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 Breakfast Zakah 
Paying Zakah is a pillar of Islam’s five pillars.
(It is one of the cornerstones of Islam)

Meaning of Zakah : A charity that is taken from the Muslim rich to be given to the poor. 

Importance : It purifies the soul of greed and selfishness and is a comfort to the poor and deprived, it maintains public welfare. 

Ruling : Zakah MUST be paid by all those capable of paying it, Allah says in Quran:  "And be steadfast in prayer; practice regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship)" (Baqarah, verse 43). 

Deserving : Those deserving to receive the Zakah charity are those specified in the verse: "Alms are for the poor and the needy and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom." (Tawbah, verse 60). 

Important Definitions :  
Nissab : Nissab is the minimum amount of possessions below which no Zakah should be paid by the owner of these possessions. 

Hawl : Hawl is the one Hijri year. One Hijri year must pass before an amount of possessions exceeding nissab deserves to pay zakah for. During this year, the amount should not drop below the nissab. 

Saa : Saa is the fill of the two palms of the hands put together with any seeds. 

Bent Makhad : a one year old female camel. 

Bent laboon : a two year old female camel. 

Hoqqah : a three year old female camel. 

Tabee : a one year old cow/buffalo. 

Mosennah : a two year old female cow/buffalo. 

Zakah on Gold, Silver and Money:  
 Nissab : Gold  : 85 gm. 
              Silver : 595 gm. 
Amount of Zakah : 1/40 = 2.5 % 

- Money can be considered as a Gold. 
- In most opinions of scholars, a woman’s personal jewelry is included in Zakah (whether she wears it or stores it). 

Now... I will try to help you in computing... 

Gold & Money
 Nissab  = 85 gm.
Price of the Gold Gram  in your country
Required for Money calculations 
No. of Gold grams you have
Required for calculations in Grams 
Amount of money you have
Required for Money calculations 
You have to pay...
Nissab Value in Money
In Grams of Gold
Grams of Gold converted to Money
Zakah of Money

 Nissab  = 595 gm.
Price of the Silver Gram  in your country
Required for Money calculations 
No. of Silver grams you have
Required for calculations in Grams 
You have to pay...
In Grams of Silver
Grams of Silver converted to Money

Zakah on Cattle:  
-Conditions that must be fulfilled before Zakah is due on cattle...  
    1-The amount reaches  Nissab
    2-A  Hawl  passes (one year). 
    3-It should be cattle that feeds off the land, that is, left in the wild to be fed off the natural 
       growth of plants from the lands. Not cattle that is fed by their owner. 

-If ALL the cattle are males then it is allowed to give Zakah of male cattle. 

- Nissab  of Camels = 5 

- Nissab  of Sheeps = 40 

- Nissab  of Cows/Buffaloes = 30 

But there are more details explained by Sunnah... 

Now... I will try to help you in computing... 

Zakah on Camels
 Nissab   = 5
No. of Camels you have
You have to pay...
 Bent Makhad, Bent laboon, Hoqqah 

Zakah on Sheep
Nissab  = 40
No. of Sheep you have
You have to pay...

Zakah on Cows and Buffaloes
Nissab  = 30
No. of Cows and Buffaloes you have
You have to pay...
 Tabee, Mosennah 

Zakah on agricultural harvests (fruits and seeds):  
No Hawl is consudered here.
If immaculated from husk then ...
Nissab  : 60 " Saa " (Saa is the fill of the two palms of the hands put together) 
If not Immaculated then ...
Nissab  : 120 " Saa " (Saa is the fill of the two palms of the hands put together) 

Amount of Zakah : 
   -What is watered by rain, rivers, stream (naturally without effort on behalf of the farmer) 1/10, i.e. 10%. 
   -What is watered with effort.. 1/20, i.e. 5%. 

Now... I will try to help you in computing... 

Zakah on Agricultural harvests
 Nissab   = 
Immaculated 60
not Immaculated 120
Weight of  Saa 
Number of  Saa (s) you have
Weight of Seeds you have
You have to pay...
Watered with my 
Zakah in  Saa 
Zakah in Weight

Zakah for breaking the fasting:  
Definition : A charity that a Muslim fasting Ramadan pays when Eid (celebration following Ramadan) arrives. 

Time : Paid before going out to pray the Eid prayer (morning of the first day following Ramadan) 

Ruling : The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said it is a must that no fasting is accepted without it (for those capable of paying it). It becomes a must with the sun setting on the last day in Ramadan. 

Amount : A " Saa " of the common food of the country for each individual. 

Finally, whatever good I may have stated here is a guidance and a blessing from Allah, whatever wrong I may have stated here is from myself or the devil. Please report any mistakes you may encounter when reading this page.. 

"What a Muslim is not excused for not knowing
  Prof.Abdullah Al-Moslih, Prof.Salah Al-Sawi 
"Fiqh As-Sunnah
  Sheikh Sayed Sabiq.