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Personal Info

My first encounter with the fantasy world was when a good friend of mine showed me Magic the Gathering. After playing this superb card-game for a while, an dliking it, that same friend introduced me to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. I was emidiatly hooked, loving every aspect of the game! At that moment I was already Game Mastering (is that a good english word?) the Dark Universe, using Marvel's old Super Heroes game rules, and I was getting more and more interested in the world of AD&D. Soon, me and some friends started our own campaign, with me as the DM. The beginning was hard, AD&D has a lot more rules then does DU, and my players weren't very satisfied in the beginning.

Of course, they had a heart and I kept practicing my DMing for several years. Still DMing these days (that would be about 4 years later) I still recon myself a youngster and a pupil among other DM's. But that never stopped me. I always listen to other players and other DM's to pick up some ideas for myself and add these in my campaigns.

The first world I created was named Mytheria, and at the moment Mytheria is filled with huge powerufll monsters, deadly necromancers (for I love the dead!) and enourmous piles of treasure. The power play level is very high, as was it in DU. Now, after starting the first sessions of the Dark Realms, I intend to keep this level lower, making it just hard enough for players to enjoy it, making it mysterious enough for players to search every corner, and making it deadly enough for the players to fight for their lives!

Personally, I love Ravenloft! I would never really DM the setting, for I preferribly create my own settings and world, but I enjoy the "death behind every corner" concept, the horror and fear that strikes all in the Domain of Dread. Therefor I really enjoyed Shadowborne, read it! The dark ends all the Ravenloft novels have are great! The hero wins, but always at a great price. (Remembers me of a campaign where a certain player has to sacrfice one of his unborn children to a necromancer to save the party's life).

Anyway, the Dark Realms are still under major construction, but every new addition will be put down in these pages, watch frequently, for changes occur mostly without anyone noticing it!

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