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Star Wars Vehicle Blueprint

I put up this site because everybody was asking me for blueprints to the Star Wars vehicles. So I've decided to make this site so people will know how the vehicles work. E-Mail me if a vehicle is not up there that you want.

Click here for blueprints!

I want to thank two very special people. 1) Mara Jade. Her counterpart, Lauren, is the coolest. Lauren, thank you for helping me find my "alter ego" Luke. 2) Jujumonkey. Justin, I STILL think the monkey will win with your ego trip. Thanks for helping me with this HTML code thing.

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My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Nintendo Power Source - Best site for Nintendo fanatics
Lauren's World - This site is da' bomb!!
