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Moosie's Jolly Spiffing Site of Stuff





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Jumping Around This Page.....

Pictures Send me an on-line message Mailing List
Me More Pictures Mindless Twoddle
Guestbook Web Shite Index / Site Map
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This is a pic of me and my mate Grace (Tobe's bird), we were both pretty wasted.


This pic was taken the morning after a jolly good piss up,
that's my friend Liza with me.

More Pictures......

More pics:

Baby pics:

Mailing List......

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JOIN MY LIST!!! -its free - its funny..... and you might even see the odd carrot popping up

For more info on the list clck here

Or, go straight to the Moosie Mailings home page.....




Well, if you really want to know all about me and what I'm upto at the moment,
then you can go to this page: Also go
there for a million and one ways of contacting me....

Well, no doubt you guessed my nick name is Moosie...... its a long story......
well, my real name is, my name is, me name is (breaks out into song)....
My real name is Lord Moosie owner of the world and all its contents.
Which is always nice.

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Web Shite......


This site is split into four main pages, which over the next few mothns will grow, rather like a really
fast-growing banana tree, but completely different..... In these four sites will be *hopefully* loads
more sub pages of jolly stuff to write to make you want to jump up and down and eat your hat...
There's an index of all the pages on my site at the bottom of this page, or click here to see.....


These four site are:

-Loads of pictures of me and my friends, and, coming soon info on my the nutters I call my friends.....

-Some baby pictures of me and soon they'll be a little map of my life,
and if ya lucky, some pictures and stories I wrote when I was about 6...

-This is the homepage for "Moosie Mailings" -a humour list which I so lovingly manage, its
totally free, so by jove sign up now!

-Everyone here at Moosie HQ (namely me) just loves bricks, we'd be so lost without then...
So, in homage to our great and wonderful colegues, the bricks, this page salutes them for all
the hard work they do.... Here you'll find stories, jokes and just maybe a cabbage if you look
hard enough.




Ahhh, the wonders of new technology, just clickity click to my message board and leave message for all insundry to see, if you fancy one of my friends from my picture gallery, then leave 'em a message on my message board, -they'll see it.....

Just >>Click Here<<

( )

Go there now! It'll be cool, all those strange and lovely people I know...

Any comments about my site, my shoe size or any of my socks, then just click click click to my message board.......







What do you think of this site? No, honestly....



Mindless Twoddle.......

Click for the 'Bag o'crap story page'
I even have a page with some of my stories on, they're not very good,
but then the sewer's full of poo.

I hope you love your brick, 'cos if you don't, well, Lord James Brown will
come to your house and steal all your legs and make a large leg sculpture.
You must ALWAYS love your brick.....

A friend of mine once said "HelloAl"
I replied with "Hello"

Oh, and if there are any spelling mistakes or slip ups on my site, mai lme and
I'll fix 'em, may be one day I should learn to spell. I'm 2 fik 2 lern ow 2spel.

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Ah-ha, I bet you're probably wondering where the hell the Index has gone.... well, in an effort to cut dowload time of this page, I decided that the index was taking far too long to load along with all the other stuff, so I moved the bugger...... The Index of *every* page on my site now lives at go there, now I say, now! If you're looking for something on my site, this'll be the best place to so look, you lucky lucky people can look at the site map or the index..... I bet you can hardly conatin yourselves!







Last Updated: Monday May 17, 1999 16:20 GMT Daylight Time