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So who is this BamaPepe?

My real name is Chris DePew. Because of my last name, I have been nicknamed Pepe le Pew since elementary school, and this is how most of my friends still address me. Anyone who is around me for very long knows that I am a HUGE Alabama Crimson Tide Fan. Therefore, whenever I ventured onto the Internet and needed a nickname for chatrooms and bulletin boards, I coined BamaPepe.

I was born on November 16, 1975 at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. Although I grew up for the most part in Tennessee, I have always considered myself to be an Alabamian, and I just moved back to Tuscaloosa this August. (This time for good!) I have two loving parents, Roger and Joan, and a younger brother, Adam, who is 17. They still live in Cookeville, Tennessee. I am single, but am engaged to a wonderful woman, Dana Gray. We will be married June 13, 1998!

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Some of my favorite Interests

My fiance, of course!

College Football and Basketball


Baptist Campus Ministries

Random, Insane Road Trips

Bridge, Bridge, and more Bridge!

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