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These are pictures of me and my friends from this summer

My friends with me at church. Last day of church, summer 2002. In the picture with me are (in no particular order) Judy, Jess, ME, Chris, and Jon

Judy and I. We look pretty happy :)

David thinking he's cool.

Bennett and I. Cool guy. Don't mess with him! :)

Matt and I. I'm doing some strange obscene gesture, telling the camera to press the button. PUSH THE BUTTON

Roger and Mr. Camera Man, Peter Yang, looking puzzled. Thanks super cool Dave for the fuzzy photo.


Our 92 Camry, which is gone gone gone. We sold it so ya. :(

Scary black/white picture of our room. Creepy.


The following pictures are taken with 1337 sk1ll from Vicky, who used my 1337 camera (which 0wnz0rs) one fateful night. Viewer discretion advised... (J/K)

Nathan taken diagonally. Doesn't that red thing look like a lightsaber? I have no idea how Vicky did that.

Leslie and some drink...



Some blue alchoholic beverage.

Eric again.

Leslie and Eric.

The following is a video... Click here to download.

Vicky made this video as well... very strange stuff.

More photos to come...