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In case you're wondering what the title stands for... :

Things You Already Knew About Hanson But You Want Us To Tell You Anyway

Hey, guys :) I just put this weeny note here to say that me and Adisti still reeeaaaally love Hanson, but we're pretty busy, and we can't keep this page updated. But I think we'll leave it here. In the mean time, don't do anything Zac wouldn't do!! Luv Lise XOX Enjoy the new album *YAY!!*

Hi, welcome to our homepage, we're not pros... we still need help in making this, but we'll survive...

Adisti and Lise are the owners.. we also receive some help from Danny Yee, thanks!!

Anyway, Lise and I loooovvvee Hanson, we think they're just great!! We feel that we have to make a contribution to honour them... and we want to do something new... I guess, those are the main reasons why we decided to make a homepage. (Instead of flying to Tulsa to meet them)


Lise, do you want to say something here?! Hold on guys, I'll fetch Lise!!!

Hi! I...uh...actually have nothig to say...but, Adisti's makin' me write SOMETHING, so here goes. Actually, I gotta say "HI!" to a few people...Katie Ronson (miss ya...) Robert (hehehe now you're fully Hansonised), Claire (say hi to Tay for me!), Beca (YOU HAVE SNOW!!). Thanks to Danny (sorry we wasted your time) I hope you have an awesome time in our homepage (cos it took us HOURS!!!)
Oh, and Jason?! We both know that you do actually like're just in denial!!! Have fun!!

Go here, and protect Hanson!!

We have a sister page!! It's not entirely done yet... but it will soon. Check it out later at Our Love Page. No Hanson stuff just other bands'. So, see you there!!

It's been a while since we last updated this page, we're really trying to update it as often as we can.. but see.. we can't. =) So sorry if you got bored by the content of our page 'cos it hasn't changed much but we're currently planning on adding another link to a totally different page. It's still ours but it's different.. We've thought of the perfect name and came up with some extremely silly names but finally decided on 'The Love Page' taken from our fave Moffatts' song and.. we'll leave it at that.. you can find out more about it later.

This is supposed to be a pic of Hanson (well, duh...) that changes every 24 hrs...but I dunno if it worx yet...I hope it does, very much, cos that'd be kewl!

Want your own changing pic of the day?

Then click here to get it!

Hey peeps...Dist and me have both been on holiday (Adisti to Perth to see us, then to Jakarta, and me to New Zealand), but we're back now and online and will now continue!! :)

Choose one to go in to!

It's Just Fiction
Stuff They Said
What They've Won
Things You Don't Care About 1
Things You Don't Care About 2
Things You Can Do To Hanson Haters
Picture and Song of The Month
Vote For 'em
Sites Review
Stupid Useless Facts
Good On Yas and Good On Ya Nots
The First Page Of Pics OR All Three 1
The Second Page Of Pics...OR All Three 2
Guess What This Is?!?! The Third Page Of Pics!! The Individual Ones...

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