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History of the Dark Realms

The Creation

Avalore, a great man, a wizard of great power and a most wanted man across the planes. Both the Tanari and the Baatezu were after his hide, for he had betrayed them both in their great conflict known as the Bloodwar. None no of the crimes Avalore commited against these two greatest of races of fiends, but all know it was a great shame upon the demons from these planes. Not many tried to help him, for the wrath of the fiends would come upon them, and those who did were killed in the most gruesome of matters. Avalore managed to stay away from his enemies, although he lost many friends and allies while managing to escape. Avalore knew there wasn't any place he could be safe from the fiends so he knew there was only one thing he could do. To be safe from the armies of fiends following him, he had to create his own secret place to hide.

As he didn't want to loose any of the luxuries he already had, which wasn't much but he wanted it anyway, he started working on a spell, agreat spell, that would alter the basics of the planes, that would tear up their sizes and wriggle in something totally different. This spell he called Dimensional Fabrication, and would create a new world. After several years of research and fleeing, he managed to finish the spell and cast it. Before him, a hole tore into the fabric of reality, enabling him to step through. He entered a void, an emptyness of nothing, and knew he had failed in his research. But Avalore didn't give up hope, he didn't come this far to give up now! So he started opening portals to the four elemental planes of earth, air, fire and water and started melding these things together, in different variations, mending them, tearing them and forming them into what he thought woul dbe the basics of a normal world. He used great amounts of magic that were felt by many creatures in the nearby planes, they felt their magic temporarily failing them, and wisemen are up to this day still wondering what caused it. After seven days, Avalore knew he had created a world. It was a barren world, with only the basic elements of a starting planet. He was content, for he knew none could follow him here.

Soon, some wary planar travellers found the world Avalore now lived in. And, as fate had it, they found his home, his small castle he build with the help of his earth elemental guardians. Avalore, as gentle as he always was, invited them to his home and discussed with them for many nights. The priestess among the travellers, Demaria, was the one he discussed the most with. The priestess of Birth found this place heretical, for there was no life besides Avalore. Avalore, on the other hand, found his hide-out wasn't as good as he thought, and started working on a new spell. A spell that would make his world unreachable, a planar barrier that would negate all planar travel from and to his world. After many years of research, he succeeded. He asked his new friends, who occasionly dropped in and went on their way a few weeks later, to leave and let him enjoy his last days of life in peace. But they were his friends and refused to leave him alone, so he cast the spell while they were still on his world, knowing that they could never leave again.

Years passed and everybody as content with their lives, Avalore and Demaria fell in love and were married by the rites discribed by the god of Birth, and they had two children. But the harsh landscape proved to deadly for the children. Demaria already knew she had lost her ability to heal beings, for the planar barrier had also made the world invisible to the gods! Avalore died soon after the birth of his children, and it would not be long for the travellers to slowly die of old age. Demaria prayed to her god for 10 days and ten nights, and died of exhaustion the last night. Some say that her sad prayer can still be heard across the world at night. So the world was left barren and dead, having no life at all.

What none knew, was that when Avalore cast his spell, one fiend, Xurths, managed to enter the world now known as Aredia, and was knocked unconsious for several years by the feedback of the spell. For many years he lay there, his body healing itself from the strain of magic that almost destroyed it. When he finally awoke, he remembered the mission his superiours gave him. Xurths roamed the world for several months and found the mansion where Avalore lived. He also found his grave. Disappointed, Xurths tried to leave the world by teleporting back to his homeplane, the Abyss, and he found it was impossible. Infuriated, Xurths trampled throug the mansion, breaking down door after door until he reached the dusty laboratory of Avalore. He started to study the books there, but found nothing. After years of studying he went out, and looked at the three moons that circled the planet. With sheer rage he battered at the barrier, using every spell he found in the books of Avalore, using every inch of power he had, until he fell down, exhausted. Xurths knew now that he was trapped in this place for eternity. He roamed the planet for several years and finally gave up hope. He moved to the mountains and started digging a hole. He filled the hole back up behind him and descended down into the world. Then he cast a spell that would make him sleep until someone or something would awaken him. He knew this would take ages, but he would never experience them.... anything better then waiting an eternity...

Xurths would never know, but his enourmous power and the magick he has unleashed upon the planar barrier didn't just dissipate. It started to alter the world, changing it's features and giving it shape. Life begain to evolve at a great rate. The elves were born, quickly followed by the dwarves and humans. Last came the halflings, orcs and other creatures. And so, Aredia was born, filled with life by the pure magic of a fiend. The world was not evil, as some might think, just a little darker, for the fiends influence on the magic wasn't taken lite.

The Descend of the Gods

soon to be filled...

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