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Home of the StrayCowboy  


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Heres hoping this form works!


Most recent update:

March 24th, 2006

All though this is not much better, this will at least replace the boring black screen, with a boring blue screen. (Ohhhh, Purty!) As some of you know, I am going to be heading back to Alaska this summer, and I keep getting questions like "Whats it like up there?", and "Are there a lot of animals?", and "Strawberry or Vanilla?". Well, to answer most of these questions, I have come up with this. Kind of a "newsletter" if you will, outlining where I am, what I am doing, ect. My goal here, is to bore you to death with meaningless informat.... err, my goal here is to make it simple for me to get information out, share pictures, and communicate with the outside world. And so, in conclusion, if there is anything you would like to see on here, please let me know. You want a picture, or explination, or description of something let me know. Ask Sheldon, I will get the 3 foot moose shot. (No, not of a 3 foot moose, of a moose 3 feet from me.) Want to see that bear up close? You betcha. All you have to do is ask!

Thanks for stopping by!


New Pictures!