For October 1999!

Word of the month - Koosh

Number of the month - 7

Book of the month - Romeo and Juliet

WebPage of the month -

Planet of the month - Earth

TV Show of the month - Odd Man Out

Song of the Month -

Pet of the month - Shauna's dog, Bubbles.

Movie of the month - End Of Days

Cartoon of the month - Doug

Moron of the month - Chris

Author of the month - Me

Soda of the month - Barq's

Injury of the month - Bruised knee

Color of the month - Green

Gum of the month - Chicklets

Spice Girl of the month - The frizzy-haired one.

Backstreet Boy of the month - Nick

LSSS Academy Teacher of the month - Sisler

Bug of the month - Spider

Animal of the month - Skunk

Movie Song of the month - Iris from "City of Angels" (I like the movie, hate the song)

TV Theme Song of the month- Simpsons

Candy of the month - Cotton Candy

Board Game of the month - Monopoly

Computer Game of the month - Worms

Yo-Yo of the month - I have run out of yo-yo names!

Restaurant of the month - East side Marios

Fruit of the month - Clemintines

Snack of the month - Christmas tree cookies

Beanie Baby of the month - That fish.

Day of the month- Saturday

Paper Brand of the month - Run out of this too...

Month of the month - June

Country of the month - Kenya

Jelly of the month - Rasberry

Girls' Name of the month - Erin

Boys' Name of the month - Cole

Enemy of the month - Dawn (notice how this never changes???)

Psychopath of the month - Jeff (pretending to be gay...what if he wasn't pretending?)

School Subject of the month - Art

Magazine of the month - Twist

Cookie of the month - Christmas tree ones

Letter of the month - K

Person of the month - Sarah Martin

Couple of the month- Brent and Krista

Friend of the month - Cherie

Veggie of the month - Carrot

Past Friend that I Don't Communicate With Anymore - Stewert from JK.

School of the month - I'll be creative and say...Simcoe.

Four Year Old of the month - Faith

Someone's Boyfriend of the month- Casey

Dead Person of the month - Fergie...he died in my dream.

WebPage Service of the month - Gurlpages

Email Service of the month - Gurlmail

Domain of the Month - Whats That???? I am still confused. AND AGAIN. SOMEONE HELP ME!

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