Mike's Turing/OOT WebPage
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Mike's Turing/OOT WebPage

Turing Games/Programs Downloads Total - 63

Hi!! My name is Mike Breault and this is my Turing / OOT Webpage. Right now I am building an NHL TRIVIA PLAYOFF RUN 2000 © with tremendous graphics, coding etc. This game is in it's late stages now with just over 6, 300 lines. (This game was built in DOSOOT)

If you want your Turing/OOT Game/Program posted on my wesite then just email me the zip file along with the source code, and I will gladelly put it on my wepage, also if you have any procedures that could help or make a game/program look good then email them to me and I will put them up in the Games/Programs Area!!

If There are any broken links please notify me and I will fix that. Thanx!!

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