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David Lee Smith, M.D., ER Doctor

Donna and I live in Anniston, AL.  We met when I was in the U.S. Army at Ft. McClellan, AL in 1980.

And I am retiring 01/27/2021.


Donna and David's Vows of 26 July, 1980


David:            Who can find a priceless woman?  A woman who is able to produce via her own initiative for herself, her family, her husband, and for mankind.  A woman who speaks with kind wisdom, raises her children with love, and who deserves  praise.  A woman who praises and serves the Lord.


Reverend Calvert:   Material riches are the inheritance from fathers, but a good and prudent wife is from the Lord.  Whoso finds such a wife finds a good thing, and receives the Lord's blessing.  Who giveth this woman to be this man's wife?


Mr. Kerns:        I do.


Donna:            I give praise and thanks always and for all things to god, and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I shall follow you, David, just as we and the Church follow Christ.  And, love me David as Christ loves the Church, and as we love our families and ourselves.  For we are Christ's flesh, and shall be united as one.


Reverend Calvert:   David, what token do you give as a symbol of your love for Donna and marriage to her for now and forever?


David:            This ring.


Reverend Calvert:   Donna, do you receive this ring as a symbol of David's love and do you accept the love and marriage to him so symbolized for now and forever?


Donna:            I do.  And I give this ring to David a symbol of my love for him for now and forever.


Reverend Calvert:   Do you love one another so much to accept each other in health, when there is illness, thru any economy, and in marriage for now and forever?


Donna and David:  We do.  We shall each other as ourselves and Christ, and we shall serve Him and each other for now and forever.


Reverend Calvert:    If anyone proclaims objection to this marriage do so now or forever hold your peace.  I now pronounce you man and wife for now and forever.  You may kiss.


Scripture - Ruth 2:16-17

Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; Thy people shall be my people, and thou God my God.  Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried:  the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.