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Russian history in wars

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  • 375 BC Slavic wars against Gotts
  • 837 AD Madiar's invasion
  • 860 Constaninopol Campaing
  • 915 Pechenegs' invasion
  • 919 2nd Constantinopol Campanig
  • 920 Campanig against pechnegs
  • 965 Crushing of Khazarzs by Russians
  • 1015 War of Russians against varyags
  • 1068 Polovets' invasion
  • 1095 Crushing of polovets' duke
  • 1111 Campanig against polovets
  • 1183 Common campanig against khan Kobyak
  • 1185 2nd canpanig against polovets
  • 1216 Lipetsk battle
  • 1223 Battle against tatar-mongols on r.Kalka
  • 1236-40 Batiy invasion
  • 1238 Battle against tatar-mongols on r.Siti
  • 1240 Crushing of swedish troops on r.Neva
  • 1242 Final battle against swedish troops
  • 1368-72 Lithuanian campaings against Moscow
  • 1378 First victory of Russians against Golden
  • Horde
  • 1380 Kulikovskaya battle
  • 1382 Tohtamish's campaing against Moscow
  • 1395 Crushing of Golden Horde
  • 1408 Moscow's siege by emir Adigey
  • 1410 Grunvald's battle, crushing of german knights
  • 1480 Overthrow of Golden Horde
  • 1507-08,1515-1522 Wars against Lithuanian Kingdom
  • 1552 Capture of Kazan by Russians
  • 1571 Capture Pskov by Russians
  • 1601 Burning of Moscow by Crimean khan
  • 1609-18 Poland-Swedish inasion
  • 1612 Deliverence of Moscow
  • 1617 Peace with Poland
  • 1618 Peace with Sweden
  • 1654-67 War against Poland
  • 1656-58 War against Sweden
  • 1676-81 War against Turkey
  • 1700-21 Crushing of Russian troops near the river Narva
  • 1708 Victory near r.Lesna
  • 1709 Poltav's battle, victory of Russians
  • 1711 War against Turkey
  • 1714 Victory of Russian Navy near Gangut
  • 1720 Victory of Russian Navy near Grendan
  • 1735-39 War against Turkey
  • 1757 Victories near Gross Agersdorf
  • 1760 Capture of Berlin by Russians
  • 1768-74 War against Turkey
  • 1770 Victories of Russian Navy near Checna
  • 1773 Crushing of Crimean Kingdom by Russians
  • 1787-91 War against Turkey
  • 1788-90 War against Sweden
  • 1789-90 Victories of Russian Navy and Army
  • 1798 Mediterrian Campanig of Russian Navy
  • 1808-09 War against Sweden
  • 1812 French invasion
  • 1812 Battle against french army near Borodino
  • 1812 Napoleon's retreat from Russia
  • 1828-29 War against Turkey
  • 1853-56 Crimean War
  • 1904-05 War against Japan
  • 1914 1st World War against Germany
  • 1916 Successful offence of Russian troops
  • 1918 Peace with Germany
  • 1917-1919 Civil war aginst kontrrevolution
  • 1918-1919 American-English invasion, and defeat
  • 1935 Manjurian war
  • 1939 War against Finland
  • 1941-1945 2nd World War(Great Patriotic War),Hitler's
  • defeat,liberation of Europe,takeover of Berlin
  • 1945 War with Japan,crushing Quantun's elite Army
  • 365 000 japaneese dead, 3 700 Russians dead
  • 1969 Military conflict with China
  • 1979-85 War in Afganistan,1 500 000 afganians dead
  • 1996-1997 War in Chechnya,100 000 chechenians dead
  • ??? History continues...
