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The Sinner's Prayer

Thanks toHis Messengerfor the pic!

Wanna go to the best place there is? Where you may ask. HEAVEN. Well, the Lord has provided you with an all expense paid trip there after your time on Earth is done. There's only one simple thing you need to do. You must accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Lord and Saviour. You might think this is hard, but I assure you it's very simple. All you do is recite a prayer asking Jesus to forgive you. This is called The Sinner's Prayer. When you recite this, you have accepted Jesus in your life. There is no set prayer for us to pray to be saved. There are several things that should be in your prayer. Acknowledge God as the God of all the universe. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and have fallen short of what God expects of you. Ask God to forgive you of your sins by the grace of His Son, Jesus Christ. Ask God to come into your heart and dwell there. Thank God for coming into your heart even though you are not worthy. Ask God to fogive your sins and tell him that you will turn from your sins and live your life according to his will. Here is an example that you can use:

"God I realize and acknowledge you are the sovereign God of the universe, that there are no other gods before you. I know that I am a sinner and am not worthy of your grace. God I ask that you forgive my sins and come into my heart and life and stay with me always. I thank you for the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ who died on a cross for the forgiveness of my sins. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ my Redeemer. Amen."

After you pray this prayer, it would be a good idea to get a bible or new testament and read the book of John. It will help you in understanding your new life and how you are saved by God's grace. God Bless You.