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Living in the Pleasure World

Okay. So we have the kawaii and talented Ken. I know a lot of
girls go ga-ga over this guy. I definitely have no objections. He's
cool. Check out the following stuff all about KEN:

General Information
Personal Opinion
Gentian (Ken's image flower)
Siberian (Ken's codename)

That's all I have in mind, but I'm sure I can whip something up
if I try to concentrate. So far I can't. I'm studying for my
Japanese test during the Holidays. -.- For suggestions, please
do mail me.

** I understand if you're just here to see Ken if you're a fan of his.
Please also visit the OMI part. Because-- I also exerted effort for
his page. Though, I'm not forcing you. Just try to look around. And


general info on omi general info on ken personal opinion on ken personal opinion on omi main page webrings and stuff my gbook. PLEASE SIGN!!! omi's codename omi's image flower ken's codename ken's image flower OMI KEN