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::News::Posted by::Lord Aidon::4/23/03::Host upgrades
Reason the shard has been going down for short periods of time in the past couple days were due to problems with the host computer, which should now be fixed. It will run alot smoother now, especially since their connection was upgraded.
Realm of Hatred

::News::Posted by::Lord Aidon::4/20/03::So far, so good...
Everything is going smooth so far. We've added alot of new things in the past few days, too much to list here. Also our player base has grown alot, and we're moving up in rank on Top 200.

Anyways I hired one more GM today, Azrael, who will be the last addition to our staff. So please, do not ask if you can be a GM because the answer is NO. No exceptions. One more thing, we have a new IRC channel:

Port: 6667
Channel: hatred.uo

Forum is coming soon...
Realm of Hatred

::News::Posted by::Lord Aidon::4/16/03::Now Open
The wait is now over. Realm of Hatred is back UP and RUNNING thanks to our new host, Crusader. The shard went down last October after our previous host shut us down and stole our files. I had a backup of the shard so we didnt lose anything. Unfortunately we had to wipe accounts due to the changes we've made and all the new scripts that we've added. Anyways, have fun. The shard is up 24/7 with no lag, our new host is much more reliable. If you enjoy the shard, PLEASE use the .vote command in-game to vote for us. Have fun.
Realm of Hatred


Status: UP and RUNNING
Auto-Account: Activated