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I'm just a northern drummer, and this is my website.
I've probably been one of the busiest drummers in the area for quite a while, due to my addiction to performing and recording. Most of this - at least for the past couple of years - has been with the band 'Frencheryk', with whom I have recorded two albums and one charity single - all of which I am excessively proud... but you can find out about all that by following the below link for I have worked with a wide number of performers - from young potential musicians all the way to living legends like Nick McCabe, Larry Norman and Bill Sims Jr!
As I said, I love to perform, therefore if you are looking for a drummer for a one (or two or more) night stand or studio session then contact me and I'm sure we could come to some arrangement. It's probably best if you check out my gig listing first for vacancies...
If you're here for some drumming tips or advice, click here, where I've painstakingly transcribed some video footage of my work.
If you're just here out of curiosity, or want to listen to some good music, then try the media downloads.
This website is all my own work, and has been here for over a year. Looking back at it I realise that it has become a lasting record of my life - i've catalogued all my releases and gigs - which still continues to evolve and grow more interesting.
Finally, if you want a giggle, check out the gallery!
Andy Lyth, Leigh, Lancashire, UK.
MAY 2003