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Ellen: Legend of a Titmouse

That's ME in the middle with my fiancee` Adam on the left and his mother on the right!

hr>Maybe I could begin with the Legend Of The Titmouse. Once upon a time, many moons ago I was. Now, through the passing of many moons, the Good Spirit has still allowed me to Be

This is what I like to call my Poetry Page. Others call it trash. Check it out!b>Baby's Got Back
Oh, and in case you wanted a sneak peek into what makes a titmouse tick, you can go here to my Hunka Hunka Burning Love Page
And here is my Beloved's webpage for his band Drivin' South.

Things You Wish You'd Thought Of First
Okay, if you visted that last page, I know its a little silly, but dammit, this is my page and I can do what I want to it so poo on you.
SOOOOOOOO how bout that disappearing thing, hmmmm? As if anyone visits this site anyways!!

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