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The Rogersville Clique

Hi, everyone, and welcome to my page on "the Rogersville Clique!" I'm Whitney -- some may know me as the self-proclaimed Coxey Goddess :-) -- and I'm here with my best friend Kanetha to give you all the information you could ever want on our primary hang out: the city of Rogersville, Alabama.

Rogersville is a little town, and there's not much to do there. Pretty much one just cruises around the square, stops at McDonald's or Foodland or at one of the three gas stations, and occasionally parks one's car either in the Dollar General lot or the drugstore lot to ride around with someone else. But what makes Rogersville a cool place to "chill" are all the people up there.

We have on this page for you lyrics to our favorite songs to "cruise" to, the people we hang out with, personal info about ourselves, and bits of other pretty cool stuff. So we hope you enjoy it!

The People
The Songs
Info About Us
Miscellaneous Stuff
