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3-6-21 Shirane Asahi-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa Japan

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you have an over-weight problem that you can't seem to beat? Have you tried diet after diet with no results? Are you too busy to buy special diet foods? Do you want a simple, quick diet that gets you really slim, really fast? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We seek help!! To people of the world. Help Me!! Our town is destruction state now.
3-6-21 Shirane Asahi-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa Japan
Do you have an over-weight problem that you can't seem to beat? Have you tried diet after diet with no results? Are you too busy to buy special diet foods? Do you want a simple, quick diet that gets you really slim, really fast? The Diet is so simple and so fast, you can lose a whole dress size every week. Men can go from size 40 to 38 the first week, to size 36 the second week, to size 34 etc. Women can go from size 16 the first week to size 14 the second week, 12 the next and 10 the next and on down if they wish. On the Diet, you do not use scales to check your weight loss. You won't have to. You will immediately notice that your clothes seem too big. After the second week, they will be falling off you and you will be forced to go out and buy new clothes two sizes smaller. In four weeks, you will have to go out and buy new clothes four sizes smaller. The main problem with most diets is that you either suffer from hunger, get discouraged and quit, or you lose weight so slowly that you get tired of "dieting" and quit. Other problems with diets are all the exotic foods you are required to go out and buy. You have to study the diet each day and run out to the store because each day is different. This becomes too time-consuming for a busy person so you give up. The Diet is so fast that you don't have time to get discouraged and quit. Nor do you suffer from hunger. Nor do you run to the store all the time. You will have higher energy than normal, be constantly full, and you will have excellent nutrition. And, by the way, this is NOT a fad diet that pretends you can get slim eating all the pizza and icecream you wish. The following are letters from our customers: Dear Sir: I was a size 14 and had just started a new job where I had to look nice. I was very busy and had no time to do special shopping so I chose your "Diet". In just one week I had gone to a size 12. In two weeks I was a size 10! Before having two children, I had once been size 10 so I was able to bring out all my old size 10 clothes and wear them again. In fact, this diet was so easy for my busy schedule and it made me feel so strong and energetic, that I just kept on it without thinking. Well, I went down to size 8!! One day, I happened to be standing in front of my boss's desk and he exclaimed. Girl, Mami, are you ever skinny! My husband started to get worried and instead of nagging me to lose weight, he started to hand me fattening foods. I stayed at size 8 after that and had no trouble keeping that weight. Madge C. Dear people: I had been overweight for years and tried every diet possible only to give up. I found diets that promised 2 pounds a week too slow for me. I would get discouraged around Friday because I was starving and weak so I would go off it for a day and binge and gain back in one day the two pounds I was supposed to lose that week. I would then get discouraged and binge the whole weekend. On Monday, I would start again. I would be good all week and keep to the diet, but somehow, on the weekend I would relent and gain back the two pounds! I found that the "two pounds per week diets"too slow and discouraging for me. When I came across your "Diet, I thought, Wow, that is what I need! It is the only diet that worked. I was 230 pounds for years, but after going on your "Diet", I noticed the difference the second day! On the 7th day I was 223 pounds (just like you said) and the 14th day I was 216 pounds. In 1 1/2 months, I was down to 185. I had lost 50 pounds in 50 days. And the best part was that I was a big eater. Your diet REQUIRED me to eat a huge dinner! Around about the 185 mark, I noticed girls who had previously not noticed me started to flirt with me! I now have a girl friend. Thank you!I couldn't have done it without you! Another thing I might mention is that I have spent hundreds of dollars joining weight loss clinics with no satisfaction. Your cost of $39.99 was a very small price to pay for the number of pounds I lost and kept off. You have been extremely fair in my opinion. Very sincerely, Ryan from Windsor ON. This diet even gives you some really great tasting easy recipies to keep your interest high and the calories low. Here is an excerpt from the DIET: "If you love spaghetti, this diet allows you to have it once a week. Have only 1 extra-lean meatball. Parmesan cheese is OK. The only stipulation for this meal is that you make a huge caesar salad and eat it first. You cannot have the spaghetti unless you have the salad first. The reason for this is that you will fill up on the salad and eat less of the spaghetti. Plus the ruffage in the salad speeds the spaghetti through your system before you can absorb the calories. Caesar Salad goes extremely well with spaghetti, so we have included a low-calorie Caesar to make it easy for you. Low-cal Caesar Salad for two: 1 romaine lettuce: (leaves washed and blotted dry with a towel)Juice of 1 or 2 lemons, 1 tablespoon dijonnaise or dijon mustard 1 teaspoon malt vinegar or 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 6 to 10 fat cloves of garlic squeezed through a garlic press 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce cayenne, black pepper and salt. 1 tablespoon olive oil, or 1/2 cup light Hellman's mayonnaise, or any fat-free mayonnaise parmesan cheese croutons (just a few), artificial bacon bits. Pour the dressing over the leaves and toss until all the leaves are coated. Eat immediately. Add the bacon bits and croutons on top of the salad after serving as you don't want them to get wet and soft. This is an extremely good tasting caesar and I guarantee you will be crazy about it! You may substitute the above dressing for a fat-free bought caesar dressing." (but the taste in not comparable) And here is another excerpt: "Do not weigh yourself. You don't go by weight, you go by clothing size. The weight will come off quickly, but it is much better not to concentrate on it. Each week you will go down one size. Be sure to keep your fridge well stocked. Take this diet to the store when you shop." and another excerpt: "If you are a person who loves to eat large quantities of food, this is the diet for you. You are required to eat a huge supper. Get ready to lose!Don't cheat and you will lose one clothing size per week. Keep your fridge full of the following ingredients, washed and ready to use all week. Do not buy any item that is not on this list. If you don't buy it, you can't eat it. Throw away the other items from your fridge for the term of the diet. This diet is unique and different from all other diets in that it has been carefully prepared using the nutritional content of foods as the primary focus. The vitamin and mineral content of each food item has been carefully selected to give THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE VITAMIN CONTENT, BUT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE NUMBER OF CALORIES. The aim has been to go very heavy on foods high in vitamins A, B, and C and especially iron while excluding high carbohydrate and high fat foods which give one "empty calories". The average American diet unfortunately has been the opposite. Extremely high in "empty calories" and intollerably low in high vitamin foods. That is why people feel lazy and sluggish preferring to sit in front of TV. Iron is the mineral that makes you feel strong. Taken in the morning, you will feel stronger all day." The Diet even has directions for restaurant eating. Since ours is a restaurant going society, no diet would be successful without giving directions for eating out. You will find the "eating out" section extremely good and very satisfying for people who like to eat a lot.