The Evil Twin's Pages

Why I'm looking forward to being single again

  And now for pictures!!!


And the dumbest question ever... "Uhhh... Are you twins or sisters?" Well, you see... we're twins but were not sisters.
  Can I pull her fuzzy little ears off her head?
  Tigger's don't like Squishey Hugs!(My niece with the kitten that we ended up with.)
  The cast didn't cramp his style!

Nicholas in his cast April 2001
  You mean he's coming home with us???

Kendall's homecoming September 2001
  Mom and Kendall It's costume time!!
  Halloween 2001 Nicholas and Kendall were ducks and I went as Cousin It ;-)
  21 inches about to be cut off This is VERY short for me!
  In January 2002 I finally got tired of the kids pulling my hair out. So I got twenty one inches taken off. It was donated to the Locks of Love foundation. They make wigs for cancer patients.

If you see something on any of my pages that is copyrighted.. please let me know and I will remove it..... I do not intentionally copy items..... I just know what I like. :-)

A mess of links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Stupid stuff on this page (bubble popping stuff moved to this page)
The Doors Collector Magazine
My Sister Marg's Page
My Tribute to Donald Duck
My Parents House construction in Kentucky
Rock103 Classic Rock Memphis, TN
Talladega's Page
Official NASCAR site
Official Janis Joplin site
Mama Drama
Locks of Love (they make wigs for cancer patients using donations)
A Mothers Passion
My parents barn construction in Kentucky
Nicholas James ... March 22, 2000
My Xanga Blog
