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Her Majesty's Page of Wisdom

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"You couldn't get a clue during the clue mating season in a field full of horny clues if you smeared your body with clue musk and did the clue mating dance."

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity

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I am 3rd from left in the light blue v-neck, ooh baby! lol (sorry the picture is kinda crappy...)

"You make it seem as if the light in your eyes is the sun streaming in through the hole in the back of your head."


By:me :-)

You would never love, truly love, if you didn't love like it was never goin to hurt.


Look into me,

Find my soul

Touch it

Eyes meet

Sweat beads on my skin

Lips part- Heat escapes

Pulsing heart

Eyes dialted- I can't see

Thrust your tension towards me

Sticky glitter pricks my swollen skin.

Contracting your sensations into me,

I can't breath.

Raw sex drains me as it slowly drips from my veins

You whisper

I kiss your mouth-

The silence is so loud.

Your tongue burns me

The air smells of soaking juices and

I feel how your pornographic body knows my rhythms

It's a tight fit- I milk it dry

Erotic dreams come true

Everytime I'm with you.

Forgive Me

Forgive me for loving you, for leaving trails of salt from my heart behind.

Forgive me for spreading my dreams at your feet, hoping you'd help me fulfill them.

Forgive me for being your fallen angel, for dirting my image and yours.

Forgive me for making a mistake, the best mistake of my life-you.

Forgive me for everything, so I'll be able to sleep tonight in my bed of roses that has the thinnest layer of glitter on it, so as to give me something to take my mind off of you.

This is Lauren's

How do I make you see the person I do?

How do I make you believe these words?

Why can't you realise how important you really are

because one day I'm gonna find you slumped on the floor

one day I won't find you breathing

because I'm afraid one day I'll be to late...

so insecure

so eager to please

"just let them accept me" seems to be your motto

I wish it could be "fuck it" instead

because those people you always want to please probably don't give a shit about who you really are

They don't know your feelings and never will if you don't show them

because one day I'm gonna find you slumped on the floor

and no matter what I say you won't be able to take anymore

And as I fall, blind

Next to lifeless you

I'll wonder what i did wrong

because you need to see that your opinon of yourself is more important than his or mine

you need to be happy

please find your voice

because I don't want to find you slumped on the floor in a pool of blood

I don't want to hold you while you take your last breath at the delicate age of 16

I want to watch you

believe what I'm telling you

realise the worth of your soul

I want to see the strength in your eyes when you realise, you ARE important...


I fly away, out of myself and see my life in the sky.

I run away, out of my home and see my troubles following me.

I drive away, off the road and see my mistakes all crash together.

I fall away, out of this world and see everyones pain on a roses thorn.

I crawl away, out of the cold and see my footprints blow away.

I melt away, into you and see myslef in the clouds.


I love how my coat keeps me cold and how i complete your eyes and how Christmas is best in July and how my feet slow me down and why cookie dough is delicious and how ginkos are so young and why the toothfairy loves pinetrees and why I like to kiss the sky. I love swimming in the desert.


Intense passion has escaped from your lips as you slowly caress my body.

Your eyes are windows into your soul-sparkling and vivid electricity flows out.

I tremble as I look deep into them, feeling you inside me.

My breath is taken away.

You know me, you understand me-this must be heaven...

Either that or just the beginnning of a new journey that we'll be taking until the end of time.

Instant Coffee

I've already made memories on things that have yet to happen.

I miss the old days that never were and how you were so perfect, but that can never be.

It's 6am at 9 at night, good afternoon sir...

My Journey

I would like to take you on my journey, but you see I have no riches, only a knapsack and a walking stick and the midgets at the end of the road are sure to steal that. I would like to walk with you to the land of amethyst sunsets, but you know I have no sunglasses to block the glare and to burn the eyes of my love would not be admirable at all. I would like to take you to smell my honey-dew flavored roses, but you understand, the bees are quite common this time of year and honey is not my favorite aphrodisiac. I would like to tak you on my journey, but you see, I have nowhere to go.


Rain falls on the roof, as I look for my lost soul.

Although love isn't present-it's definetly my goal.

I look for my mind as I slowly go crazy,

but it seems like everything is grey and hazy.

I can't hear your secrets like I used to,

What's wrong between me and you?

Why is everything falling apart?

We were picture-perfect like a piece of art.

Put on a mantel for everyone to see,

But unfortunetly we've lost the key.

We're drifting away from eachother.

You and me were secret lovers.

But you've gone away,

And now my life is just a rainy day...


Total darkness has overcome me, I am enveloped in a sheet of brightness. The sun has gone down and now I wait for the silence that always follows.

Everyone is made to be broken, that's why I carry glue alone with me on my journies.

Your mouth is so hard. My soul is in your hands and when you put them through your hair, I get into you eyes.

Strange isn't it? How I go forward into yesterday? I'm grasping for air but all I end up grabbing is a bunch of weeds.

I see a certain boy wandering around in a parking lot-trying to find hi car. But he's lost it and walks away crying.

This is tiring, trying to make you know who I am. But I am dressed in an invisible costume, so you too are growing tired.

My shadow has overcome you and I turn into time.


And she can't sleep, because of her dreams

Your daytime moods put her back there

And your thoughts in the dark pull it out

The way you move so she sees

And when she sees, you become blind

Everything comes out, I only watch it.

Like painting a mind on a doll

You make her eyes look on with delight

But, your hands are too able.

She sits alone and in vain,

Tries to create herself,

As you take your hands and stroke the brush once more.

What are you Trying to Hide?

You're only as beautiful as you think you are,

Goin through life expecting a bazaar,

Not knowing anything about whats troubling you.

Putting on a mask to hide what's inside,

It's a lot easier when things are denied.

Saying what one only wants to bear,

Smiling and laughing you turn your head to shed a tear.

Eating your insides one bite at a time,

Wishing each day that you could just leave me far behind.

Not telling the truth is easy to do,

Not realising it's up to you.

Only lingering with this inside,

Knowing one day you'd have to acknowledge the pain you hide.

Too afraid of the consequences of your actions,

Or maybe just afraid of my ultimate reaction.

"Unfortunatly, nudity is not an option."


There's a sharp pain in the back of my head and It hurts to think, so I don't.

I act on my emotions and instincts. So when you put your hand on my thigh, I'm inclined to slap you, but I don'.

And when you say stupid things like 'I love you', you make me want to kiss you, so I do.

But when you breath out and I breath in, I feel like I could die, so I do.

I do't really die, I'm actually just in an unconcious state-you laugh, I laugh.

They say laughter is the best medicine and I say their right, so you do too.

Your hands seem to wander as I laugh and then I stop because nothings funny.

Then that sharp pain starts to return and I stop thinking, as your hand continues to move up my thigh...

I Don't Know

Eyes can hurt you so bad, they look through you, piercing your heart-your only possession. I haven't quite figured out why this is, but I will.

And mouths hurt you too. They suck you in and then leave you there with no breath left. And I haven't figured that one out yet either, but I will.

Hands cause pain as well. They wander over ones body granting secret pleasures. Now this seems to be good, but things aren't always what they seem now are they?

Now the heart is something I will never quite dysypher. It bleeds you to death and gives you life. It's the never-ending labyrinth that I'm still lost in and I'm afraid that I'll never solve.


Without you there is a piece missing.

Without you I feel bitter and cold.

Without you I wonder what could have been.

With her you have jokes too.

With her you share yourself.

With her you found a piece of what I gave.

With her you still turn to me often, before you walk away.

With him I have found a new confidant.

With him I share myself.

With him I don't think of much else.

With him I still think of you often.

Alone we've gone seperate ways.

Alone we are more confused.

Alone we spend our days a little differently.

Alone we are both not completely whole.

But togehter we learn more.

Together we have more fun.

Together happiness is normal.

Together it seems we've known eachother forever.

Together the missing pieces are returning.

I had to be alone before I could discover, that we were meant to be together.

"A friend is someone who knows everything about you and likes you anyway."


Afraid to close your eyes as the blackness and silence hovers over you.

One false move will send the goblins into utter delightment.

Creaking steps and intimidating shadows cast onto the moon-lit walls, which once held the gaze of sunlight.

Fear is at your bed, ready to check in at your motel.

The 'vacancy' sign has been turned off and the 'closed' sign has taken its place-illuminating your once dark and secretive room.

Good thing you put a new light bulb in that night-light.


Blackness and strings of light attack me.

My fears are sneaking up behind me, waiting to overcome my weaknesses.

They are no longer wearing the disguises that they usually do, for they know that I'm alone and I can see them coming for me.

Where are they? Where are you? Why is it that whenever I need you-you're not there?

Midnight blue moons and silver clouds make me think of my electric yellow days.

Crystals fall from my eyes as I realize the world's empty.

All the lights are out, no more music filters through the air-it's silent.

Cold shivers, pupils dilating, no one here to listen to my loneliness.

I feel your embrace, hear you voice, see you eyes and then I wake up.

Reality bites at me, telling me to find companionship.

"It's harder than you think."I say, and walk away into oblivion.

I am my only companion, I will get by this barrier of emptiness-I'm the only one that knows of this anyway.

It won't affect the others, who have yet to show up this night...

To love is not a part of things or a part of life. To love is the WHOLE of things and the whole of life. In my heart is my love for you and in my love for you life is whole.

-Venus de Medici

Radiance from within shines in your eyes. The truth is so innocent, don't lose it.

Honesty is trapped inside of you, slowly seeping out.

Your mouth is hard and it cuts through me, bleeding me to death.

I surrender my soul to you-please don't hurt me.

I'm out of the bandaids that cover the wounds that you inflict on me.

I still want you to touch me though.

The Oak

Back walkovers in the wind, triple-sowcows in winter. Family life lines to hidden treasures. Memories etched into your skin; 'P.D.+A.L.'...haven't seen them in years. The good mother who sees all, feels all. Life's breathed into you, children are born. Fearful, not wanting them to wander out of arms reach, you stretch out in difficult and dangerous directions- already to late. The Ice Queen has captured them and are destined to be the new life for the fire. It's chipped away at you. Your many layers are falling to your feet. No more memories, children, or life. Goodnight oak tree.

That Girl

She walks in her raggedy sneakers, black chuck taylors.

Abused, neglected from miles of cruel terrain, from dancing in the hallways, to being stepped on in concerts and sneaking out last night to gaze at the stars.

She smiles.

A distinct strawberry gloss, constantly being licked off in secret, when nobody's looking.

A luminous halo of tangled hair, green I think, or is it the shadow cast upon her head from the mean fluorescent glow?

Her gumball machine rings, coexist with her chipped pink nailpolish, chipped from playing football with the boys, in the rain.

On Saturday.

Wearing her brothers tee shirt.

Wearing a daisy in her hair.

She smells of delicate skin.

Wearing her chuck taylors.

Walking home.

Ready to listen to some music, ready to dance in her room.

Walking still, licking off her lip gloss.

She smiles, and she is beautiful.


I always knew that one day I'd laugh at the times I'd cried

But I never thought that I would cry at the times I'd laughed.

All of Me

All of me, it will be love

A special gift sent from above.

Not something fake, It will be pure.

Without a doubt, I'll know for sure.

or none of me.


The pale blue sky, bruised with pinks, oranges, and violets of all hues, pouring over the peach colored sinking sphere, the colors becoming more brilliant every moment, then fading into darkness.

Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.

"...Every smile is a new horizon on a land I've never seen."

"Self"... the sound of the sun rising in the heart.

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