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Far From Home
by Lori Cox

dedicated to Derek & Megan Goff 

AUTHORS NOTE:    The writing of this story began when my friend, Rocco Goff said he needed something to read to his children, so I said I would write him something.  That something has turned into a story larger than I ever dreamed of creating. It is written in increments of about a page and a half on average. These chapters are sometimes longer depending on my time and amount of creative flow at the time. You also notice there are times when I will write more than one chapter in a day. There is also at least one chapter that I took two days to write. I would wrote pretty regularly about 3 or so chapters a week, but when school started I stopped writing all together, and that explains the 3 month gap between chapters 26 and 27. 

This story is pretty much about a girl who learns she is an alien, has to go back to her planet that feels as alien as she is to earth because she is incompatible. Her three friends join her on this journey home. However, they leave behind one of her kind, a dangerous one of her kind. Now, she is fighting to go back to the home she has known all her life before her friends die from being in a place that they are not meant to be. After all is said and done will she decide to go home or what they tell her is her home?

Chapter 1
How Did She Do That?
by Lori Cox – 5-14-01

The boulder was about to crush the slim 15 year old that was my best friend. I couldn’t let that happen and in instinct held out my hand. In a split second I wondered to myself how on earth this was going to save him. In that same second I felt a power surge through me. I looked at the boulder now floating in air. My 3 friends and I were completely shocked. I was shaking as I felt strength from an unknown source within being drained by the weight of the boulder. I yelled, “GO! I don’t know how long I can hold this!” When I saw him run to a safe distance I lowered my hand and the boulder crashed to the ground. 

I stood there shaking of shock and weakness and confusion. My friends stared at me. I stared back. They were asking me an unspoken question I was asking myself. As we all stood there shock stricken a voice startled us.

“Interesting I should find you here.”

We all turned to see a man we had seen earlier. A hiker and photographer. I was nervous, “You seen what just happened?”

“How could I not? Not every day a large rock just sits in the air like that,” He looked at me for a moment, “and from the looks of you, you have no idea you could do that.”

I shook my head.

He smiled, “I have a lot to tell you. Let’s start off with the basic fact. Your lineage is not native to this planet. Heck, it isn’t native to this galaxy!”

Jonathan shook his head, “Let’s go. This man is on crack or something.”

The man laughed, “I hadn’t done that in years. You cannot deny the fact that she did do something unnatural and therefore she, as well as you, have many unspeakable questions.”

Marlin, whose life was saved, asked first, “How did she do that?”

The man looked at me, “She can answer that as well as anyone.”

I looked at my friends, “I don’t know. I just didn’t want to lose my best friend.”

The man smiled, “The need to protect your friend triggered a natural power you possess that unless trained is not used or known how to use.”
Jackson looked at me, “So, Carmi, you’re an alien?”

I kept looking at the man, “Do you think you’re an alien too?”

He held out his hand toward the sky and a light emitted from it. “You try.” He said nodding to me.

We all looked at him. Marlin looked at me expecting me to do as the man asked. Jackson nodded at me, “Go ahead ET.” I gave him a look. Jonathon walked over to the man and poked around his arm.

I pulled Jon away and looked at the light and than the man again, “How…if I even can?”

“Remember feeling the power before but make it light.”

“Um, sure ok.” I said in mock understanding. I did as he said. I tried to pinpoint the power source but it didn’t work. “How do I know YOU didn’t hold the boulder?”

“Because I had no need to. Not that I want him to die, but… Listen. Come here.” He moved toward me with a hand outstretched and I moved away. “Trust me,” he assured me, “If I harm you, I know without a doubt these boys will kill me.” He put his hands on my face and our faces were very close. I didn’t like this and tried to pull away but he held me firmly. “Let me train you the way we train on our home.” He put his forehead on mine and suddenly I was thinking of things and knowing things that weren’t mine. I pulled away looking at him strangely. He just smiled, “Now try.” I did and suddenly I knew exactly what to do. The light appeared. I closed my hand to make it vanish and looked at him. 

Jonathan not wanting to show his dumbfound-ness asked, “And just what is the purpose of such a power?”

The man looked at us and said, “For light.”

I spoke about the same time, “Simply for light. Like a self flashlight.” I was shocked I knew the answer even before he spoke his answer. “How did I know that? How did I know how to do that?”

“You have my knowledge. Knowledge I got from my trainer who got it from his trainer and so on. The knowledge is ancient and is added to by each individual. When you pass it along it will be greater than you received.”

He had us all convinced. By this time it was getting dark. Marlin said that we needed to get going. Jonathan scoffed, “She can light the way.”

The man warned us, “It must not come to anyone’s knowledge that she has these powers. I must go. I may never see you on this planet again. Be careful.” He walked off.

I shrugged and started walking following Jackson who had already started on the way. We didn’t speak at all. The trip was uphill and took all energies to get back before dark. Right before the end of the trail Jonathan made us all stop. Marlin looked at him, “We’re almost there. We don’t need a rest.”

Jonathan looked at me suspiciously, “Do that light thing.’

Jackson looked at him, “What? Why? It’s still plenty bright.”

Jonathan looked at me still. Marlin broke in, “She doesn’t have to prove anything.”

I looked at Jonathan. “I think he wants to know what we all want to know. Can I do it without that man around.” So I held out my hand and focused and as quickly as it appeared I closed my hand. “I think we’re satisfied. Let’s go and eat now.” I started back up the trail.

Chapter 2
Now What?
by Lori Cox – 5-17-01

That night after I had showered and lay in bed, I sighed as my muscles started to finally relax. I closed my eyes and sleep was coming and I let my mind go over the day. I laughed at some things as I remembered them. 

Then, in an area just before sleep I remembered the photographer. Jonathan, Marlin, Jackson and I hadn’t talked about it since finishing the trail. We just went to eat and came home as always. I decided to call them first thing in the morning and we could discuss this. I was just wondering why I was told all this and why I am here if I really am from another galaxy and what I am supposed to do now that I know what I know. I had a lot to think about but my body was worn out and I fell asleep before I got too wound up in thinking.

We rode our bikes to the school ground, which was empty since it was Spring Break. We sat around on the school porch steps. Today was Friday. After the weekend we would be back to school. “We can’t tell anyone. You guys agree with that at least don’t you?” I asked looking at them. Jackson shrugged as he played with a piece of grass he pulled. He was a slender 17 year old—oldest of all of us. Jonathan was even slimmer, being 14 and in the all legs and all arms phase. He nodded with a thoughtful look on his face. I looked lastly at Marlin, my best friend of them all. We had been neighbors for a long time and were about 3 months apart in age. I was still 14 but had gone past the lankiness that Jon was still going through. Marlin was about at the same phase as Jackson even though he was 2 years younger. So we were a pretty funny sight. All going through puberty. Marlin looked at me for a while. He didn’t seem to quite know what to make of me anymore. 

I was kind of irritated by now. Stressed out from trying to figure all this out. I said defensively, “I’m still me! It’s not like I knew about this and was hiding it! It’s as much of a surprise to me. If not more! You have to promise not to tell anyone.”

Jackson was still playing with the grass, “So…ET. Now what?”

I glared at him, “I don’t mind the nickname, grassman, but it’ll raise suspicions. I don’t know what to do. That’s why I wanted to talk with you guys. We always get through things together.”

Marlin smiled assuredly, “I’m there for you Carmi.”

I smiled back, and side glanced at Jon who was standing with hands in pockets looking at the ground. He simply said, “Me too.” I looked at Jackson who was really tearing up that blade of grass, as his face was intense with thought. He looked at me with such quickness I jumped. I knew how to handle each of these guys and Jackson needed fire shot at him, “So? Can I count on you or should I run to Canada?”

He stood up and took on the same stance Jon had and looked at me again, “Ok. Say you are from some other planet. Why did we need to know this? Why do we have to be burdened with this secret?” He looked back down kicking the dirt. I knew there was more to his fit than just the fact that this thing was thrown on him. He was hurt that his friend wasn’t what he thought, as the rest of them.”

I looked at him sadly, “I don’t know. All I am asking is that now that we do know, and you are my friends…All I am asking for is that you be there for me and …” I didn’t know what else to say. I was just as confused. “You are all hurt because there is something about me that you didn’t know. It’s a big thing and I understand. You have to understand though, that I found something about MYSELF and it scares me to death!”

Jack sighed and looked at me again with a softer face, “Alright Carmi. We agree. We’re all scared. I’m there for you too.”

We were all shocked by his words. They were so…sweet. He sounded as vulnerable as we all felt. It was new for him to express fear. I smiled at him. “Ok. Now. I have to figure out WHERE I am from. WHY I am here…” I stopped. I was about to say something about how to get back. Why on earth would I want to go back to a place I don’t know when I have a life here.

Chapter 3
Later On
About 5 years later
by Lori Cox – 5-17-01

I looked at the college catalog unable to concentrate. I had finished my basic core classes and now had to choose a major. Suddenly I jumped feeling a hand on my shoulder. I looked up. It was Jon. “Can’t pick one huh. I’ve got 20 more hours before I have to worry about that…thank goodness.”

“I suggest you start worrying now. It’s hard to choose when you have no idea.”

“May I make a suggestion?” This from the other side of me and I turned back around. It was Jackson. He was a senior graduating this coming May.

I looked at him with a glint of tease in my eye, “Does it matter if I say yes or no?”

He smiled, “Not really. I suggest taking a class from any that interest you. It will take you back a semester but it may help you figure out what you want.”

I looked at the book again, “That’s an idea. I can take them all as credit and audit some later. Has anyone seen Marlin? I want to ask him what he chose.”

Jon sat beside me, “He told us what he wanted to do since 3 years ago. Vehicle Design. He has this dream of designing state of the art cars.” He poked Jackson, “Remember that drawing of a … what did he call it? Anyway, it didn’t look like it could go anywhere but he was convinced he could make it someday.”

Jackson laughed, “Yea. It was a pretty neat design though. For an art piece.”

I looked confused, “I don’t remember seeing it.”

Jon looked at Jackson and then to me with concern, “We were all at your house. Mar said he would be over later, and we waited 20 minutes to watch the movie. You were all upset because you hated waiting. Then he brought the drawing and you kind of got upset because you didn’t see why we had to wait for that. He got all upset, and you calmed down saying something about it’s a female thing and apologized.”

I looked at him confused then, because I was just tired and knew they would bug me to remember I nodded, “Oh yea. So he’s majoring in CAD or something?”

Jackson looked me, “Carmi, you been studying too hard. CAD only takes 2 years. He’s graduating with me.”

I shook my head, “Of course. It’s the heat.” I shut the book. “I think I’ll do that. Take a class from a few majors and see what I like.”

Chapter 4
Mystery Stalker
by Lori Cox – 5-17-01

I was walking along leaving my last class to go to work study in the Student Center when Marlin nearly ran me over, “Carmi!”

I jumped back and looked at him, “What?”

He was out of breath, “I’ve been looking all over for you. I…” He stopped, “We have to talk about this later. In Classroom 201 in the IT building. I have a class there in an hour and no one will be there for at least 30 minutes.”

He ran off, and I went to the room. He never said when so I assumed he meant he would be there later. I sat at one of the computers. He had his CAD classes in here. I can’t believe I don’t remember him having these. My recent memories were being taken over by memories of 5 years ago. We talked once since we sat at the school porch. We had all been thinking about it all week and met up there the Saturday after. There wasn’t even a starting point. The knowledge the photographer gave me seemed only concerning the hand light. I knew there was more but I didn’t know how to access it. I have been having strange dreams the past few weeks, but I didn’t tell the guys. I was being very preoccupied with the questions we gave up on trying to answer 5 years ago.

“She’s thinking again.” I barely heard Jonathan say this.

“Doesn’t she know how dangerous that is for her?” I did hear Jackson’s reply but ignored it.

I heard footsteps and looked up. Marlin shut the door, “Now that we’re all here. Let me start at the beginning. I was taking my niece to the observatory. This man kept looking at me and following us. I assumed he was some pervert after my niece so we left. I took her home and started walking—I borrowed my brother’s car, because mine is still in the shop, but you knew that.”

Jon broke in. “Not Carmi. I’m surprised she remembers our names lately.” Jack hit his arm and nodded to Marlin, “Go on.”

Marlin nodded and continued, “Anyway, that same guy was behind me as I walked. My house is only a few blocks away now so I go into a full run. Ok, so I make it to my house. The guy is there at my door! I said, ‘Hey man, leave me alone!’ “Well he just kept looking at me and finally said, ‘You’re not the one.’ Then he ran off.”

We looked at him. Jackson was the first, “Ok…and?”

Marlin looked at me, “I think he was looking for you, Carmi. That weird photographer wasn’t the only one that saw us.”

Chapter 5
Do You Remember?
by Lori Cox – 5-18-01

I looked at Jackson and Jonathan. I wasn’t sure if they even remembered. Not that we could ever forget, but had they been thinking about it? Jackson looked serious and spoke, “There were a lot of people on that trail. The photographer was going ahead of us when we had stopped to rest. No way he should have even been around. That whole incident was weird. I thought we all chose to put it behind us. As far as I know Carmi hasn’t even done that cool light thing since Jon made her before we left the trail that day.” He looked at me, “Have you Carmi?”

I thought. “Once. In my room…about a year later. No one saw me. My blinds were closed.” I had just wanted to see it again to see if it was still there.

Jon looked at me, “Ok. I am going to ask again. In a nicer way this time though. Could you please try to do it now?”

Marlin looked at me and quickly said, “No! Not here! I think it’s a good idea Carmi didn’t do it all these years.”

Jackson laughed, “Not that she had a reason to. I still don’t see why any person…alien or earthling would need that.”

I looked across the room and answered him, “Because on my planet we have no need for artificial light. When the suns go down we simply make our own.” I was shocked but suddenly laughed and added, “Also great for the many caves!”

Jon looked at me, “You know about your planet?”

I shook my head, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just a reasoning I came up with on my own over the 5 years.” I held my head and shook it again as if it hurt to think, “I can’t wait till Summer Break. My brain needs a serious rest.”

Jackson put a hand on my shoulder, “Look ET, School may be out soon, but you need to remember what you can. We need to find this stuff out so we know what this guy wants with you.”

I looked at him, “What? I couldn’t remember then! How am I supposed to remember now, 5 years later!”

Jon looked thoughtful, “That man…he gave you the knowledge to make the light. Maybe he gave you other knowledge too.”

I shook my head; “I tried that for months after. I can sense things in there but its all bits and pieces on uncomprehendableness.” 

Jackson laughed, “Carmi, that isn’t even a word.”

I laughed a little, “I know. You know what I mean though.”

Jon patted my head, “Yea we know.”

I looked over my shoulder at him, “You know I hate that.”

He smiled, “Yea, why do you think I do it?”

Chapter 6
The Dawning Light
by Lori Cox – 5-18-01

Later that night, we all met in Jonathan’s dorm. His parents moved away just as he started college, so they gave him some money for a dorm. I looked around. Jon had a roommate. A very handsome roommate. “Where’s Richard?”

Jonathan laughed, “He’s on a date. Sorry, Carmi. He met someone.”

I shrugged. He was handsome but not the only guy in the world.

Jackson looked at me, “Besides, we don’t want him here for this. We would have asked him to leave. When is he supposed to be back?”

Jonathan looked at the clock, “He’s out with Jennifer and she’s said she wants to stay out past midnight. She’s never done that. So she wants to because her parents aren’t here to give her a curfew.”

Marlin looked at Jon funny, “A lot of information for someone you never met.”

Jonathan laughed. “Rich went on and on about her.”

Jackson was getting impatient, “Ok. Enough about this Jennifer chick—who by the way is the hottest freshman here and why I am sorry I have to leave now that she got here.”

I rolled my eyes, “Well, I’m ready when you guys are. Leave the lights on. If they are off people are going to see a weird glow and that will really hit us off.” I held out my hand and concentrated. My hand glowed. It was brighter. “Is it me or does it seem brighter?”

Jackson put his hand near it reluctantly, “I want to see if this emits any heat.” He put his hand in the light and he was getting braver. He finally put a finger in my palm and then jumped back, “Whoa.”

I closed my hand and looked at him, “Did I hurt you?”

He laughed, “No. It wasn’t like an electrical shock. More like…I cant explain it. Like your electrons were pushing mine faster than they knew what to do.”

Jonathan paced a moment, “That explains the power. Your species must have the ability to control your body’s electrons. Increasing their speed, which creates light energy.”

Jackson applauded, “A genius at work!”

Marlin ignored them, “Ok. We have a theory of how you can do that. So what? No offense Jon. It shows great intelligence on your part, but it doesn’t help us figure out why this guy wants her.”

Jon looked at him, “No offense taken, but maybe this is a clue. Maybe he figured that out before us. I mean think about it. A girl that can control her electrons.” He laughed saying that. We may never know why. “I mean the possibilities. The amount of money you can save on light bills!”

We could all hear the joking tone in his voice, but we also knew how possibly right he could be.

Chapter 7
Big Brother’s Watching Little Sister
by Lori Cox – 5-25-01

I sat on the curb of my house. We had all returned home for the summer. I registered early for the next fall semester. I had all summer to think. If I figured out what I wanted to do with life I could change classes then.

I had all summer to think about that. I was too consumed with the conversation in the dorm room a few weeks ago. I sat playing with the stray grass growing out of a crack in the cement. In my peripheral vision I saw Jackson walk up. I looked up with a surprised and confused look on my face. He stopped in his steps and laughed, “What?” I looked at my watch as I said, “I thought you didn’t get home till.” Then I saw the time, “Never mind.” I shook my head and sighed, “I lost track of time. I didn’t realize how late it was.”

He sat beside me, “So. You sit around all day thinking instead of working during the summer like normal people.”

I laughed, “You know I can’t start till June. They don’t have need for much help in May. Besides, who said anything about just normal people having a job? Don’t you have one?”

He laughed, “Yea well at least I’m human.” I frowned and looked down. He put his arm around me, “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…” I shook my head and stood up and crossed my arms. He stood up next to me. “So…have you…um…I don’t know…remembered anything he left in there?”

“No. I don’t know how to begin. I tried doing what I did when we talked with him. The only thing that happens is I have to open my hand to release the light. It kind of hurts if I don’t let it release. Like gas.” I smiled at him, “You should know.”

He got a sparkle in his eye, “Oh! Wouldn’t it be too cool if I could just fly whenever I had a release of gas!”

“You’d blow up the galaxy. Then she’d really have to phone home.” Jonathan laughed walking across Marlin’s lawn.

Jackson looked at him, “Is that where you were all day? I tried to call you.”

I looked at Jonathan, “No. I never had seen him go over. I had been sitting here all day.”

Jonathan yawned, “Marlin and I stayed up till 3 this morning. I was asleep till 15 minutes ago. Marlin was still in the shower when I looked out the window and saw a bunch of weirdoes standing on the sidewalk.”

I started walking along the sidewalk. Jonathan and Jackson followed silently. After a while I started wondering what they were thinking. I turned around, “You guys are awfully quiet.”

Jon smiled, “You said you needed us to just be there for you. So we are.”

I laughed and saw Marlin running to catch up. He looked at me and looked at Jon questionably, “You didn’t tell her did you?”

I looked at Marlin and the Jon, “Tell me what.”

Jon rolled his eyes, “No Marlin! You know now she’s going to interrogate us don’t you? You rag me all night not to let her catch on and you go and…”

Jackson cut him off, “Whoa! Slow the horse down. What on earth are you talking about?”

Marlin sighed, “Well, we were going to tell you later, but I ruined it. Do you remember that man we saw? Well, he was a featured photographer in a website that Jonathon surfed on last night.”

Jackson looked confused, “So?”

Jonathan thumped his head, “Think! It had some contact information.” He looked at me; “It’s up to you if you want to contact him. He lives in Canada and travels a lot, but there was an email address.”

I nodded, “Well since my parents think computers are just the spawn of the devil, I’ll never get on in the house, so may I use yours?” I asked Marlin.

We went to Marlin’s house. They showed me the website where I emailed the photographer telling him where we met and Jackson told me not to say too much. “Big brother’s watching, little sister.”

Chapter 8
Past and Future
by Lori Cox – 6-1-01

Three days later Marlin printed out the photographer’s reply and came to my house to give it to me. It said:

“Carmi. Nice name. My name is Jack in case I never told you. I said I might never see you on this planet again. I didn’t know then the fascinating technology this world has. We need to meet somewhere. I will be in that area sometime next week. I will email your friend Marlin again to say when and where.”

“Well, maybe now our questions can be answered.” I said sitting Indian style on my bed still looking at the paper. Marlin sat on my chair by the window. He didn’t say anything but kept looking down in thought. I looked at him and finally asked, “Marlin, are you ok?”

He looked up and shook his head, “No. What if you have to go back? Then I loose the best friend I ever had.”

“Who said I’m going back? This is my home. I don’t know how I got here but it’s my home.”

“What if you need to? What if you die if you stay here? You’re memory is getting really bad and half the time you’re confused as to what we’re talking about.”

“School stress and all this. I’ll be fine! Really!”

The next day Jack sent an email asking us to meet him at the fair grounds at 5:00 pm. Jackson drove and we all went to the fair grounds. It wouldn’t be open for business till the Independence Day Festival. It was abandoned today. Jack walked up to us and held out his hand emitting the light. I did the same. I then laughed, “We also use it to greet?”

He smiled. “There are many things we use it for.” He frowned, “I hope you never learn to use it as a weapon.”

“Cool!” Jonathon said.

“No, not cool. That is why Carmi and I are here on your planet. Some of our people have learned and spread the knowledge to increase the power and send it out in an explosion. Carmi’s parents, at the time had only one child. It was Carmi’s brother. They didn’t want him to grow up in that world, so they with many others, including myself, took a large cargo ship and set out. We fell into a wormhole and landed on a planet a few suns from your solar system. Everyone died, but as I was examining them all I noticed Carmi’s mother. It had been 6 months and I remember hearing before that a few members of our group were pregnant before we left, but I never paid much attention. The baby was one month from being ready but I knew she was still alive. I birthed her and it was you Carmi. Two shuttles survived. I destroyed the worst of the 2 and you and I came here. The nearest planet to support our type of life. You were still very young but I wasn’t sure how to take care of you. I went to a hospital and looked at the babies. I walked by one incubator and the baby in it had just died. The doctor had gone to tell the parents. I traded you off with it. I took the other baby and buried it.”

Jonathon looked at him, “You buried a baby. Don’t you think Carmi’s parents have a right to know their real baby died?”

Jack had tears in his eyes, “I intend to. When I also tell them I need to take her back.”

Jackson nearly jumped him, “You can’t take her!”

Jonathon held him back, “Ok, first you deny the parents the need to grieve over their baby then you take the only daughter they ever knew who they thought was the baby. Man you’re cruel.”

Marlin sighed, “Stop everyone. He did what he had to do. Carmi lived that baby’s life. Jack here didn’t know what else to do,” then he narrowed his eyes at Jack, “but tell me. Why does she have to go back?”

Jack sighed, “I have found a way to communicate back to our planet. They did some research and from the composite numbers I sent on this atmosphere, our species can only survive here for 20 years. I had lost touch with Carmi and had left when she turned about 5 earth years. I returned to find her and posed as a photographer. I was on a journalism job and I was passing by you and I felt it was you. That’s why I was able to see you save Marlin. I had not been here a full 20 years.” Jack looked sadly at me, “You had been here over that time. Your brain cells are deteriorating.”

“So she just isn’t a ditz. She has a reason. What excuse does every other girl have,” Jackson quirked in. No one paid any attention.

“So there’s a way to go back.” I said. 

Chapter 9
Independent Heroes Save the World!
by Lori Cox – 6-1-01

I sat on a bench and thought. I sat for awhile and looked back up, “How soon and even better, how?”

Jack sat beside me and put his head to mine to tell me. Jackson got upset, “Hey! We’d like to know too!” 

Jack looked at him, “I can’t tell you how, but she needs to leave soon.”

I laughed with tears in my eyes, “Well at least I don’t have to worry about picking a major anymore.”

Marlin frowned, “We’ll never see you again will we?”

Jonathon stood near the man, “What about the reason you left in the first place? It isn’t safe is it?”

Jack looked at me. “I gave you the knowledge Carmi. Tell them.”

I sighed, “Our population has been halved. We have to use law enforcement to a fuller extent but the problem has been under control. The people who possess the knowledge have been locked away in solitary confinement. The knowledge can longer be spread.”

Marlin remembered something, “Wait. That man that was following me that day. I think he was looking for Carmi.”

Jack sighed, “Yes. I was followed. It was a revolutionary claiming we are stopping progress. He followed me on a stolen ship. That’s why I couldn’t leave with Carmi yet 5 years ago. I had to hunt him down. Her time is gone now and we must go even if it means leaving him here. My mission was to bring her home.”

I looked worried, “Wait, this person possesses the knowledge to use the light as a weapon. He could destroy this world. We found a way to suppress it but they haven’t.”

Jack took her shoulders, “I will take you home to heal and then I will come back.”

I stood up, “No. In that time this world would be obliterated.”

Jack looked stern, “Just how do you plan to stop him little one?”

I looked at my friends, “You’ll help right?”

Jackson piped in, “We said we’d be there for you E.T.”

Jon and Mar nodded. I looked back at Jack and smiled, “Teamwork. It’s a little something I learned here.”

Jack sighed, “This planets desire for independence and heroism has rubbed off on you.”

Chapter 10
Come Along With Me
by Lori Cox – 6-4-01

Jack relented and decided to stay in a hotel in our town. He told the company he worked for something about conditions were unfavorable for photography and he would need a longer stay. We had no idea how to find this other alien. So we waited till he found me. Somehow Jack knew I was of the same species and this other one will be looking for Jack and I. Possibly to help him take over the earth.

While waiting my parents decided I was getting ill and took me to the family doctor. He said that he couldn’t find anything but I was felling that I was getting worse than being forgetful and confused. I was getting physically ill. One morning I barely heard the alarm. It was my fifth Tuesday to go to work. I lay there asleep knowing I needed to get up but couldn’t find the energy to. 

“Carmi?” I felt someone push my arm. I turned over and opened my eyes. It was Marlin. “Are you ok?” I shook my head. I put my hand on my head. I watched him go over to the telephone and dial a number then I feel back asleep.

Next thing I know I feel I am being lifted. I opened my eyes and I see Jack. “Where are you taking me.” I mumbled.

“Home.” He said as he walked to the car. “Don’t worry. You’re friends will come with us to say goodbye.”

I looked over his shoulder and saw them walking behind us. I allowed myself to go out again. I felt something rubbing my head. I looked up. It was Jackson. Now we were in the car. He smiled at me and I saw tears in his eyes and I said, “You’re crying.”

“Yea. You made me.” 

“Oh? How so?”

Jonathon turned around from the front seat, “Well. Let’s make a guess. We all have been friends for well over 10 years and you get up and decide that you’re an alien and can’t survive here.” He smiled and winked. I smiled back weakly before my eyes closed again. Somewhere in my mind I was screaming about not wanting to go but I was too weak to care.

Next thing I remember is being in a strange room and I looked around. Jack was securing me with straps. My adrenaline rose and I struggled. Marlin placed his hand on me. Jackson spoke to me, “Don’t be scared. He told us this is for the take off. It will be rough. He’ll un-strap once you’re in orbit.” 

I looked at Marlin and whispered, “Why so silent?”
He looked at me, brushing some hair from my face, “I want to come with you. So do Jackson and Jonathon.”

I looked at Jack and back at the others, “Then come!”

Jack looked at us, “No. We don’t know how they will handle the trip or the stasis or the atmosphere on our planet.”

Jon furrowed his eyebrows, “Stasis?”

Jack nodded, “It’s a week long trip. We sleep for 5 of the 7 days.”

Jackson laughed, “Yea I am sure we can all handle the sleeping!”

Marlin was holding my hand firmly and pleaded, “Please Jack.”

Jack sighed, “Very well. You earthlings are very persistent. No use in saying no.”

Chapter 11
The Abyss of Mentality
by Lori Cox – 6-18-01

Jonathan didn’t seem so sure about being put to sleep for 5 days. “I want to go with you Carmi, but can’t I stay awake on the trip?”

Jackson buddy-slapped Jon on the back, “Ah, come on dude! You look like you haven’t had a good night sleep in ages. It’ll do you good.”

Jon shook his head, “You see. The reason I don’t want to go into a 5 day sleep marathon is the reason I hadn’t been getting much sleep.”

I looked at him and prodded, “And the reason for both would be?”

Jon looked uncomfortable and looked at Jack, “So can I just stay awake?”

Jack looked at him intently, “I’m afraid not. We have only enough provisions for 2 days. We are pushing it by adding 3 people to our ship compliment.” Jack looked worried, “And I am not even sure if your digestive systems can handle it. See, just as Carmi can’t live healthily here, you cannot stay long on our planet. The only food we have onboard is from our planet. Are you fellows sure you want to come? I am not sure how my superiors would feel me bringing home some cast-a-ways.”

Marlin looked stern, “Of course we’re sure. We promised Carmi we would be there for her and we will be. If we have to we will tell your superiors we threatened you!”

I laughed weakly, “With what?”

Marlin thought and finally shrugged.

Jackson piped in, “We can say we threatened to …” Jackson couldn’t think of anything and sighed, “Never mind.”

Jack shrugged, “No matter. I can always find another field of vocation. No need for Star Travelers anymore considering our home is safe now.”

Jonathan still looked uneasy after Jack showed them around the ship. “So this is where we sleep for 5 days.” He looked at me as if evaluating if this was all worth it. I could sense he would do it anyway but I could see in his face he was dreading this sleeping for 5 days thing.

I looked up at him as Jackson and Marling were flooding Jack with numerous questions faster than could be answered. I put my hand on his, “So what’s got you so scared to sleep?”

He looked a bit ashamed as he whispered, “Nightmares.”

“What kind?”

“Well it started last week. I dreamt someone came into my room and squeezed my head with this weird contraption and then a needle came above and between my eyes.” He touched his forehead, “It hurts to even remember the dream. It was the most vivid I have ever had.”

“Do you keep having the same dream?”

“No. The next night and every night after, including last night, its all been the same. I can never remember exactly what happened. Just how I feel when I wake up. I never knew I could be so horrified. Sometimes I’ll scream and wake myself up. Sometimes I think I stop breathing and I gasp for air the second I’m awake. Whatever is in my mind I don’t want it to last for 5 days straight.”

“Well, we have a day before we have to go into stasis. Maybe Jack and I can help you figure out what it is.”

A voice spoke beside us, “No. I will, but you are weak as it is.” Jack was standing near making sure my straps were secure. “You have regained a little energy from the artificial climate made to match our planets atmosphere, but it’s not the real thing, so we need to get going.” He looked at my friends, “Last chance to change your minds fellows.”

Jonathan looked at me and sighed and squeezed my hand, “I don’t leave a friend in need.”

Jackson smiled, “Where do we sit skipper!?”

Marlin looked worried and didn’t say much as they all left the med bay. He was slow and as he was about to step around the door he looked back at me and then continued on with the others. I wasn’t sure what was going thru his mind.

I felt rumbling that lasted about 5 minutes. I trembled within the straps. After awhile they all came back to see me. Marlin put his hand on my shoulder, “It’s alright. We’re just on our way now.”

Jackson beamed, “You should have seen the earth! WOW! I mean you seen pictures but this was…this was…” 

Jonathan elbowed him, “Sorry you missed it Carmi.”

Jack put a hand on Jon’s shoulder, “Now we have 12 hours before we go into stasis. I must ration out some food for our meal before we sleep. We will eat 2 hours before we enter the chamber.” He then looked at Jon, “Meanwhile, perhaps we should figure out what is causing your nightmares. From what I heard you tell Carmi, I believe I have an idea. The first dream was not a dream. I am guessing it was our menace. He inserted a chip into your brain that enters the subconscious and stimulates the synapses that trigger fear. I fear, my friend, we cannot remove it here. I do not posses the right equipment. However, I believe I can suppress its powers.”

Jon got white at the mention of someone actually really doing that to him and nodded, “Well do it! Please!”

Jack nodded and had Jon sit in a chair across the room. Jack put his head to his and closed his eyes. Jon closed his after a look of confusion left his face. Jack then stood and went to a drawer and brought back some tiny device that he stuck to one of Jon’s temples. “I located the chip and it is closest to where this device is. It should block most of the signal sent from its main source. Our enemy has a device he sticks to his forehead to strengthen his signal and the chip in Jonathans brain is the receiver. This only works on a subconscious level when used on humans it seems.”

Marlin said, “So this is a way of a remote connection.”

“Yes, but we decided to not use it 50 years ago as it causes damage after so many months. It was invented and mass produced in a matter of weeks. Over 1/3 of our planet used it for 2 years before we started seeing negative effects. We thought we destroyed them all.”

Jonathan looked worried again, “Apparently you thought wrong.”

I realized I still had the straps and spoke up, “Are these straps still necessary?”

Jack came over and undid them. “You look very tired. You need to rest. I will come give you your food in 10 hours.”

Jackson looked confused, “Well I never thought about this, but what are we going to do for 10 WHOLE hours?”

Marlin looked around, “On a spaceship at that.”

My eyes were closed but I could still hear them, “Explore.”

I heard them leave with Jack right behind warning them not to touch anything.

“Carmi,” someone said my name and I opened my eyes. It was Jack. “Are you ready to eat? We have 2 hours before going into stasis. Your friends are eating in the eating room.”

I nodded and he gave me a tray of strange looking food. I squinted my face, “What is this?” He named of some words I never heard before, “Ok. Ok. Well, I better get used to it right?” I took a bite and nearly choked.

Jack laughed, “I can understand your friends not liking it. I only hope they can digest it. It will take you awhile to get used to the taste. This is just ration food. Fresh food from our gardens and livestock is much better.”

I nodded and ate of my food because Jack said our bodies would need it for the long stasis. After I finished, Jack helped me to my feet and helped me walk to the stasis chamber where the guys were. Jack helped me into a chamber. He instructed the guys to get into chambers as well. “I will begin the stasis process. It will feel like normal at first. You will feel drowsy and perhaps dream a little but after 2 hours the stasis has begun and any dreams will not be remembered. I will close Carmi up first then you guys. I will set a timer on mine. We will wake up and the normal process of waking up begins. We will remember any dreams we are having as the waking sequence begins. If it was a bad dream or if you wake up forgetting where you are or how you got here do not panic. Of course you won’t remember that I told you that will you?” He chuckled.

Jon got in slowly and I could hear him trying to calm himself with deep breaths. As Jack closed the cover over me I asked, “Could you please do Jon first so he can get it over with?” Jack nodded as the lid closed. I felt a cool air around me and heard it hiss thru vents and then a steady hum. With my already weakened body it felt like it took less than 2 hours to reach the abyss of mentality. 

Chapter 12
A Rose By Any Other Name
by Lori Cox – 6-21-01

My eyes popped open and all I could see was darkness. I was shivering from the cold air that was blowing all around me. I tried to move my arms but I couldn’t move much one way or other. I was trapped in some pod. I started to hit the cold hard surface until I remembered these words, “Don’t panic.” Jack had said that and then laughed knowing it was impossible to remember something like that if we woke up disoriented. I settled down and felt very exhausted from my current deficiency of my home world’s atmosphere and exerting panicked energy. Surely it couldn’t have been 5 days already. I remembered bits and pieces of a few dreams that I lost because I was so busy trying to escape they didn’t have time to stick in my conscious memory. I wondered how long until Jack’s pod automatically opened.

I was growing bored and my mind wandered. I wondered what Jack’s and my original names were. I’ve always liked Carmi but while “home” I’d better use my name given by my parents. 

I dozed a few more times. The medicated air wasn’t as dense but it was still gently blowing. The last time I awoke it had stopped flowing all together. Finally the door opened by itself. I sat up and looked around. The guys poked their heads up too. Marlin looked a bit confused until realization dawned on his face and he looked at me with a look saying he wasn’t sure how to feel. Jonathan looked shaken. Whatever slipped through the filter frightened him. Jackson stretched and yawned as if waking up from sleeping in. I smiled remembering how relaxed he was and how it helped the rest of us deal with tough situations. I looked around for Jack. His pod was still closed. I tried to jump out but I got dizzy so I slowly got out and felt the guys grab to help me. “Jack’s should have been open by now.” We walked over and I looked at the controls understanding very little of what they meant, nonetheless how to work them. I saw red symbols, “Red means bad right?” I asked the guys staring at the console. 

“Or stop, danger, fire, etc.” Jackson said. 

Jonathan spoke shakily, “That looks familiar.”

Marlin looked at him, “Your dreams?”

Jonathan nodded and shook his head, “I don’t know if I really know, but something inside tells me that the chip in me was a trap for Jack. Once Jack connected to it, a virus inserted itself in him…somehow. He sabotaged his own pod. Its on permanent lock.”

I gasped. “These pods are originally for space burials. They were only redesigned for stasis chambers. They kept the permanent lock on them.”

Jackson sighed, “Well ok. Do you know how to unlock it?”

I shook my head, “No, but when all else fails, beat the crap out of it right?” 

Jackson smiled, “Right on!”

I looked around and found a pipe that had fallen. It was then I noticed a lot of things had fallen. “Looks like Jackson’s room.” I lifted the pipe and hit the end I’d hope only his feet were located. I hit with all my might but all I got was a weak tiny thump. Jackson took it from me, “My room may be a mess but I got the power of a million men!” He ceremonially lifted the pipe and with a deep forced grunt hit the pod as hard as he could. The lid lifted with a hiss of pressure being released. I looked over and Marlin and Jonathan were touching the keypad. I looked back at Jackson who looked quite pleased with himself so I kept quiet and looked into the pod to see Jack looking very pale. I touched his face and it was ice cold. I tried to lift him and soon the guys helped me. I lifted my forehead to touch his. I tried to read into him and found vague scattered thoughts. I spoke to his mind from mine, “Jack? Are you there?”

“Who is Jack?”

“You are…at least on earth you were?”

A moment passed and I could feel his mind coming closer to normal and he broke away from me. “It’s Jeris, Kalium.”

“So you have a last name too?”

He laughed, “Well yes, but Kalium is your name. Kali for short.”

Jackson snorted, “Sounds like a disease or medicine.”

I looked at him, “Well at least I wasn’t named after a city in Mississippi.”

Jeris looked at Jonathan, “I am sorry. The nightmares must have been much stronger without me to block them and so much closer to the transmitter.”

Jonathan shrugged still trembling a bit.

Jeris sighed and allowed us to help him out of the pod. He looked around. “Looks like we got attacked by Dream Pirates.”

Chapter 13
Dream Pirates
by Lori Cox – 6-21-01

“Dream Pirates?” Marlin asked.

“Yes,” Jeris began, ready to give another lesson on our part of the universe, “They were another alien. Not unlike us, but able to survive without artificial atmospheres. We turn off life support for the 5 days we are in stasis and they have scans to find ships whose crew is in stasis and they come aboard and raid.”

“Oh.” Marlin said sitting down putting his hands to his face.

I sat beside him and put my arm around him. “Are you regretting coming?”

He looked at me sadly, “Never. Just feel a bit overwhelmed. My father died 2…well 3 weeks ago. I didn’t tell you because you had enough to worry about.”

I hugged him, “I’m sorry.” 

We got up and helped clean the ship. Well we tried until Jeris stopped us, “We all had a rough stasis. Lets say we get a bite to eat and rest until we get to Jiyuto.”

Jonathan looked at Jack, “Ji you what?”

I sighed, “My home.”

Jeris looked at me, “Kali…you don’t seem very enthused.”

I shook my head, “Earth has been my home for so long. Carmi has been my name for so long.”

I went to lie down in the lounge room with the guys trying to figure out the games scattered around. Jack had shown this to them earlier but only now were they interested in any of it. We had spent 5 days in suspension and while I only felt mildly stronger, they had lots of pent up energy and Jack had to scold them once for play fighting on the command station. I closed my eyes and tried not to think of what I was leaving but what I was coming too. I heard something break and I looked quickly over to where Jackson and Jonathan looked as though they were batting at a floating ball with softheaded mallets. Just behind them Marlin looked at them harshly picking up bits of glass. They saw me looking at them and I laughed seeing them look like puppies who had chewed on a favorite shoe. “You forgot to set the perimeter limits.”

Marlin looked at me strangely, “If you knew about these games why didn’t you show us how to play?”

I smiled and closed my eyes again, “You never asked.” 

I heard them clean up and begin playing one of the games that are much like Earth’s arcade games. Marlin asked, “Carm….Kali, if you want the noise down, how do we turn the volume down?” 

With eyes still closed, I mumbled, “The green tapered line on the side. Slide your finger toward the small tip.” I then drifted off.

When I woke up to the rapid shaking by Jackson, I felt a bit tired, but stronger. “What?”

He smiled, “We’re here at Ju Ju Toes!”

I laughed, “Jiyuto.”

“Yea whatever. Everyone else is on the command station. It’s a great view. Don’t you want to see your home like this since you couldn’t see earth like that?” As he ended the last phrase a frown took to his lips. I smiled at him and got up and he helped me walk to the command station where I stood with eyes and mouth wide open. In front of me was a blue marble. Yes, Earth was a blue marble, but this was a blue marble that had green random polka dots. Apparently Jiyuto was mainly comprised of islands. With a huge mainland that was on the opposite side which we could view. I smiled suddenly knowing much about my world. “Jiyuto means ‘large surrounded by small’”

Chapter 14
Jiyuto Is Home To Me
by Lori Cox – 6-21-01

Within minutes Jeris was on the communications link, “Permission to enter orbit.”

“Permission granted. May we ask how your mission went?”

Jeris looked at me, “I brought home our Kalium. The stray Revolutionary is still loose on Earth. I have 3 earthlings with me.”

“Whoa on that last one Jeris. You have people from earth!”

“They are Kali’s friends. Very good friends. Won’t leave her side for a second.”

“Can they be trusted? What do I say to Losio?”

“Tell him we have some honorary Jiyutons with us. Three males to be exact.”

“Fine. But its your and Kalium’s heads on the line.”

“Mine. Not Kalium’s. Permission to enter atmosphere.”

A moment went by as if the speaker was considering this.

“Very well. But keep the humans in an air locked room while you Kalium step off your ship. We will send security and medical personal to check them out.” 

“Understood. Permission to land.”

“Granted. I will see you on the landing pad Jeris.”

“I will see you then Tarmim.”

Jeris terminated the transmission and while directing the ship to the landing pad spoke to me, “You know how to air seal a room right Kali?”

I looked confused that I did, “Yea.”

“Put your friends in the recreation room and seal the door.” 

I nodded and left to find them. They were already in the recreation room playing the game still. “I have to seal you guys in here. There will be security and medical people here to check you out.” 

Still looking at the screen Jackson nodded, “Sure Kali.”
Not one of them looked away and I shook her head and closed the door putting in the code to seal them. I sighed as I returned to the command station where I found Jeris standing waiting. “Are you ready to step onto your native soil?”

Nonchalantly and far from excited I shrugged, “Sure why not.”

He opened the door as a group of men brought a set of steps for us to step on. Jeris stepped out the door and turned to look at my face. I was staring at the small uniformed group of people gathered. I begin to tremble suddenly becoming very afraid. I felt a rush in my head as my body was taking in air it never knew. I felt dizzy and held the side of the door and a few seconds was able to stand but frightened. Jeris took my arm, “These people are yours. No need to be afraid.” He guided me down the steps as medical people who were moving to put me in a gurney greeted me. 

I tried to stop moving and turned toward the ship. “My friends.” A female touched me shoulder, “They are being examined for contagions. You will see them soon.”

I felt a strong urge of mistrust. With this guilt that I would feel something toward my own people. With the emotions of fear overwhelming me I began to breath heavily soon lapsing into hyperventilation and my head swam as I tried to scream. I felt arms wrap around me as I struggled to free myself. “Take me home!” I feel limp as I realized I was home. This was my home and there was nothing I could do about it.

Chapter 15
Do I Know You?
by Lori Cox – 6-21-01

I lay in the bed with an IV up my arm. Well they called it something else but it hurt like an IV. The room was strange. The walls where it was outside on the other side looked like a grid with 25 by 25 inch squares with glass panels with 5 inches of metal between them. This made sense considering they had no artificial light and needed as much natural light during the day. There was a panel by my bed that as I played with the controls learned that an opaque liquid filled the glass, casting eerie shadows while the water flowed in. As I was pushing the button to empty the water again a man came into my room. In the semi-darkness I thought it was Jackson. “Jackson!” I yelled happily as I sat up.

“Who is Jackson?” The man standing beside my bed was not Jackson. I could see this now that the liquid had been drained completely.

I looked at him hard and cold, “Who are YOU?” I asked with sharpness in my voice. 

“You’re uncle. Lupai.”

It never occurred to me that I would have family here. I stared at him not sure what to say. Then I decided to ask a very obvious question in this type of situation, “Do I have any other family?”

He looked sad. “You know your parents didn’t survive. I am your mother’s brother. Was your mother’s brother.” He looked as if he were about to cry as he looked at me as if I reminded him of someone. Then he continued, “You’re grandparents died soon after the revolutionary war began. Your father was adopted and an only child. I am your mother’s only sibling. I have a wife, 2 daughters and a son. The son and oldest daughter are your age. The youngest has reached the age of learning.”

I looked at him telling me of the many deaths. He tried to keep a firm face but I could see his eyes become wet. I looked down to think how I should respond. I don’t there was a way to respond. I heard him clear his throat and I looked back up to a now smiling uncle. “You will live with us until you find a guild or a mate.”

I shook my head as if I heard something no one else did, “I plan on leaving as soon as I am better. With my friends. Where are they?” I said turning cold again. He stared at me not sure what I was talking about. “My friends. The 3 male earthlings.”

“Oh! They are in the quarantine level. Latest report says they will be out tonight. But you are good to go now the med said. You just have to rest the next few days.”

I looked at him firm and coldly, “I don’t leave without them.”
He looked at me not sure if he needed to be stubborn or let me off. “Your friends are safe, but if you insist, I will let the med know.” He left looking hurt and defeated and I felt like a heel. I laid down and pushed the button to release the liquid. As I watched the shadows dance I closed my eyes.

“Kali.” I opened my eyes and saw a strange light. I looked over and it was my uncle again. He was using his natural light. I looked at him and went to drain the liquid. 
”No bother in that. It’s dark out. You will need to use your light. You do know how?”

I nodded and did, though it was weak from lack of practice and weakness. “Are my friends able to leave?”

He nodded and sighed, “I suppose they will stay with me as well.”

“Where is Jeris?”

“He is home with his family.”

I had never thought of asking if Jeris had a family. I felt a great surge of gratitude for this man and now his family. I got out of the bed and noticed I was in a sleeping robe. I looked at him, “Um. What do I wear?”

He laughed and it warmed me and I quickly put my wall back up. He handed me a slip over dress. “It is Nerul’s. My eldest daughter. You are about the same size.”

I went into the other room and tried to figure out how to dress and keep my light on at the same time. I slipped the dress on in the dark. I stepped out with my light on and Lupai bust out laughing. “The seam goes in the back Kali.”

“Well how am I supposed to see it!”

He looked at me strangely and then placed his hand on a box and the light filled the glass box and he removed his hand. “You didn’t know about this. There is a box right to your left at the door.”

I went back in and did as he did. I turned the dress around and stepped back out and looked back at the box. “How do I turn it off?”

He looked confused again, “Why would you want to?”

I had learned as a child to never leave lights on and I quoted what my earth parents always said, “To conserve ener…” I stopped realizing that wasn’t an issue here. “Never mind. It’s an earth habit to turn off lights since we get it from another source that costs money.”

He shook his head, “Light costs money?” He seem put off by this concept but put his arm around me and led me out into a hall where there were boxes along the walls about a foot apart. We walked through several hallways and we came to a double door guarded by 3 men. My uncle spoke to the one in the middle, “I am Lupai.” He then showed them a card that they scanned. He nodded to his colleagues who left. I could hear them as they began talking and laughing as they turned the corner. The guard spoke to my father after looking at me briefly. “They are medically safe. We are unsure of their security. It is your responsibility to keep them under control.”

I looked at him, “They did cooperate, didn’t they?”

He looked at me suspiciously, “You are a risk too.”

Uncle Lupai got in this man’s face, “You will not speak to her like that again! You’ll be reported for this.” With that he pushed the man aside and opened the door. 

Jonathan, Marlin and Jackson jumped up. Five boxes were lit in their small room. They ran to hug me. I nearly cried. I eyed them in playful firmness, “Did you behave for the nice aliens?”

Jackson snorted, “Yea, but they were barely nice!?”

Jon touched his head, “They removed the chip but it feels like they poked around a bit too.” He winced as he accidentally pressed too hard.

Marlin was silent and looked down. He was very withdrawn lately. I introduced my uncle and we were led toward to exit doors.

Chapter 16
Grin & Bear It
by Lori Cox – 6-25-01

I sighed heavily sitting on the couch. I was still feeling weak but I could tell I as getting stronger than I ever remember. My Aunt Luia was cooking supper. My youngest cousin sat beside me asking me questions about earth. A security man came by 20 minutes before to ask Jon, Mar, and Jackson some more questions; also to tell my uncle how to handle them if they got out of hand. The twins were doing whatever teenage Jiyutons do at night. My little niece, Juisk, was sweet and any other time I would have been happy to entertain her but I was very tired and tense and just wanted to be left alone, but I was very careful not to blow up at her. “What do you usually do before dinner?”

She got close to my ear and whispered, “Pester moma,” she giggled. I smiled thinking for a split second to suggest she do that, and then I remembered Luia was probably enjoying not having a 4 year old under her feet. 

I smiled, “Well, let’s not do that tonight. Tell me a story about your home.”

She rambled on about a trip her and her family took the other year. I wasn’t really listening. I was just glad I didn’t have to talk anymore. Unintentionally my eyes closed. I was startled by the sudden shriek of a small child, “POPA!” I opened my eyes to see a weary Lupai walk into the room followed by 3 irritated earth boys. I noticed they had something on the side of their necks. I looked at them quizzically. 

Marlin poked it, “It’s a homing device. That’s how the security man described it. They usually put it on the revolutionaries and decided we were a great risk and can’t be treated like tourist, but like terrorist.”

For the first thing Marlin said in a while he sounded very irritated. They all looked irritated. I frowned, “I’m sorry. They aren’t making you feel very welcome.”

Lupai sat beside me and put his arms around me, “You trust them because they are your friends, and therefore I welcome them with open arms. Others are not so trusting…even of you. When you decide to wander about this world you will meet people who will dislike you. You are pretty famous…infamous to some. The media recorders have took this little “scoop” and twisted it so badly.”

I turned and put my face to his chest letting him hug me. He petted my hair, “This is your home too, and they should know that. I am sorry for how you and your friends are being treated. If I knew it would help I would go to another island, but you are planet-wide news.”

I sat up, “I know. I’ll just grin and bear it.”

Just then a girl came in. She saw Jon, Jack, and Mar and looked confused than at Lupai and me. Lupai smiled, “This is your cousin Kalium.”

She frowned, “Oh.” She walked into the other room and up stairs.

Lupai frowned, “She’s convinced you’re an imposter. Especially bringing earthlings with you. She thinks you are posing as an earthling and have come to spy out Jiyuto with them so you can later plumage it. I apologize for her narrow-mindedness. Hepor is excited to see you however. He is only gone now because of some obligation he had to fulfill. He should be home soon.”

Jon, Marlin and Jackson sat down. Jon looked pitiful with a bandage over his temple and the homing device on his neck. He looked the most wore out of them all. I looked out the window. The stars looked so different. I began to cry. For the first time since this whole ordeal I cried because I just couldn’t hold it in. Marlin came to sit by me and held me. After a few moments I had calmed down. I looked back out the window and said, “Remember when we were in camp? Jackson had gotten too old to come. I told you all what my mom…earth mom…had said. ‘At least we were under the same moon and stars.’ Those stars look so strange to me.” I got up to look out the window closer. “The moon…there are 2…3 moons.”

Jackson put his hand on my shoulders. “Kali…” He put his head on my shoulder, “I have no idea what to say.”

“ I know.” Suddenly I saw someone walk past the window. He walked back and looked in, smiled and hurried on and was soon through the door.

“Kali!? Kali and her friends, I presume?” It must have been Hepor. I nodded. “I have been waiting all day since I heard the reports this afternoon. I had to stay after lessons to help some friends.” He showed his light. I showed mine too smiling. He then turned to Marlin, Jon, and Jackson. “How do you greet?”

Jackson smiled and walked over to him and extended his hand. Hepor looked confused. Jackson grabbed his hand and shook it. Hepor laughed, “How odd, but ok!” Hepor went to Marlin and Jon and grabbed their hands and shook. Jackson smiled amused.

Luia came in the room, “Hepor, let them be. It’s time to eat now.

Chapter 17
Dinner With Aliens
by Lori Cox – 6-26-01

We all sat around the table. Again, there was food I had no idea what it was. I looked at Jonathan who looked nauseated, probably from all the medicine they gave him during the surgery to remove the chip, Jackson looked excited to try this new stuff. Of course he also tried jalapenos and threw up for an hour. We’ll see how he handles this alien food. Marlin looked worried, “Can we really eat this stuff? Um. No offense to the cook.” Luia nodded smiling. “I mean, can we digest it?”

Lupai smiled, “Not as well as the food found on your home planet I imagine, but the medical scans show that your stomach and digestive tract can handle most of our foods. What foods you cannot handle is too expensive for us to eat much of anyway.”

So we ate. I picked at my food as my friends did. I could eat this stuff and it would actually help me get stronger, but I was craving earth food, especially a milk shake.

Nerul glared at me for 5 minutes, “What’s the matter with the food Kali?” Her words dripped with harsh coldness.

I looked up to meet he frozen eyes. Tired I glared back. “Nothing.”

“Well I suppose considering where you’re from, you probably have no idea what this is do you?”

“You’d think that wouldn’t you? I very well know what this all is. Jeris shared it with me.”

Her face went from hatred to surprise, “How did he share with you?”

I rolled my eyes, “I thought I was the new one. How else? We touched foreheads.”

She shook her head. “Impossible. It only works with fellow Jiyutons!”

“Duh!” I said and laughed knowing she had no idea what that meant and put the food in my mouth and immediately made a face. The taste wasn’t bad but very different. Like taste buds I didn’t know existed were exploding. I gained composure in my face again and took another bite. Each time I got more used to the taste and by the time I ate half the food, I was actually enjoying it. I was concentrating on getting used to the food and didn’t notice that Jon and Marlin were still poking. I sighed, “Guys? Please try it. It’s not that bad. I don’t know if I have different taste buds but maybe you just need to get used to it.”

They did try. Jackson had already grabbed seconds, “Yea guys! This stuff is … exotic!”

I saw the amused look on Lupai and the confused look on Luia and explained, “Jackson is a pig. He eats everything. Well more like a goat.”

Juisk looked at me with her head tilted, “What’s a pig and a goat?”

I thought a moment, “A pig is a large, short animal that eats anything he can get his snout into. A goat does too, but he is a little taller and has fur.” She still looked confused. I looked at Marlin and smiled, “Maybe Marlin wouldn’t mid drawing them for you sometime.” 

She looked at Marlin hopefully and he grinned, “Sure. After dinner. I assume the writing utensils and paper exist here?”

I nodded, “A bit different. I hadn’t tried yet, but it shouldn’t be much different.”

Juisk clapped her hands and sounded like an Italian mother saying, “Eat now eat!”

After Jon and Marlin finally forced down enough food to look like they would be ok until morning Luia finally excused us while she began to clean. As manners have been taught me to offer to help when a guest I offered to help clean. “No that’s ok. It is Nerul’s turn to clean up. You will have a turn in a few days. You need to rest now.”

I nodded and went into the other room where Jackson was looking at a book that was obviously not in English but looked intent to try to figure it out. Jonathan sat wearily in a chair looking a bit greenish. I looked concerned at him and walked over and put my hand on his shoulder, “Are you going to be ok Jon?”

He nodded slowly, “Sure. Maybe we’ll figure out how human stomachs handle Jiyuton food. I think we’ll have a visual soon. I don’t mean optiscope either.” He put his hand to his mouth and closed his eyes turning greener. I frowned. I looked at Hepor who helped me walk Jon outside where dinner went on the lawn.

Chapter 18
Under The Same Sky
by Lori Cox – 6-28-01

“It really depends how big you can think.” I was watching Marlin draw with Juisk watching every stroke. He had finished the pig and was now working on the goat. It was more like looking past them. Jonathan was lying down on the couch as his stomach churned and twisted. I let my mind wander where it would and not really thinking on any one thing. Jackson broke my musings by speaking. I looked at him confused. “You said something about being under the same stars. Well what about being under the same sky? Is the sky limited to the atmosphere or just any vastness? In that case aren’t we all under the same sky? I mean we are all under the same stars. We just have a different view of them.”

I smiled and shook my head, “Ok, Mr. Philosopher. Seems I wasn’t the only one lost in thought.”

Jonathan looked over, “That’s the first time you smiled in weeks.”

Jackson smiled, “Yea, looks good on you.”

I heard Marlin laugh in a short snort. It had been the first time really any of us was really relaxed. I looked at Lupai, “Thank you for making us feel welcome.”

Our pleasantness was broke by Nerul storming through followed by Hepor. “I won’t be seen with them!”

Hepor stopped as his sister went through to the kitchen to talk to Luia. He frowned at his dad. “I was just suggesting we show our friends around the island as soon as they feel well enough.”

Hepor nodded, “It will take her awhile to accept that they aren’t out to get her.”

“Surely, moma won’t let her feel she is right to…”

Lupai looked at his son, “She feels as you and I do. They are aliens, but they aren’t here to harm us and we might as well make them feel at home, as if weary travelers from the opposite hemisphere.”

Hepor nodded, sighed, and slowly entered the kitchen. A moment later Luia was pushing Nerul on the shoulders gently into the room. Nerul looked unhappy but she spoke, “I apologize for how I’ve been acting.” Then she shrugged her mother off and went to another room. 

“Nerul!” Lupai sounded like he was a bit tired of her attitude.

Nerul came back., “Yes, Popa?”

“You will stay in here until it’s sleeping time.”

Nerul frowned at me, “Yes, Popa.” 

I was sitting in a chair near the small table at the end of the room. Marlin was kneeling on the floor so he could use its surface to draw. Lupai was in a large chair reading the book Jackson was earlier examining. Jackson was sitting in a wooden chair near the window. Another chair was on the other side of the window. Nerul reluctantly sat there and crossed her arms.

I decided to be the peacemaker, “So, Nerul what were you up to today?”

She glared at me, “Why is that any of your business? I won’t give you any clues so you can find out how to destroy our home.”

I glared back but said calmly, “I was just trying to make conversation.”

She turned her head but only to see Luia looking at her crossly. Her face fell and she looked down into her lap. I had to hold back from laughing. The mother’s look is universal. “I would like to know as well Nerul. You sure didn’t let us know you’d be gone until supper.”

Nerul sighed, “I was with Posia and Uysl. We were just sitting at the arena talking.”

Lupai frowned and sighed, “You know the arenas are off limits.”

Nerul sat up prepared to defend herself, “No one was there. There were no events planned!”

Lupai put the book down preparing for battle, “That’s beside the point. It’s dangerous. Especially after dark..”

“We had our lights on!”

“Our world is dark, it has become dangerous.” 

“I know but…”

Lupai put his hand up, “Enough. We have guests.”

Nerul grumbled, “What time is it?”

Marlin instantly looked at his watch, “Ten O-Clock in the morning.” Then he did a double take. Everyone looked at his strangely. “Um. On Earth that is.”

Lupai looked out at the moons. “The moons almost touch. Once they align, we sleep.”

Jackson looked fascinated, “What if it’s cloudy?”

Hepor stepped out of the kitchen chewing the remains of some fruit; “We have fixed satellites that feed into stations positioned around the planet.”

Juisk jumped to the window, “Yea! We learned that last week!”

Jonathan head kept dropping as he fought to stay awake. Nerul looked positively miserable. Lupai put his book away. “But we aren’t stopping you from sleeping early if you so desire. Jackson will stay with Hepor and Jonathan and Marlin will stay in Nerul’s room. Nerul and Kali will stay in Juisk’s room.”

Nerul was about to protest but the look in her parent’s eyes made her clam up. “Then I will gather my stuff and put it in there.” She stood and left.

Hepor looked at the guys, “I have some things you can sleep in. Jonathan looks ready now. I will put some in the room for Marlin.” Hepor helped Jonathan to his room and soon returned to sit with us. Hepor sat on the couch and smiled at Marlin, Jackson and me, “Trust me. It isn’t this dull all the time. I will show you around tomorrow if you like.”

Jackson nodded excitedly, “Sure thing man!”

Hepor looked at him strangely but nodded.

I looked at Lupai, “Is there any way I can contact Jeris sometime in a few days?”

Lupai nodded, “Yes, I will show you sometime.” He looked out the window; “It’s time for sleep now though.”

Chapter 19
A Dark & Stormy Night
by Lori Cox – 6-29-01

I quietly stepped into Juisk’s room. Juisk was curled up next to Nerul on the bed. Luia apparently made a pallet on the floor, which I sat on and then sighed as I stretched out on my back. I looked up at the black ceiling. It was completely dark. I had walked in with my light a little bit dim. Luia had taught me we could control how bright it is. I sighed again. I closed my eyes, not really able to sleep but to let my mind and body finally relax. It has been a strange traumatic week. I finally fell asleep but it wasn’t restful as my body was still getting used to the unfamiliar air.

My eyes popped opened as the loud crash filled the air. After a second an odd blue light flashed out the window. I got up and tripped over some toy wincing as a sharp pain went from my foot to my shin. I looked out the window. I saw another flash of blue light flash from green clouds. I jumped back as another rumble shook the house. I didn’t know if this was normal or not. It hadn’t disturbed anyone else. I heard someone in the hall. I opened the door and used my light to look. It was Marlin and Jonathan. “What’s going on Kali?” Jon asked.

I shrugged. “I don’t know anything about this. It sure isn’t a regular storm I ever seen. Green clouds with blue lightning?”

“It’s a sign meaning you shouldn’t be here.” I turned around to see Nerul.

“What’s going on here?” We all jumped to hear the deep voice. It was Lupai.

“Is this type of storm normal?” I asked.

“Yes. They happen an average of twice in three months. It evenly distributes the carbon monoxide that builds up in highly populated areas. The flashes never touch ground. It’s a trick of the eyes. Please go to sleep now.”

Marlin and Jon walked back to their room and Nerul and I stepped back into ours. I had decided I had enough of Nerul. “You know. I hate being here as it is. You don’t have to treat me so mean.”

Nerul sniffed and laid in bed gently so not to disturb Juisk. “Well then you can leave.”

I plopped down, “Trust me I will. I rather die on earth than be stuck here with a bunch of rude aliens!”

I closed my eyes and heard Nerul speak, “We aren’t aliens to you remember?”

I opened my eyes thinking I heard a hint of compassion. She had already turned her back to me. I closed my eyes with tears streaming down my face and I fell asleep again in spite of the strange lightning and loud rumbles.

I felt someone’s foot press against my side. I opened my eyes. As she made it seem, Nerul tripped over me. I sat up and looked at Juisk. She was yawning sitting on her bed. With the door already open I saw Hepor peek his head in smiling. “Good morning.”

I wasn’t feeling good, “Why does your sister hate me?”

Hepor frowned, “She’ll be ok. Let’s go eat breakfast. Your friends are already in the kitchen.” 

I walked down. I looked at Lupai. “I am sorry for causing a disturbance last night.”

He smiled, “It’s understandable. I will teach you how to use the communicator to talk to Jeris after breakfast.” 

And he did after breakfast he took me to one of the consoles. “This is our communications console. We receive news, weather, and other things. We can also access information files. We can also contact each other if we know the person’s General Console Identification, or GCI.”

I frowned, “I don’t know it.”

Lupai smiled, “Not to worry. We’ll just look it up. Do you know his Ancestral names? The more you know the easier to find.” I had no idea and shrugged. “Well I assume he lives on this island. He’s the only Jeris I know of here.” After a few minutes Lupai typed in a code and looked at me, “There you go. Push this button when you are ready.” He said showing me a large button, and then he left the room.

Chapter 20
The Scheme Is Shaping
by Lori Cox – 7-10-01

“Jeris!” I seen his face appear on the screen, “I haven’t seen you since they took me to the hospital.”

Jeris smiled at me, “Yes, I know. How are you feeling now?”

I nodded, “Better every hour. I am with my uncle and his family.” I then frowned, “You know, it never even occurred to me you had one. I am so sorry for being selfish.”

Jeris shook his head, “Don’t be sorry. It was my job, and I had a promise to keep. Everyone on the star ships made a vow that as soon as word came out that peace had once again come to our planet each and every one would return home.”

I looked down. I was still going through the shock of this all—missing my old home; curious about this one and at the same time not sure if I like it or not. “This doesn’t feel like home.” I mumbled.

Jeris didn’t seem to have heard me. “I’m sorry?”

I shook my head and forced a smile as I looked back to the screen, “Is it too soon to wonder when we can go back?” At the mention of that I saw concern and dread cover his face. “I mean me. Is it too soon to wonder when I can go back?”

He looked at me sadly, “Kalium, as I said there is no need for any of us to leave our planet anymore. The violence is gone. There is no one going there and I doubt you will find anyone willing to go. Plus, you will have to come back in about 20 years anyway. You’re friends will likely be able to survive here for 10-20 years before we are forced my ethics to take them back. Perhaps then, but you may not want to then.”

I closed my eyes at the realization. I was stuck here. I mumbled again, “I think I would have rather died on earth.”

“You have to speak clearly. The microphone is not very sensitive.”

I looked up, “Sorry. It was nothing really. I…I have to go….My cousin has said he would show us around…Goodbye.” I pushed the button and stood there. This was some horrible nightmare. I wanted to go home. Then a thought came to me. What would I do there? I left not even knowing what to major in at college. There was still the revolutionary on Earth, but no one here seemed to care about that. Suddenly the weight of the world felt like it was on my shoulders alone. Somehow I had to find a way to get back or wait 10 years when my friends were sick enough for everyone to feel guilty and take them back. I had to start over here. I didn’t know if I would have to go back to elementary studies or if I would be able to join a university or whatever they have here. 
I made a decision then and there and the plan started to form. First off, I would look around and get familiar with everything. Learn what I would have to do to get a basic degree and then advance to a flight program. Surely they had inner atmosphere travel. 

With plan still plotting and therefore no brainpower left to feel sorry for myself I walked into the kitchen where we ate a small meal before we all gathered by the door. Hepor had lent them all an outfit. I hadn’t noticed but clothing here wasn’t that much different. The fabric of course was, but the seam lines and shape was similar. The fabric was a bit softer as if very fragile, yet tugging it I noticed its strength. Lupai had given me a box of my mother’s clothes. There was also a box of my father’s but he apparently was a slightly large man. A few sizes too large for my friends. 

Jackson was well built but the week of just sleep had made him look a bit weak. I knew he was dying to work out somewhere. Marlin was a bit softer, I guess is the only polite way to put it. He was average build and was second strongest to Jackson. Jonathon was tall and lean. No fat or much muscle at all, however, he could demonstrate strength if it was needed. I was the average size for a female my age and height. 

We walked out the door and into Hepor’s vehicle. They have an interesting transportation system here. The vehicle is able to bend. Like an18 wheeler. The cab is in front with a back the same size. There is an expendable material between the two parts. The material is kind of like strong plastic and metal combined. There are 4 large wheels and 2 smaller balancer wheels in the center of the chassis in the back of the cab and in front of the back. The streets seem to be covered with some sort of hard material that I am guessing is dirt, sand, and the plastic and metal all mixed and heated to form a hard surface. 

The houses looked about the same as well. They didn’t have sloped roofs however. In fact I think they sloped inward. Then I understood something. At the side of each house was a silo looking thing with a pipe running from the middle of the house in a slight downward slope into the top of this thing and another going from the center into a pump attached to the house. They collected the rain for their use. 

Chapter 21
Friends Among Enemies
by Lori Cox – 7-12-01

We got to what I assumed to be the central area of the island. It held a large state building surrounded by smaller ones and a marketplace scattered here and there. Hepor explained this was the main shopping area, though there were small markets within a few communities for convenience sake. Also on each island was a School District. All grades, including the University for the particular island was all in one campus with the largest area lacking large vegetation. There was a main island that consisted of large plants that shipped out to each island and also a larger University for those wanted the highest possible education. However few went as the tuition was so high and they would have to be there 10 years. The skills learned are basically the same of earth. Math measurements are different and the terms for science are different. And of course the periodic tables are completely different.

We looked around at the market place learning the names for the food and comparing it to what we knew on earth. We went to a couple of museums. When it came near evening and the sun was setting Hepor asked if we wanted to see a performance. We walked down a long path along with many others and suddenly everyone stopped and moving inches at a time. We got to this box where Hepor inserted a card he picked out of his pocket and punched in a number and we each passed through this arch. We continued a little ways until we found a large area with stone benches half surrounding a plain half circle stage. We sat and chatted a little bit before it became dark and we had to turn our lights on. Except of course for my three friends who got strange looks from some folks and whispers. Jackson looked at one little girl and she innocently asked, “Why don’t you use your light?”

“I’m trying to cut back.” He smiled back.

I snickered as someone walked on stage. “If you will please dim your lights we will have our lighters light the stage and we will begin.”

Everyone did as they were told and 5 people walked up and lit rows and columns of lights along the bottom of the stage. Someone else had climbed a ladder to position this contraption that I saw caught the moon’s reflected light and directed it onto the stage. Two other contraptions did it using the other 2 moons.

People came on stage and performed some play. I wasn’t really paying attention. I kept getting thoughts and images from somewhere. Hepor was next to me but our foreheads were nowhere close. Jonathan was on the other side. There was a small child in front of me but she was leaning forward. I considered turning around, but decided not to. I tried to send a message to the transmitter of the thoughts, “What are you doing in my mind?”

A moment passed. She felt confusion then suddenly, “I didn’t mean to intrude. I have a rare condition. I and others like me have learned to use our telekinetic abilities to send mind messages so touching of foreheads is not necessary. During the revolution a plant was destroyed on the main island releasing gasses making this ability where we cannot turn it off. Very few have this condition and you must have it to receive as well as transmit remotely. However, it is only a short distance. I can move if my mind is disturbing you.”

“No. That’s all right. Why am I able to receive the thoughts? I have been on earth until just a week ago.”

“Perhaps there are gases there similar. I knew you weren’t from around here. Nor are your friends. I assumed you came from one of the other islands.”

“They are native to earth. I need to get them back before they get ill. I also want to return. There is a revolutionary there.” I could feel him growing excited.

“All our government has done to ‘fix’ the revolutionary problem is kill them off. However many have escaped in search of planets to conquer. I am in a group that is sort of rebels against that. We are trying to put together a fleet to go gather them and put them to good somewhere.”


“NO! They are paying for their wrongs! We will provide them shelter, water, and food. It is far more better than killing them!”

I sat thinking. We stopped the conversation and I sensed he went back to watching the show. I considered my options. I didn’t really agree with how either group was dealing with the revolutionaries. However, this rebel group at least wasn’t killing them and the government felt that once they left the planet it was ok. They didn’t stop to consider that these other planets were suffering. Plus they didn’t care about space travel and so I had little hope of getting back to earth. “How do we join?”

“Meet me after the show. When the 3 moons meet. Follow the moons until you come to a stream with 5 rocks across it. Cross that and walk between the bushes. There we will be sitting. Flash your hand 3 times fast, pause and again twice. I will know its you.”

I nodded.

Chapter 22
The Meeting
by Lori Cox –8-1-01 thru 8-7-01

After the show ended I felt the person I had been mind speaking to leave. I sat for a while thinking. Would Hepor and my friends want to go with me or should I avoid letting them know? I decided I would have better chance telling them. If I ended up sneaking around my reputation would just get worse.

“Kali? You ready?”

I looked up to see Jonathan looking at me. I shook my head, “I would like to go for a walk through the woods.”

Hepor looked at me, “We are supposed to be back home before the moons line up.”

I sighed. That’s when the meeting started. I decided to tell them about the mind-conversation.

Hepor nodded, “Yes. I’ve heard of that group. If you wish to go, I can’t stop you.”

I looked at my friends and I asked Hepor, “So we all go?”

Hepor sighed, “I can think of something to tell my parents but yes we will. I understand the ties you have and you feel motivated to find a way to stop the person on earth.”

I smiled and nodded, “It was my home for a long time before I realized…” I shook my head and took a deep breath before I became emotional, “Well, ok then. Let’s go!” I began to walk along the path as I was told. When we came to the end of the directions I flashed my hand 3 times fast, paused a moment and again twice. Then I saw a light and then several more. I would make a guess there were anywhere between 10 and 15 people there.

I was a little overwhelmed but I cleared my throat and looked at the guy who I had spoken to earlier, “I don’t think I caught your name. I am Kalium.”

He came up to me, “And I am Remi. These are the others in our … well the best word I can think of is fight. However we are not violent.”

I rolled my eyes. Isn’t that what they all say? I sighed and remembered this is really the only hope earth and I have. I smiled and nodded to them all. We joined to group as they sat back down on the ground in a rough circle. They all took turns explaining, or rather, ranting their cause. It didn’t matter to me as long as I had a ride back to earth and we got the revolutionary off Earth. We planned to go to an old abandoned Ship Yard and look at the ships and pick one we could use. This would be done after dark in three days. 

By the time we were finally leaving, the moons were already several inches apart the opposite way. I caught up to Hepor, “I’m sorry. We are all going to be in so much trouble.”

He looked at me and smiled, “I think it’s worth it.”

We finally got home and slowly walked through the door. We sneaked to our respective rooms, but before we could, Lupai came out of the kitchen, “We are all talking in the morning after breakfast. No one is going anywhere all day tomorrow. You are all grounded.”

We nodded and all went the bed. The next morning we ate and then Lupai had us all sit in the living room. Lupai looked very upset, “Hepor, you never stayed out past curfew before. Then our friends came. Are they making you do things?”

Hepor sighed, “No. I agreed to.”

“Agreed to what?”

Hepor looked at me. “I can’t say.”

Lupai looked at me, “Why can’t he say Kalium?”

I swallowed hard, “I’m just trying to help my home.”

“This IS your home!”

I closed my eyes for a moment, “Earth. I meant earth. I found a way to do it, but I can’t tell you.” I looked at Hepor, “But Hepor is free to reveal whatever he wishes.”

Hepor shook his head, “I won’t.” He looked at his father, “She just needs to go back to help the place she felt was her home for so long. Surely you can understand that.”

Lupai sighed. “Yes I can.” He looked at my friends and me, “I can’t stop you, but I won’t let you involve my family. The moment my family is in danger you must leave this house.”

I nodded, “Understood.”

He looked at Hepor again, “You are grounded for 3 days. I do not wish you be involved in this either.”

Hepor looked down, “Yes, father.”

Chapter 23
The Eagle Has Left The Nest
by Lori Cox –8-15-01

Lupai stood and after awhile, he, Luia, Juisk, and Nerul left for town. Hepor looked sad, as we all remained seated in the living room. I had a feeling Hepor didn’t get into much trouble. I sighed, “I’m sorry. I bet you never been grounded before.”

He smiled sadly looking at me, “Well once. Several years ago, but I was never excluded from a family outing, but father is doing what he feels is right. It’s a reasonable punishment for disobedience and holding back facts. However, I am afraid I have to disobey him again. I believe in the cause and so I cannot back down now that I know there’s a way I can get involved.

I stood, “You can’t! I don’t like HOW they are involved. I am only in on it so I can go home! I don’t want you involved either!”

Hepor looked down thinking. He looked me square in the eye, “My dear cousin, you can’t tell me what to do.”

I looked at him strangely, “I can tell your father.”

“I’ll run away.”


“You feel strongly about something. So do I. Oh come on Kali! Once you’re back to earth you won’t have to have anything to do with us anyway. What do you care?”

“Because if I don’t care about my real home, I will be just like those that you want to fight. Just because they don’t live on earth they think they shouldn’t be involved even though it’s one of their…our people that will cause the trouble. My blood in running through this planet. Whether I like it or not, my loyalties are here as well.”

He nodded, “I understand you’re torn between what you thought was your home and your actual home. So we will fight together?”

I sighed, “Ok, if you’re going to be stubborn about it. We all sneak out tomorrow night to the shipyard then?”

Jon looked at me and put a finger over his mouth, “SHHH! Gosh, Kali, you’re so new to this! You don’t TALK about it for the walls to hear!”

I rolled my eyes, “Ok! The eaglets leave the nest without the eagles knowing and we go find a bluebird in the bluebird’s nest!”

Jon nodded approvingly, “Better.” 

I shook my head and we all giggled a bit. The rest of the day, we sat around talking about our plans. When Lupai and the rest came in the door we had already switched the conversation over to the rules of Goplerta, a strange game that Hepor is very proficient in.

Hepor was informed he was grounded for the rest of the week. Lupai didn’t talk to the rest of us. He basically ignored us. Now we were only boarders. The family ties were broken. He was also doing this for protection. If he ever had to answer questions he could simply say something about not talking to us much. Which now is true. It felt much lonelier but it was a cost I had to pay. Looking at my three friends reminded me of the far away home I was sacrificing to save. Sacrificing a life on a planet that was supposed to be my home but was so far from it. Knowing my cousin, Hepor was so stubborn to help was also comforting. From now on, things were going to get exciting, as if they weren’t already. I found out I was an alien, forced to come here or die; leaving earth to the mercy of some revolutionary that probably had every plan to take over earth, and probably others like him there. For all we know they are probably working now and earth is fighting them. Now I realize, I may have to learn to use the very power he and the other revolutionaries were exiled for. I would have to learn to use this light for a weapon. It was time to fight fire with fire. Well, light with light this case.

After breakfast the next morning, Hepor stayed in the living room trying his hardest to act as if nothing had changed between him and his family. Jon, Marlin, Jackson and I were in the backyard talking quietly about our plans making sure we had it down. Tonight we would either be really good at sneaking around or caught and stuck on this planet forever; whether they could survive here or not. It was a big risk.

Chapter 24
The Eagle’s Nest
by Lori Cox –8-17-01

Ships were scattered around a large field. They obviously had no use to maintain or protect them so they were left at the mercy of the elements. Some were rusted so bad they would be better put out of their misery. I saw a few that looked pretty decent and all we would have to do was some engine work. Not that I knew anything about that stuff, but there were a few people in our little rebel group that said they could fix an engine blindfolded as they were on the ship maintenance crew. They were also in the group for revenge. When the government decided they had no use for space travel, hundreds lost jobs. I don’t agree with personal revenge but these people would get me back to earth so I kept my moral and ethical views to myself.

We had sneaked out without incident. Jon, Marlin, Jackson and I sat near the unguarded, open gate waiting for the others. It wasn’t really that it was wrong to come here. Many came here just to hang out and some teachers brought their students here for a history field trip. We just didn’t want to seem suspicious already being seen by a few nosy neighbors coming home well after moon lineup. They all knew Hepor came home well before, and barely out of regular school and applying for University, he was still too young to be allowed out that late. He didn’t offer to come with us tonight. It had been the plan, but we all went without him assuming he decided to obey his parents. It was also past moon lineup. Anyone out past that time was considered suspicious. Only night workers and guards were around and anyone just hanging around was questioned. 

I saw a light in the distance. I opened my hand and walked toward it. I didn’t want to seem as though I was hiding. I came close enough to see a face and closed my hand, “Hepor? Why are you here?”

He closed his hand as well. We didn’t want to seem like we were hiding but we didn’t want to expose ourselves unnecessarily. “It was the plan to meet here? I figured it wouldn’t look so bad if I left after you. It won’t seem like you coerced me.”

I sighed, “Fine. We’ll do this together. We are just waiting on the others.”

“We are here Kali. Turn around.”

I turned and saw a dim light. I walked toward it and it disappeared. I came closer and saw their silhouettes. “Ok, well, lets start looking then.”

We looked around at the least horrible looking ones. We split into teams. I was on a team with a few other people I didn’t know well. Jackson and Hepor went with Remi and some others. Jon and Marlin stayed with the watch team at the gate. If they saw anyone coming they would contact us via some device one the rebels brought. He was on the communications crew on the ships and had stolen some of them when he left.

I walked straight to the nearest ship that was in one piece. I climbed up onto it and sat in the seat. I heard them talking. 

One said, “Who does she think she is?” 

Another answered, “The leader for some reason. Did anyone vote her to be a leader?”

I looked down and saw them shaking their heads and I said to them all, “I can hear you. I am not assuming leadership. I just want to see it and I happened to be the first one up here.”

“Well, what’s it look like?” someone asked.

I looked and rubbed some dust off the controls, “Well first off, very dusty.” I read some of the labels on the control panel. “Does anyone know how to fly these things?”

Someone had climbed up and was hanging on to the side of the ship looking into the cockpit. “A few of us, not me, but a few of us used to fly these things.”

I nodded, “I think it would be a good idea we all learned how to.”

He laughed, “For just happening to be the first one up here, you sound like you’re taking some leadership control.”

I kept my eyes on the controls, “Just a suggestion. Who is the leader in this group anyway?”

“I don’t guess we have one. We are like you. We just make suggestions and sometimes go with them.” I nodded again and touched a control. Nothing. His hand grabbed mine away; “You might not want to touch anything until you know something about it.”

I sighed, “Ok.”

I climbed down and heard someone, “The engine is just a little corroded. I can sand the rust off and replace a few parts.”

I saw someone pick up a drawing instrument and mark some symbols. It read, “Leop loves Hewo”. I looked at him questioningly. He smiled at me, “A couple at my school. I do this so we can mark the ones we will try to use.”

I nodded and we went on to the next plane and the next. We looked at several more that were in our designated area and they were all too bad to even look at. We found another decent one and looked it over. Just as the marking guy was making another someone loves someone marking—with different names—a voice came over the communication device. “Macha Tweio Opios!” It was the warning call. We all hid underneath the belly of the plane. 

“What’s going on?” I mind spoke to whoever would receive it.

“We just wait until we get the all clear. If we don’t get one, we wait until sun-up.”

I didn’t like that idea, so I hoped we would get an all clear soon. We waited in dark, greasy silence for quite a while.

Over the communications device we heard, “Soipo Oiewt Ahcam.” The way it was said sounded tired and weary. “Come to designated meeting area 3.”

Area 3 was one of the several areas we would go and hopefully not be discovered. We slowly walked out from beneath the ship belly and sneaked out of the compound and started for the exit gate. 

I kept wondering if my friends were ok. I heard the ones around me suddenly whisper loudly and start running. I looked behind me and there were guards coming after us. At the sight of the running they pulled out weapons. Before I could decide what to do someone dragged me into a run and I did, but I wasn’t used to running at all; yet alone on this planet my body hadn’t totally adapted to. I was slower and left behind and no one cared to look back for me. 

I was suddenly pushed to the ground and felt a hand hold my head to the dirt. “What are you doing here!”

Muffled against the ground, I answered with the answer we all agreed on, “We were just checking out the ships for a University project.”

He tightened his grip and I winced, “It’s too late to be doing research.”

“We were putting it off and it’s due tomorrow.”

He let go, “Get up and shine your light!”

I did as I was told. Beneath the grease, dirt and sweat, he seemed to recognize me. It was the guard that visited Uncle Lupai.

He scowled, “You couldn’t have been accepted into University yet, let alone have an assignment already.”

I sighed, “I was helping my new friends.”

He smiled strangely, “What are their names so I can contact their teacher and let him know how hard they were working.”
I cleared my throat, “Well. I only know Remi and Hepor. The rest are their friends, and I hadn’t had a chance to learn their names.”

He looked at me knowingly, “Humans didn’t teach you to lie to well.”

I couldn’t think of what else to do. They grabbed my arms to take me away and I struggled to get loose. Suddenly a beam shot straight into the sky and hit a tree limb that caught fire. Just ahead of us stood a group of our rebels. One of them walked closer with his hand glowing brighter than normal. “I suggest you let her go.” They looked at each other and proceeded to walk me toward their vehicle. The guy pointed his light toward it and the beam shot out again making the vehicle explode. The two guards holding me let me go and ran away along with the others. The head guard glared at me. He suddenly screamed and I saw a bright light behind him illuminating the guys face who was shooting everything with his hand. I looked at him shocked.

He shouted, “RUN! NOW!” 

So I did, followed closely by him and several others. We slowed down when we were well beyond the shipyard and slowed to a fast walk toward Area 3. I fastened my step to be beside the guy. “Did you kill him?”

“No, he will recover in about a week. I simply burned his back.”

“Oh, that’s so much better! I thought we were out to stop the ones who abuse the light!”

He stopped and grabbed my arm to turn me to face him; “We have to use this in order to stop them! You want to get back to earth right?” I nodded. He continued, “Well we have to do things we don’t want to do, understood?”

I started walking again, “Yes, but I don’t like it.”

He continued walking too, “None of us do.”

I sighed and we kept walking in silence and soon arrived and entered a roughly made hut where they were all seated around a lighted box. I noticed several people were missing. Remi and Jackson among them.

Chapter 25
What Is Love?
by Lori Cox –9-4-01

I spotted Jon and Marlin and went to them. “What happened?”

Marlin sighed, as he answered, “Not sure. We just got the signal over the COM and hid. We saw the guards drive out with some of the others. Including Jackson.”

Hepor came over, “We were checking out one of the planes and just as someone was marking it we heard someone call at us. We tried to act casual until they told us we would have to taken in for vandalism. Then one of our guys freaked and held his hand out and the light got real bright and shot past the guard. Well, obviously by then we had to run. Remi tripped and Jackson went to help him. Then they were caught.”

I sat down. “Well, do we know where they were taken?”

Someone nearby answered, “Likely to the prison on the main island. There’s no turning back now. They know our faces. We could take a boat, but it’s likely our faces are all over the media by now.”

“So we sneak in.” I said.

The girl who talked with me at the first plane snickered, “Still suggesting?”

I looked over, “Strongly suggesting…What’s your name?”

“What’s yours first?”



I smiled, “Kali for short.”

“Poq for short.”

I nodded, “Well Poq, do you not want to save the others?”

She looked down thinking. “We are not in the habit of sacrificing ourselves for others.”

I looked at her in disbelief. This is the place of my origin? A place where people don’t believe in helping others except when it’s convenient? “Where I am from, we are.”

She looked at me in the same disbelief. “Why?”

I opened my mouth, “Because…” I wasn’t quite sure why. I was just always taught that. Then I knew, “Because of love.”

“Love is endangering yourself for the sake of another?”

“Even to the point of death.”

“Death? What makes that person’s life any more important than your own?”

“What makes your life any more important than theirs?”

She looked down again thinking. “I still don’t understand.”

I remembered Juisk and his willingness to duty to keep his word to return everyone, including me to this place. They may not be willing to risk their life for the sake of others, but they were for the sake of duty and honor. “Ok, how about this. For the sake of this mission and this team. We are less without them. We are weaker without them.”

She looked up smiling, “Now you got it!”

I rolled my eyes and sighed, “Whatever.”

Chapter 26
All or Nothing
by Lori Cox –12-31-01

Hepor came over then, “Ok, so how do you suppose we rescue them?”

I sighed thinking. “Well, we’ll have to go through the water. What is the shortest gap between this island and the main island?”

Hepor shrugged and turned, “Does anyone know?”

Someone spoke up, “It’s about 20 jilons I believe.”

Hepor nodded, “Sounds about right.”

I was confused, “Ok, you do realize I don’t even know what a jilon is do you?”

Hepor smiled, “Well, may I show you?”

I nodded but back away as he got closer. I remembered then and allowed our foreheads to come closer. I backed away with the new knowledge and thanked Hepor. Then I asked everyone, “Can we all swim?”

They looked at me as if I was crazy. Hepor pulled me aside, “You don’t realize how the water is do you Kali? Long ago during one of the battles the waters in this sea became very polluted. Our only sources of water are our lakes. We tried to cut off the rivers but it was too late. To even touch the water would bring a horrible rash that would eat you alive. It took us months to find a solution to mix into our paints to apply to boats so they won’t be affected. It’s very dangerous to go over the sea. That’s why there are not many things over there. Only the prison and the School, but that only because it was too big a hassle to try to move, and there isn’t room for it anywhere here.”

“Oh.” Was all I could think about? “So any other ideas?” 

Someone else spoke up, “We could cast-away on a boat.”

I nodded and we decided that since the sun was almost in the sky we would hide out and just go, as it got darker. Everyone tried to sleep with the sun shining so bright. I was lying on my back with my elbow covering my eyes. I could feel the warm sunbeams on my arm. Suddenly I didn’t feel the warmth anymore and uncovered my eyes. I looked over and saw Marlin sitting beside me looking out toward the sky. I sat up, “What’s on your mind?”

He looked at me with those sad thoughtful eyes. He swallowed and looked down as if thinking of how to say what it is he seemed to struggle saying. Still looking down he took my hand and looked at it, “Kali, I…I can’t lose you.”
I squeezed his hand, “I’m right here and I’ll be going home with you guys. Even after we get rid of that revolutionary I will stay. I would rather die an untimely death living at home than living long on an alien planet.”

He smiled looking at me with tears in his eyes, “There’s just no winning in this is there?”

I shook my head, “I’m afraid we don’t have the choice of ‘all or nothing’ on this one.”

Marlin hugged me, “Lie back down. I will go see what Jon is up to.” 

Chapter 27
Stole Aways
by Lori Cox –3-25-02

None of us slept well. As soon as the sun set and the moons began their rise we all gathered and decided there should be three groups going three different directions. The chances were higher that at least one of us would get across, but we hoped we all would. Jon and Marlin went to two different groups and I went to another. My groups route would take us around the city to the East Port. The other two would go to the South and West Ports.

I was told the walk would take about an hour or so. None of us talked and we were just trying to stay alert as we were now hiding. We finally got to the East Port and found a ship. We saw that no one was around and sneaked aboard and found a box under a tarp. The box was empty and dark. I assumed it was being used to pick something up.

We barely all fit in there and not so much later it began to get very stuffy. After awhile we heard people talking and walking around the deck. I felt someone tremble as well as my heart was beating. We soon felt the boat begin to move. This trip would take about 2 hours and then we would have to wait for a good opportunity to leave. No one talked, not even in mind speak. The boat finally stopped and we waited for a good time to leave but suddenly the tarp was removed and above stood a man looking ominous.

He looked at us angrily, “GET OUT!” We did as we were told and then he looked at us all, “What were you doing in there!”

I looked at the others and smiled, “Sir, I am very sorry for the trouble, but we were wanting to see someone at the University and there were no transport boats leaving at the time we needed to go.”

He looked at me hard, “What’s the emergency?”

I took a breath, “He needed some money right away.”

He sighed, “For what?”

I was getting nervous, “Food.”

He shook his head, “University meals come with tuition payments.”

I nodded in agreement, “Yes, but he needs food to take with his medicine and he takes his medicine after the cafeteria closes, so he has to go to a vender.” I had hoped that was enough.

He looked me in the eye, “Go. But take a transport back, ok? I will be reporting this, however.”

Before we could do anything he took our picture. I looked at the others and we began to casually walk toward the University. We had all planned to meet near the University anyway. The sun would be coming up soon and we needed to wait for the night to come. 

After waiting about an hour or so we saw another group come up. I looked for Jon and grabbed him for a hug. We all sat down to wait for the other group. They came about fifteen minutes later and I grabbed Marlin for a hug then. We all lay down and while restless I did get a little bit of sleep only to be awakened a few hours later by the sun. We had found an old building to hide in about a mile from the main campus. We didn’t cover the windows to keep from looking suspicious but we had to stay close to the floor so no one could see us. I sat up and sighed as I leaned against a box. I looked around and pretty much everyone was sitting up or laying with their eyes open looking at the ceiling. Only Jon and Marlin were asleep. I figured they were just wore out from everything. We were all very quite.

When I could see that the sun was about at mid-day and Marlin and Jon were still asleep I crawled over to them and shook Marline.

Marlin opened his eyes a bit, “Mmmm?”

I looked at him worried, “Are you ok?”

He closed his eyes as he mumbled, “Just tired.”

I then shook Jon who took longer to wake up. When he did he opened his eyes wide and looked at me but I could see the weakness in them. I began to cry as I whispered, “You guys are dying.” I looked over to the others, “We have to hurry and get to Earth.”

They all just looked at me with pity and turned back away without word. I looked back down to Jon, but he had fallen back asleep. I just sat there with tears in my eyes watching them sleep and knowing Jackson must be just as weak. I just hoped he was able to rest wherever he was.

NOTE:    More to come as soon as summer starts :) Please do not send any email about this. I am writing it out until I get to the end of the story (which I still don't know about...I got 2 options) When the story is completed then I may go about fine-tuning it. I don't know if the story is worth publishing, if I don't feel it is, I may leave it as this. Later on someone can fine tune it. If this does happen, please keep my name and dedications in tact, as well as the main parts of the story

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