Useless Info 'Bout Me

Name: Jillian
Nicknames: Jilly Billy, Jelly Bean, Pokemon, Switzerland.
School: I go to Laura Secord Secondary School...Home of the Interupting Cows!
Street Address: Ha! How dumb do you think I am? (Actually, don't answer that question)
City: St. Catharines, Ontario
Phone #: See two spaces above.
Job: Babysitting.
Family: Mom, Dad, and a brother named Dale.

More stuff...

Date of Birth: May 24, '84

Boxers or Tighty Whiteys? Boxers with cows or hippos on them! Hehe...

Do u Make Fun of People? Do dogs bark?

Pets/names of them: I have a fish and its full name is: Richard Heystupid Lasanga Gurgle Goldie Norman Froggie. Hey, I couldn't decide on the names everyone suggested, okay??? Oh, and it died. But it was my most recent pet.

Favorite Movie(s): Shes All That, Empire Records, many more.

Favorite Type of Music: Everything except country, classical, opera, that kinda stuff.

What do you look like: Brown hair, with blonde highlights, blue eyes, and I am about 5'3" (I am short for my age!).

Stuff u like to do: Talk on the phone, go to the mall, talk on the phone, rollerblade, phone, play basketball, phone, swim, phone, harass "gorgeous", wave at complete strangers at the USA border line (with Chrissy, or was it Nicolle?)

Dream Car(s): Convertible, Corvette. And it's silver.

Favorite Soda: Jolt, Coke.

Favorite Shoe brand: Nike or anything platforms.

Least Favorite school subject: Algebra (math)

Favorite school subject: Art and pysh-ed and English.

Craziest or Silliest person you know: Craziest goes to Ferg, Silliest goes to me and Amanda cozz when we get hyper...WATCH OUT!!!!!! Oh, and me and Nicolle when we eat sugar (Space Monkies from Mars!)

Your favorite Color(s): Green, blue

What's your zodiac sign?: Gemini (we rule)

Grandfather's favorite saying: (say with a thick bostonian accent) Jill, your my favorite granddaughter, please eat more, you haven't had enough pasta, your way too thin. Listen to you papa...three helpings isn't enough!

Other Pointless Junk...

Diet- Consists mostly of grape juice, cereal, yogurt, and other people's food.

Habitat- Right by Lake Ontario, in St. Catharines, Ontario, the littlest biggest boring place. Spends most of her time in her room, known as "the cave".

Hobbies- Creating various artistic things, listening to music, eating, avoiding her homework, rollerblading, gabbing on the phone about pointless things ("does a leg have an ass?"-people at Secord, you know what I'm talking about).

To Contact Me...


ICQ: 44046443 (That's a lot of 4's)

AOL Instant Messanger: Sy Queen

Voice Mail: 1-877-849-1085

Telepathically: Think and concentrate really hard. If you can't reach me I have lost my mind.

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