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Welcome to my web-page, I hope you find your visit here enjoyable. Originally devoted to my ego, this page has since evolved to hold more Zealot issues. This page is updated twice a week and new things are constantly being added to it, so please stop by. I would also like to note that this page has a secret area, find the hidden link and you will be taken to a magical land where little devils in red pajamas happily poke you with their pitchforks, just kidding. There are no little devils in red pajamas, but I believe you will find it almost as fun (almost forgot to tell you, but it could be on any one of pages here, not just the main).

August 11th 2023:

I have been sent a bunch of files from old Zealot trivia folks, now sorting through.

November 11th 2020:

Well, the whole Covid thing is a real mess eh? Locked down, so I added the Zealot Battle System into the Zealot RP area, and a link to the delphi forums (new Zealot) in the Hideaway. Restored one of the first news updates, thanks to way back machine.

March 3rd 2019:

You can of course ignore the opening statement, that was the original one from 98 (or earlier, actually). I've restored some pages, but not much content remains. Will see what I can find, so that this servers as a little bit of my own personal archive for a system no one remembers.

June 14 2015:

Repaired the mouse-overs, why? I am bored that's why.

October 15 2012:

This page has been reverted back to it's 1998 goodness, other pages will be restored if possible. Seems the on mouseovers only work in preview. Originally they would replace the bar in the middle with a descriptive bar seamlessly.

December 4th 1998:

A uploading we shall go, an uploading we shall go. Added a chat.

April 4th 1997:

Page launched! No idea what I will put here

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©1998 by Stephen Reeves