Finally, you have reached the home of my true love: adult/slash fanfiction. This is my favorite way to write, my favorite subject. I adore writing these relationships, because it's fun, and it's new! You have reign over a universe you love. You pay homage to a master(I grovel before the crack smokin' Joss) by showing just how much you love their work.

I hope you enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: These characters are NOT mine. They belong to Joss Whedon and Grr, Argh. I only wish to have some fun with them. No profit is intended. So doooon sue me!

Height Of The Blood Star
When a young woman from Angel’s past suddenly appears in Sunnydale, she brings with her a dark fate. One that fills her past and lives in her blood. And she has been followed.
Set after WML, but before Surprise/Innocence.
Rated NC-17

A take on what the gang might be doing over the holiday season. Puts them in interesting unconventional situations. This is a series spawning from an initial fic, rated R. All of the subsequent fics so far are rated NC-17.
~in progress~

A loose take on the King Arthur/Knights of the Round Table legends... with a Buffy twist, and some slashiness thrown in.
Rated PG

Practice Session
What starts out as a practice session for Buffy and Faith winds up a bit different.
Rated NC-17

Leather Alley
A short fic building off of the promo for "The Wish"... Willow, Xander, leather, etc.
Rated R

The Like A Wind Series
Angst. Giles/Xander angst. Spoilers for Helpless.

The Seduction
Random dreamfic. That's all I'm gonna say.
Rated R

Dirty limericks written for Giles/Xander, and Buffy/Faith.
Rated NC-17

Meredian's On Crack
Monkey Crack inspired randomness.
Rated NC-17

Just When You Thought It Was Safe...
More monkey crack. This time with assorted WB cameos.
Rated R

She's Found The Crack Again!
I force BtVS folk to listen to bad poetry.
Rated NC-17

Watcher Guy
Xander sings his unrequited feelings towards Giles.
Rated R

I Didn't...
A random short little fic taking place at the end of "Bad Girls".
Rated PG Birthday Crack
Written as a birthday present for Kate Bolin, this fic shows what happens when you cross Mojo and Jojo, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and the Buffyverse.
Rated R

The Buffy Summers Is Nothing But A Big Liar 'Verse
These stories are of the Angelus/Xander nature... and they are set in the BSINBaBL universe... one set up by the lovely Chelle. To get the full backstory on this universe, please check out her site.

Picnic By The Fire
Angelus comes home one cold evening, to find that Xander has been planning a fire lit surprise.
Rated R.

Cat's In The Bag
Cordelia pays a surprise visit to Angelus' place, forcing the guys to hide in some very cramped quarters.
Rated NC-17

Action In The Action Section
Xander goes to the video store, to get ready for a date with Cordy. But it doesn't go like your typical video store visit.
Rated NC-17

Date Night
It's date night, and Xander takes Cordelia to the movies. But neither he nor Angelus are happy with this.
Rated PG-13

I Don't Know How To Love Him
A parody of the song by the same name. Xander singing his feelings about Angelus.
Rated PG-13

Here Comes The Sun
Angelus is missing Xander... just a little angst filled piece.
Rated PG-13

The Dark End Of The Street
A bit of romantic sap, set to music. (Yes, I have been a sap as of late.)
Rated PG-13

That Thing You Do
Xander has had a bad day at school, and Angelus comforts him.
Rated PG

Tinsel And Ribbons
A short little goppy Christmas fic, featuring our lovely boys.
Rated PG-13

Thoughts And Anvils
Just a bit of monkey crack induced randomness.
Rated R

In the Xavy times, Angelus and Xander need to find a new babysitter...
Rated PG

Wee Folk
Xavy is five, and Ethan comes over to babysit. As well as some other folks.
Rated PG

After "Wee Folk", Dru and Spike meet up in a bar.
Rated NC-17

A Whole New World
A song inspired by the Liarverse.
Rated PG

Angelus and Xander are tipsy on Aftershock, a really strong alcohol. Pretty much a PWP.
Rated NC-17

Prime Ribs And Confusion
Ethan and Dru's first date.
Rated NC-17

Email: Meredian

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All fanfiction and graphics on this site are copyright © 1998, 1999 Meredian, all rights reserved. They may not be displayed anywhere without my explicit permission. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is owned by Joss Whedon, 20'th Century Fox, and Grr, Argh. No profit is intended by these stories.