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Quake 2 Comments

The Good Comments

One of the first things I noticed about Quake 2 is all the dead space marines lying around, the explosive barrels, receiving health and armor in small increments, even the weapons. I really like the little face icon in the corner. It's really clear, although I wish it was animated (looking left, looking right, smiling when you pick up a gun)like in the old game Wolfenstien 3D . Although I'm the one smiling when I pick up a gun, because I like to think of blowing the bad guys up and seeing there brains. The animation for the enemies is wonderful as well. It's worth staying dead for a while to watch the one who killed you. Did you know the parasite (that dog-shaped bad guy) scratches himself! Like a dog, with his hind leg! It funny. The soldiers look around, they cock their gun-arms, they're all just really cool For some reason. My favorite thing to do is to get the BFG loaded (Big Fu**ing Gun) and lure a bunch of guys in to a room and blow them the hell away . I also like to blow up the barrels so the explosives kill the guys
Quake2- is worth buying and you can get the mission pack.-Phycobomb

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The Bad Comments
When I first played Quake2 I had to say the sound and music are pretty crappy, and I think they made it a little to dark. I get sick sometimes but when I do I make my screen much brighter. A good improvement would be to be able to charge up the blaster to do more damage. The inventory is a great addition to the game, increasing the player's options while not being too complex. This is a Good Thing. However, the inventory is just like that in Duke Nukem! Left and right brackets to select, enter key to use I really like the icons for them. There aren't enough destroyable and/or movable objects in the world. just a couple panes of glass and those barrels. I'd like to see pushable, destroyable crates, wall segments, rubble, just more. I want to change my environment. And it's damn hard to push things too. Even with always run off, you're always slipping around the sides of things. Hopefully, they'll make an add on for it and fix those things. -Phycobomb

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