billy’s.  I was wobbly as usual and couldn’t stop laughing.  Billy and Raylen seemed to be in their own battle as Amber and I tried to push each other.  I lost balance and fell. 

 All this time Calley was cracking up.  As Calley laughed water squirted out her nose.  I guess she had water up her nose.  Well, there was more than water cuz a string was hangin off her nose down to her chin.  We all busted out laughing.  I was laughing so hard I had to cough.  I couldn’t stop, which made me laugh harder, which me cough more.  Well I soon passed out from lack of oxygen.  Well maybe not, but I got real dizzy.  We all got back to shore as I caught my breath. 

 Amber was sitting down when this little blonde haired boy walked over.  He stood and stared at her for a minute.  Amber politely said, “Are you lost?” 

 The little boy smiled, “Will you marry me?”

 Amber couldn’t help but laugh and say, “You are such a cutie but I’m a little too old for you.”

 The boy shrugged, “So?  Age has no significance in the matters of the heart.”

Amber laughed harder, “Sorry man. Your just not my type.”

Later on as we packed to go, a bird was flying circles above.  It was making strange noises.  Suddenly white goop landed on Raylen’s head.  Apparently the bird was making those noises cuz it was constipated.  Back on the road, Billy fell back asleep and I was real tired too, but I couldn’t sleep with Amber, Calley, and Raylen singing.  That woke Billy up and he laughed with us.

I wrote this between 3 and 5 am on the 28th.  I was just imagining what could happen on our little excursion.  Amber helped.  If this actually happens that would be insane looney and craZy!  I added more between 3 and 4 pm..   It might get more :)


May 1999


This was written about a day before we floated the Buffalo.  I was just having fun imagining what would happen.  A couple things did.  All of it didn't, but we had a blast anyway!