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Steven's Anime and Music
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Fun Java Games!
My Webrings!

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I am still working on my anime pages and music pages. I have got alot of wavs and realaudio stuff and some Anime pics for you!! And there is alot more to come!!! So please be patient!!

If you would like to talk to me my ICQ# is
Hope to talk to you all!!!

My Top 5 fav animes

My Top 5 fav bands

The Tea Party

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Thank you!

Ring M.P.I.G.S Ring

This site is owned by "Steven G"

If you would like to join the M.P.I.G.S Ring, visit the home page! info.

This webring above is one that I made myself!!! So if you have a music site (metal, punk, industrial, gothic, ska)music you should think of joining

If you have any suggestions or comments about this page please Email me.

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If you want any pics from this page please email me for permission!
Most of the pics are for this page only!!
Thank you.