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The Animorphs Center

Welcome to the Animorph Center. This site was created to let Animorph Fans know about the lastest invasion. But no one knows what is going on except five humans, an Andalite, and the Chee. The war is against the yeerks. They are parasatic species from another planet that have come to take over the universe. They look like slugs, but the crawl into your ear canal and into your brain and control every movement you make. You will still be aware of the happenings, but you can't do anything about it. They have already enslaved the Hork-Bajirs, Taxxons, Gedds, and others. Soon Earth may fall into the hands of the yeerks, but there is a small resistance.
5 Humans and an Andalite are fighting to save the world,and holding or slowing down the invasion until the Andalites come. Will the Humans win?


3 more books till the end......

Things are changing. Marco needs to be more cautious.
His dad now knows of the invasion, but he can't show
himself without causing chaos amongst the Yeerks.
The original Visser One's "journey has ended"
and Visser Three (now Visser One), is pushing
for a not so secret invasion. The Animorphs
are starting to fall apart now....


October 13, 2001

Wow! Things have changed at Angelfire since I've
last updated. Obviously, now that Animorphs is
overand nothing new will come, there will be no
more updates unless something new is reported.
I do have a new website:
"The Phillies Fan Page" It's a baseball
website on the Philadelphia Phillies

March 5, 2001

The Animorph books are getting crazier as the
series comes to an end. 3 more books now....

February 16, 2001

Updated the new book on the bottom of the page.
Hopefully I'll have time to update the upcoming
books section.

February 10, 2001

Added the box at the bottom of the site
and fixed up the site a bit.

January 15, 2001

Well, it seems that the Animorphs era is coming
to an end. The last book of the series will
be called The Beginning.

August 29, 2000

This is going to be one of the few updates of 2000.
Things on this site have been updated. The sub
sites though, have not.

The Animorph TV Show08/29/00
The Books and summaries
Fan Fiction
Credits This page has a list of sites which helped me create my site.
The Animorphs
Upcoming Books

New Book

#51 The Absolute

Summary from Scholastic

The Yeerks have taken over units of the National
Guard with plans to infest all of its officers and
soldiers. The plan seems to be to step things
up—use the Guard to prepare for an all-out war on
Earth. The Animorphs couldn't be less prepared.
They're living with the free Hork-Bajir colony,
Jake is depressed, and worst of all, the
morphing cube is in the hands of the enemy.

Marco and the others know they need to take serious
action to stop the Yeerk infiltration of
the Guard. They decide to approach the governor—
but they don't know if she's a controller or not.
If she is, they're walking right into enemy
hands. If she's not, the Animorphs are finally
going public with their secret. And no one knows
which situation is worse...

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If you know any more links, fan fiction, news, rumors, etc. then E-mail me at

(c)1999 by Kevin Huang All rights reserve. Bookcovers
are published by Scholastic INC. and I am in no way
connected to K.A. Applegate. If you copy book
summaries, or anything else, please and make sure THE
ANIMORPH CENTER get due credit.

Site created February 6, 1999

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