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New Classes in the Dark Realms

In this lorebook of the Dark Realms a variety of new types of classes will soon be written down.


Since the Dark Realms have no connection to the planes, certain mages developed dimensional magic to create dimensions that lie around Aredia as a shell...these mages are called dimensionalists and have the ability to create new dimensions as well as travel through dimensions and turn objects into 2d objects instead of 3d.


Shaper mages are known to many as "insane"or "suicidal". these mages use alteration based magic to alter certain parts of their body. They believe that for the mind to get into a higher state of being, the body must be strong and powerfull. So the Shapers add things to their body, form their bones into weaponry and flesh into wings, to give but a few examples.


A spritualist mage (yes! mage!) is somewhat like a Shaper, only completely turned around. Where a shaper wants only to enhance his or her body, the Spiritualist uses the energies of the spirits of the dead to fuel his magic. A Spiritualist feels that the dead have no more use of these energies so they use them freely to serve their own needs. You can understand that priests (especially those of Peace and the Dead) hate these mages and will hunt them down whenever they can.

Once these classes are finished and anybody is interested in any of them, send me an email, and you'll receive the apropriate class at home...

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