Strawberry Wine

Part 1
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, nor am I making any money off of them so don't sue me, it would do
you no good. 

Note: I wrote this story while listening to my Deana Carter CD. Mainly the two songs "Strawberry Wine" and
"We Danced Anyway". These songs are truely beautiful and if you know the words then you can vouch for that,
if not you need to read them. They speak to your heart in one way or another.

There is one other thing. Joey did go to France but didn't kiss Dawson. Pacey and Joey did however become

                                   * * * * *

It's been seven months since Joey arrived in France. Her life as she had known it had changed. She
seemed to have become more fememin. She wore skirts and dresses, just because it was something
new. France had changed her somehow. In France she was a different person. She wasn't the
daughter of a convict, or the sister of a woman who had an illigetimate child with a black man. She
was able to be herself, which is something that she rarely ever did back in Capeside. Although she
loved France she was truely home sick. She missed that part of her life where her friends, who she
had known forever, resided. 

Joey sat in her small, yet cozy room and thought about the city by the sea. She missed it. It was so
strange. She had never conceived the fact that she might miss the place that had always caused her
so much heart ache. Sure she did miss Bessie, Dawson, Bodie, Jen, hell she even missed Alexander.
She had gotten alot of sleep in France, more than she had when she was at home with Rosemary's
baby. But one person she really missed was Pacey. She hadn't had a good argument in a really long
time and she was extremely deprived of a truely witty cutdown. 

Pacey could always get her started. True some of the things he did were boneheaded, but his heart
was always in the right place. He was a good person with a huge heart. Pacey cared about his
friends and always will. When ever she was upset about Dawson, he was there to comfort her. She
always felt reassured about herself when Pacey was around. He knew what it was like to have an
unusual family life. Not to have a father around who truely cared, or have any of the rest of you
family act like they gave a damn about you. They seemed to connect on that way in some sort of
fashion that Dawson Leery could have never comprehended. 

Joey heard a knock on the door. She got up from where she was sitting on the floor and strode to
the door. She opened the door to find Mrs. Tringle there. 

"Joey, my dear, I have some great news. You have finished your semester here and have passed
with flying colors. Congratulations!" 

"That's great. Uh...Mrs. Tringle, when do I leave?" 

"You leave in a week. Could you be ready to leave by then?" 

"Yeah, I can." 

"Okay then, your plane ticket will be waiting for you to pick up. And if you need any help with
anything you just let me know." 

"Thanks. I will." 

With that, Joey closed the door. She looked at her room. She would miss France but nothing could
kill the homesickness she had been feeling as of lately. She was finally going home. 

                                   * * * * *

Pacey strolled down the halls of Capeside High School with Dawson and Jen. They had all been in
such a great mood after hearing about Joey's return in a week. 

"Dawson, you know we have to throw her a party. I mean she might be heartbroken if we don't." 

"Ya think?" Dawson looked at Pacey contemplating the idea. 

"Yeah, come on Dawson what could it hurt?" Chimed Jen. 

"I think that you guys might be right. We should throw her a party and let her know how much we've
missed her." Dawson looked back and forth at Jen and Pacey who were smiling from ear to ear. 

Jen was happy that she was coming back. She was supremly lacking in a decent womanly
conversation. She and Joey had been writing each other back and forth telling each other the little
things that only they could tell each other. The other obviously understood what the other meant.
Both seemed to be going through the same thing, just in two different places. 

Dawson had missed her so much. He did have anyone to analyze everything with. Movie night had
become such a drag without her there. He need Joey's sarcastic remarks. He needed her to be there
to argue with him about the plot of the newest movies stuid plots and cheesy subtext. It made him so
happy when he heard that she was coming back. 'Things will get back to normal finally.' 

Then there was Pacey. The one who saw the fragil woman behind her tough exterior. He knew she
was vonerable, and if you knew her the way he did, you'd know that there was a little girl just
waiting to get out. Pacey had spent many night writing letters to Joey telling her all of the things he
could never tell Jen or Dawson. He cared for her on a level that no one could understand. Pacey
knew that Joey was his destiny. It would just take alot to convince her of that. Pacey was willing to
do whatever he could to make her see just how much he cared for her. 

Pacey was lacking in the same arguments that she had. Some times Pacey would consider calling her
up in France just to pick a fight and get it out of his system. He needed those arguments just like she
did, it completed him somehow. That always gave him hope and courage to face the day. He missed

"So a party it is then. D I'll drop by your house and we can make plans okay? You come to Jen,
we'll need a womans point-of-view." 

"I'll be there." 

"Its set." 

                                   * * * * *

Pacey, Jen, and Dawson all sat in his room think of what to do about her party. It would have to be
a surprise and only family and the three of them, besides Joey, would be invited. They wanted to
keep it personal. Dawson arranged, with Bessie, to use the Icehouse. Pacey and Jen would buy
decorations, and Mrs.Leery would make the cake that would read 'Welcome Home Joey'. 

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