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Ok,here it is,what you have been waiting for,the wonderful,exciting and at times somewhat stupid, collection of web pages made up by yours truely,Garden. (can a sentence have that many commas in it?..who cares!)

It has been said, (many,many,MANY times) that I am weird,obnoxious,crazy,mental,wacked and completely screwed in the head.Well people believe me when I said "You haven't seen nothin' yet".

Yes Mom you gave birth to this thing,yes Dad you had your part in my being too,and yes my dear Husband you married it.It is neither a dream nor a nightmare in this case,but the real life facts.You really have nothing to fear,well except for the fact that I have produced one off-spring so far.

Pencil and Watercolor..Dec 1998.......and YES I CAN do other things besides just making up a stupid web site :-)

Da Map

The Garden Of Evil
The ROCK Garden
Garden's Ideas For When You Are Really Bored
Gardening For Idiots..By An Idiot
My Real Garden