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Welcome To My web Site. My name is Tareq Aloun. I am from Kuwait. I am studying in the United States, exactly in Washington state,Seattle. I go to a school called Pacific Luthern University.
My major is International Business. I like to design home pages and web sites. I have a lot of hobbies like fishing, water sports and a lot of other things. My web site is desgin to help you know more about me and more about Kuwait.

Also, you can find alot of Business resources thruogh my Site. You can know more about how to do business in my country Kuwait. I included a photo Gallary of bothe me and my country.

You can find most of the Kuwaiti sites here in my site. Why you search and get wrong addresses. I am making it simple and free.

Feel free to usethe information on my pages and if you have any comments please feel free to email me. I will be more than happy to hear from you.

Ilike to chat on Mirc in Channel Kuwait. My nickname is TAREQ1.

I can help you design your home page. I can give you some important tips to start your home page and then convert it to a Web Site. Its not hard at all, but you need to learn the HTML and then you will be in the safe line, for the begining. I got this space from angelfire.com and its free of charge. They have basic editors that can help you build a site without knowing any thing. Try it why not.

Fianlly, dont forget to sign my guest book. Thank you for visiting.

Take it Easy! Dont forget to send emails

Tareq Aloun
Fall 1998
All Rights are reserved to Tareq Aloun. Please Contact me If you like to use some of my inforamtion.Tareq Aloun@1998.Seattle,WA.Email: mishref1@hotmail.com