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New Spells

Below, thou will find spells that have been invented on Aredia, also known as the Dark Realms. As the (for as now only) DM of this world I like to encourage players to design new spells and really research them in game, not come up with new spells and add them to another random spell list!

Shadow Spider (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 1 Range: 1 yard Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round / level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: - Saving Throw: - Author: Xarian, Curse of Life

When this spell is cast, the caster must throw small, stone pebbles on the floor. 1 Single pebble per level of the caster will emidiatly turn black and grow eight tiny legs. Two small red eyes will flash on the "front" of the pebbles, and the creatures will start running towards the target the wizard points at. The spiders always work in groups and an entire group of spiders will charge at only one target. When a group of spiders jumps apon the target, (s)he must make a exterity check. Failure means all spiders will have hit the target. This causes the target to get disorientated. The effect depends on the amount of spiders. 1 spider will cause a penalty of 1 to the targets dexterity. 2 spiders will cause the former and a penalty of 1 to the target's armor class. 3 spiders will cause the former and a penalty of 1 to the target's THAC0. 4 spiders will do all of the above and add another penalty to the target's dexterity. (I.E. 10 spiders will cause -4 dex, +3 ac, +3 THAC0) This continues untill 20 spiders, which is the maximum the caster can throw at 20th level.

Phase Bodypart (Alteration, Dimensional)

Level: 2 Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: One Bodypart Saving Throw: - Author: Xarian, Curse of Life

This spell allows the caster to phase one bodypart (arm, leg or head) out of existence. This will make that particular bodypart look transparent, and causes it to be thinner then air. When a bodypart is in phase, it cannot be touched, and cannot be harmed in any way. This bodypart can move though anything as if it was not there. The clothing worn at that time phases with the part that the spell has been cast on, unless the caster wishes it so. This is a good way to get rid of cursed magical items. When spell ends, and the caster's limb is within an item, the caster must save versus spell at -5 or the limb will meld together with the object on a moleculair level. If the object is light enough for the caster to lift, he can carry it around with him. Something like a small dagger or a knife would not do any harm to the caster, but anything bigger is harder to carry around, and as long as the object remains in the casters' body, the caster has a -2 on dexterity, and a +2 penalty on his Armor Class. If the caster's head would be inside an object when the spell ends, the caster must save versus Death on -8 or die immediatly. If the caster does make his save (rarely), he is not capable of casting any more spells that need Vocal and Material components and is bound to the thing he or she is in until some-one frees him. Getting stuck in an object can not be dispelled and only removed with a powerfull spells such as a Limited Wish or a full Wish. When Phase Bodypart is cast again on the limb stuck inside something, it will phase the entire limb plus the object it is stuck within.

Dark Shards (Evocation)

Level: 3 Range: 1 yard/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instanteneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 Cube of 3x6 Saving Throw: Half Author: Xarian, Curse of Life

This spell was created by Spiderpaw when he was kicked out of Ribcage. The mage started creating spells using his own bodyparts. The material components for this spell are then a raven's feather and a small rock. The caster utters the spell and puts the rock and the feather together forming a bol with two hands. Then the caster opens his fingers and aims towards his target(s). From the caster's hands, hundreds of shards will emit and race towards the target in a 6 foot long cone, 3 feet wide. The targets are hit for 1d6 of damage per level of the caster (up to a maximum of 10d6). All creatures inside the cone are allowed a saving throw versus spell for half damage.

See Dimension (Dimensional, Divination)

Level: 3 Range: 0 Components: V, S, (M) Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: The Caster Saving Throw: Special Author: Catherine the Shifter

This spell, targetted at only the caster, allows the caster to temporarily see other dimensions. The caster's eyes will turn totally white, and the caster will see all the dimensions who lie at that point in their own reality. The caster must make a saving throw versus spell to properly see what he wishes to see. If the saving throw fails, he'll see all the dimensions at the same time that exist in that point of reality. This will grant the caster no information at all. If the saving throw worked, the DM will roll random for the dimension the caster can have a peek in. The caster will see everything as if he was in that dimension at that very moment. Living creatures inside the dimension can also see a vaque kind of spirit, the astral form of the caster, and will do with it what they will, with absolutely no effect (excluding Psionics). This spell can be turned off as the caster wishes to before the end of the duration. If the caster wishes to check out a particular dimensions, he must have an object that can was used with the creation of that dimensions (for example: A lit torch for Furnace and an undead skeleton for Boneyard). This will be used as the material component for the spell. If the caster does not wish to see a specific dimension, no material component is necessery.

Foundation (Dimensional, Divination)

Level: 4 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: instantenious Casting Time: half an hour Area of Effect: The Caster Saving Throw: - Author: Xarian, Curse of Life

When Foundation is cast, the caster must select a specific dimension in the regions around the Dark Realms. If no dimensions are known to the caster, the spell automaticly fails. If there is only one dimension known to the caster, the spell is automaticly targetted at that dimension. When the caster has cast this spell, and the target dimension is chosen, the caster is, in his astral form, transported from his body to that dimension. Once there, the caster sees the base of that dimension, what it is made of, and what was used during the creation of this dimension (in other words, what material components were used to fashion this dimension when the Create Dimension spell was used). The caster must then make a intelligence check at -2 to see if he can understand what he is seeing. If the check fails, no information is revealed. If the check is succesfull, the DM can start telling what exactly the dimension is made of. If the caster is at the moment in body in the targetted dimension, the intelligence check is made with a modifier of 0.

Great Escape (Abjuration, Dimensional)

Level: 5 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent until used Casting Time: 1 full round Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None Author: Xarian, Curse of Life

With this spell, the caster can somewhat escape impending doom, if it will work. The spell works somewhat like a normal dimensional telportation spell or any of the like, but will only be activated when the caster reaches 5 hitpoints or lower. When this spell is cast upon the wizard, it'll stay there until it's used. Once it is used, it will be removed, and must be cast again (if ya want it...). As I already said, when the caster reaches 5 hitpoints or less, the spell starts to take action. It will then randomly (DM rolls for where) teleport the caster to any other dimension. Once the exact dimension is set, the caster will appear in that dimension in a safe place. The place must be safe, no angry creatures, no enemy camps where the caster will end up in the middle, it must be completely safe. If there is no such place, the caster goes to another, safer dimension (roll again). There is always a 10% that the spell will fail, and the caster isn't going anywhere. Note: The spell only takes effect the turn after the damage is done, not the turn that the damage is done. If it would, well, then this would be something like virtual immortality or something...

Replacement (Conjuration, Dimensional)

Level: 7 Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Instanteneous Casting Time: half an hour Area of Effect: One body per level Saving Throw: Special Author: Xarian, Curse of Life With this spell the caster can call somthing he owns, or something affected by this spell to him or her. To call someone towards the caster, the caster must cast this spell first upon the person he or she wishes to come to the caster. When the spell is cast again, with that person name's mentioned in the spells' casting, that person will, as long as he or she is in the same dimension as the caster, have a circle of light surrounding it at the feet. The caster will have the same circle before him. Both circles will rise up at the same time until they reach the top part of the person who was "summoned" This spell also works on items and on plantlife. Plantlife will probably (75%) die due to the sudden changes in the ground it's rooted in. One body per level, as noted in the "area of effect" can also be one 2x2x2 meter cube per level, so that entire houses may be replaced. (The dimensionalist is the best house mover ever). The material components for this spell are a lit candle, which is consumed during the casting of the spell upon the item or person desired, and a piece of the item or person (cloth, wood, stone) that is consumed during the replacement of the item or person.

Dimensional Spells
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