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A true story of sisters (almost) meeting on the internet
I met Racerr thru Email,I liked her at once,I asked her for a pic and some info heres what she sent me
here i am.. all fifty eight years of me...i drive a bus for the district here.. used to work for mountain bell.. have fifteen years with them.. am married to an owner operator.. spent eight years driving our truck from coast to coast.. we pick up lobster in worchester , mass .. and take it to the west coast then pick up produce and take it back to the east coast.. every week.. we go from one coast to the other.. i work nine hours a day and love to garden.. i sent out bunches of flowers at the first of the summer but i will send you some as i get them.. i have three homepages.. and my large one i did with the webtv.. it has fifty one pages but is loaded with java , so ppl with web have a hard time getting around in it..i am a native of wyoming .. i was born in casper and raised in upper wyoming . a town called sheridan.. in the big horn mountains.. i live in cheyenne now.. my grandchildren are now.. five generations of wyomingites.. yeah!!! ha.. i am so happy to introduce myself to you.. as i am sure you have seen alot of my email thru the years.. we have the same friends.. XX juneann

Racerr3 "Juneann"
In the meantime me on thinking it was Racerr3,told her i could not use pic....send to her account at angelfire then send to me......LOL was I surprized when Junebug sent i quickly told her about the new June even sent her the info Racerr3 sent me..Heres Junebugs email= well i'll be....i was born in casper, wyo. also.....left there when i was two... my mom is alway wondering about ppl there.....if they are still there...maybe i'll mail her.....what a coincidence....=I said go for it..heres next email== i was so happy to hear someone else with that name and know that she is from casper also.. thanks for sending her to me.. XXX
Then i got this==
Subject: this is a must read!!!!!  this  is about the most wonderful day i have had in many years... today i found a woman in this united states.. simply by chance.. that carries my name and i carry hers.. this isnt all.......we were both born in casper wyoming.. and we are probably very close to the same age.. Are you ready for this..  sixty years ago.. her mother audrey and my mother june rose .. were best friends in casper.. in high school.. in the twenties..!!!!!!!   when audrey had her daughter .. she named her daughter after her best friend.. which was my mother.. and today thru a web email friend.. we met.. we never knew we were both on this earth..i have a namesake and sister by best friends so many years ago.. what a world.. i will send you more information as i receive it.. your pal.. juneann..

now junes story==
Happy day!!!
Hi everyone....A wonderful thing happened to me today that I would like to share with you all. I hope you can follow it ok.....This morning I got Joni on messenger to tell her to clear her mailbox and we talked for awhile. She was asking for a url to my pic that i knew she already had but whatever, I sent it to her. Immediately i got a reply saying "sorry, I thought you were the new June"..Joni also sent the other June's pic along with a little bio. In it, the other June said she was born in Casper, Wyo...same place that I was born, so I told Joni that I was going to email her. My Mom, 85yrs.old, is always wondering if people she knew are still in Casper, so I thought this June may be able to help. In the first email, I introduced myself and told her why i was writing....She replied right back and said that she knew who I was from lists and was glad to meet me...We both thought that this was neat being from the same town and having the same name....She told me her maiden name and her Mom's family name....I called my Mom to tell her....she said that she knew the Mom's family name and to ask if the Mom's name was June also and if she had 3 brothers...Well sure enough, it was and she did....I was named after my Mom's friend June and they were best friends since 7th grade through high school....My mom has told stories of her and June (the mom) since i can remember...It made chills run through me when we discovered that our Mom's were best friends....June had also heard of Audrie, my Mom....My Mom always said that she and June were complete opposites but the best of friends. What a thrill it was to meet the daughter of the woman I was named for....I feel such a bond with this June and feel like I have found a sister....Her mother is no longer living, but I have a chance to know her through her daughter.. Now the bond will continue from our Mothers through us.....I thank God for this truely wonderful meeting, especially in these sad times....I have a new sister.... Thanks for listening.... I hope all the "Junes" didn't confuse you...I'm so excited!!!

Heres their guest book if you would like to leave the girls a greeting..

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Whooppeeeeee the page got a award...

Thank you ..Jag62

Sept 16,2001

