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Sufism: Awareness through teachings and stories

"You have a duty to perform. Do anything else, do any number of things, occupy your time fully, and yet, if you do not do this task, all of your time will have been wasted."
Jalaludin Rumi

Sufism, the mystical aspect of Islam, teaches Truth in accordance to a student's needs. Basically, Speak to each in accordance with his level of understanding. The teacher/learner relationship focuses on the right time for learning, the right place to make learning clear, and, most importantly, the right action in which to appeal to the learner's Heart. Thus, it is often difficult to try to make a broad sweep of just what Sufi thought is.

However, through poems and stories, we might be able to delve a bit deeper into the ideas and thoughts of the Sufi Mind/Heart. Here are some teaching stories for you to read and ponder. They will probably leave you with more questions than answers, but that is the point. It's the questions we ask that break open the doors of awareness and truth. All the answers already exist. We just have to find out how to ask the right questions.... Thus, I hope these stories provide a suitable catalyst for you on your life-long journey through life and awareness. Enjoy...

Poems by Rumi

Teaching Stories

Sufi Sites to explore

The Threshold Society
Thorough list of Sufi related sites
Information about Rumi and the Mevlana Order or Whirling Dervishes
