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 EnglishPower,  the concept.

 This is how it  works:

 top language schools
 information about studying abroad
 educational centers for languages

This site gives information about English Power, a professional Cyber Counseling Service for Education. We help students to get information, chose and register to outstanding language schools, study abroad centers and similar learning institutes. We offer various types of courses, intensive crash courses or longuer studies with campus residences or home stays. Students, travelers and businessmen will find the adequate teachin or immersion programs they are looking for.The guidance service is exclusively available on the Internet .

Cooperation with partners, such as currency exchange banks, insurance companies, travel agencies and other types of companies, makes it possible to offer students a partial scholarship to study languages abroad. English Power provides information about English, Japanese, French, German, Italian and Spanish language schools and study centers. The scholarship is granted on language schools tuition fees after selection, by the student, of a participating sponsor. There are no extra charges or obligation for using the services offered by English Power. Additional benefits, preferential exchange rates, discounts on airfares, and so on, might also be given by some sponsors.

English Power has agreements with language schools, study abroad centers and scholarship sponsors around the World. Many languages, various countries and hundreds of schools are available for language studies or cultural immersion travels abroad.

Information and registration are completely free.

"Just do it by yourself"
powered by EnglishPower

Learning foreign languages is the most powerful tool to communicate and to get in-depth understanding of other people and cultures. Intensive immersion courses in a foreign country, crash courses, family stays of any duration or residential courses are efficient complements to basic language learning at home. Education is an investment for life, speaking various languages is an invaluable edge for careers in a global and competitive world. It is a must for businessmen or travelers. Whilst helping to chose an adequate study program, EnglishPower also provides contact with sponsors willing to grant a partial scholarships on tuition fees.

August 2000
Email: EnglishPower
#763-30 Bangbae-dong
Seoul Korea 137-060

  Site map: More information - Chose a language or a country - Traveling abroad - Hints for visa application - Information about selected countries - English - French - Spanish - Italian - German - Asian languages - Frequent questions