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Beta Eta Billboard


Hello Sorors, please meet my daughter Eva Maria born March 4, 2005! She is the joy of my life and such a great baby.
Like all new mothers I have a few pictures!

Beta Eta - Spring '90
26 Silhouettes of Sophistication
12th Anniversary Reunion
Atlanta, Georgia - July 19-21, 2002

Beta Eta Reunion - Ad Book

Dear Sorors and Friends:

The Beta Eta Chapter Alumnae of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Alabama State University) solicit your support. Since 1937, Beta Eta chapter has been committed to providing service and support to Alabama State University and the Montgomery community. This year, the esteem alumnae of Beta Eta chapter will come together to commemorate 63 years of sisterhood, scholarship, and service.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1913. The Sorority’s purposes are to provide service and programs to promote human welfare and improve society; to establish, maintain, and encourage high cultural, intellectual, and moral standards among society; and to create projects that stimulate current and future economic growth. Today, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. thrives as one of the largest sororities, consisting of over 200,000 college-educated women worldwide.

In accordance with the Sorority’s commitment to public service, Beta Eta Chapter Alumnae are raising money to establish a scholarship fund at Alabama State University. We need your support in helping to sponsor this fund so that today’s generation of students can obtain the skills they need to develop a high-level education. Their education will determine the fate of our nation.

In order to raise money for the scholarship fund, we are selling space in an ad book that will be distributed to hundreds of alumnae during the Beta Eta chapter reunion. A full page ad costs $100, a 1/2 page ad costs $50, and 1/4 page ad costs $25. Your help will be greatly appreciated in whatever denomination you contribute.

By October 27, 2000, please send your ad and donation to Nicole Nelson, click here to email Nicole for more information. Make checks or money orders payable to Beta Eta Chapter Alumnae. If you want to feature a picture in your ad space, please submit camera ready art.

Thanking you in advance for your support, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Beta Eta Chapter Alumnae

Do You Just Belong?

Are you an active member
The kind that would be missed?
Or are you just contented
That your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings
And mingle with the flock?
Or do you stay home
To criticize and knock?

Do you take an active part
To help the work along?
Or are you satisfied
To only just belong?

Do you work with your committee
And get right in and mix?
Or leave the work to just a few
And talk about the "cliques"?

Think this over, member
You know right from wrong!
Are you an active member
Or do you just belong?


Author Unknown

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Email us with your information.

September 1, 2005

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