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Last Updated April 26nd 2005

I have a shitty pop up that covers the picture on the right.
Wait for the picture to load then close the pop up by clicking top right.

Houseboats rocked ass.

New Pictures in,
"Houseboats 2005" and "Zach's graduation partay" folders.

New Song.

Same Art.

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This Update has been a long time coming!

Hello, my name is Adam Klein and this is my humble site. Most of you probably know me and will enjoy the Photos I have on hand. Speaking of which, this site will be used mainly to link pictures that you can view whenever you want.  They will include drunken nights, ravish behavior and uncalled for stupidity.

Oh, and please sign my guest book, I check it irregularly.

Check back for my poem updates as well. 


Wes and I chillin!


Dance Show After Party.. Ashley Wasted!



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Davis, CA 650-743-4582