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good bye

on november 20th of 1997, i started a website that i thought would help people to get to know me better, to put my presence online. okay it was to pick up chicks, but hey what can i say. i thought it was gonna last forever, but apparently it won't.

as of 11.01.99, angelfire, whom i have stuck with since the beginning, will start requiring their members to have ads on their pages. now i have put up with a lot of crap from angelfire, and i always liked how they let you design a site without all those gay ad banners, but this was just one of the nails in the coffin. truth is, i felt like i was beating a dead horse.

i honestly have lost a lot of interest as of late. i think i've come up with about everything that my brain can conjure, and i'm just plain worn out. maybe one day when i find a good server, i'll start up a site again. hell, i've already finished with version 5.0, and i might put that up just for kicks, but don't expect anything grand like in the good ol' days.

it's been a great run. nearly 2 years and over 10,000 hits. of course i know other sites get that many hits in a day, but still, i couldn't have imagined that something i made would have been enjoyed by so many. i hope all of you guys have had as much fun as i did, and i might be back someday... maybe.


vinh's page
11.20.97 - 11.01.99
just sign the damn thing one more time